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Old 10-12-2004, 02:14 PM   #12
blood type; Retumbo
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there is times & situations when current will find its own way back. its called a floating ground or backfeeding. ever have a bad connection on the taillight bulb-socket housing? then before you know it the marker lights come on when you step on the brakes unless you have the turn signals on.
can you tell I love electricity?
its kind of like drinking a 12 pack of your favorite barley pop. what goes in must come out. both transactions must happen freely without restrictions otherwise trouble will follow.
just be happy you dont need to know about Zener doides or what wattage resistor to use for a circuit.
Man rule #77...if you own a 67 stepside with a caddy 472 you will never be in danger of loosing you man card
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