Thread: Adding relays
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Old 06-22-2024, 06:48 PM   #19
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Re: Adding relays

Are you all running volt meters instead of factory battery meter? Most of the connections shown in this thread will likely cause the factory wired battery meter to register charging when the shown connections are actually drawing power. A simple check is to have the key in the on position, motor not running. Look at the battery meter on the dash. Note position of needle. It should be on the "D" side of center. If in middle turn on your lights to draw power from battery to confirm meter is working.
Turn on the added accessory. If the needle moves more toward "D" for discharge you are wired correctly. If the needle moves towards center or even into the "C" side of guage than you have not tapped into the oem harness at the correct location rendering the battery meter useless.
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