Phil is a local here in Grants Pass. He got baned over a "petty" beef over some monster Bus pictures that the website couldnt support because the site was having problems. He got blasted to the point that he just said WTF. Then Josh pulled his plug. Everyones loss as he knows more about these trucks than most guys here. . The guy still has a garage full of some rather rare stuff. Everyones loss
(Quote from Zoomy)
What was he banned for ? He sent my mirrors back that weren't up to his liking. Anyway, like Class says, it's hard to sell anything here without pix. I even give a money back guarantee plus postage & can't sell. On the other hand, pix don't always show the true condition either. I put $400 down on a truck in Mn. that turned out to be a POS, & didn't buy it. The guy never gave me back my deposit either. He should be banned before Mr. Johnson.......Zoomy
I think he should be contacted and reinstated to the board. It could be a better place for all to have some of the old timers back with correct advice.
Just my opinion

That would be the RIGHT thing to do!