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Old 09-12-2004, 07:29 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Modesto, CA
Posts: 1,321
[Pic] 5" Front Drop is DONE!! B)

MAN! It's SWEET! FINALLY both front fenders are the same heighth. (Perfectly 28" on each side) I would say I put the coils in wrong, but since both fenders are the same heighth, I musta done it right.
Also, for anyone thinking (coughcoughEriccoughcough) that a 255/55 17 won't work with 5" front drop...You're WRONG!! I still have a CLEAR 1" of space between the tiretop and the fender. (But I DID roll the fenders, just as a precaution)
In the pic of the coils, I have them sitting upside down, so the name is right side up.
Sorry for the horrible picture of the truck..I'll get a better picture 2moro when the lighting is better.
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