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Old 10-11-2004, 07:26 PM   #1
purple gas
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Location: saskatoon, planet earth
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Angry my rant on things electric!

Electicity is like sooo stupid... First everything has to hooked up just right.. one little break in a wire, or one little short and it don't work. everything has to be all hooked up nice, right from the power source throught a stupid switch, any little bad connection and it won't work..then you have to have it grounded,, isn't enough to get the power there,, can't it find it's own damn way back to the battery??? Makes me wish Einstein or Bill Gates or whoever never invented it.. and why do we even need brake/ signal lights anyways,,, stupid laws.. if people payed attention they'd see where we were going,, 1/2 the people don't signal anyways,,,,,,ahhhhhhh,,, I feel better now.. one good thing 'bout electric,, it makes refigeration possible,, which means cold beer,, which makes it all almost tolerable.... almost
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