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Old 08-29-2015, 05:33 PM   #1
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Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Granted these are built very well, but every very now and again I see something I wouldn't do, and sometimes it's by GM. For example, as I'm tearing into the cab recently I've found, all for the dash panel:

Glove box door latch plate. Everything is drilled for screws, but no screws. Works anyway. Unless that has to be removed for the glove box liner, and I can't imagine it would, then has to be factory.

Ash tray bracket. The two screws are missing for the top. As for the bottom, one screwed in from the bottom and the other from the top. Could be from a mechanic. The more I see from the guy I was using, the more I see he wasn't who I thought he was.

Emergency Brake. The bolt is missing to mount to dash panel. Could be from a mechanic.

RH A/C vent.. The screws are supposed to black, the bottom two weren't. One of the clip retainers broken. Not too many reasons to take these off. Edit, found a chuck key inside the duct for the RH A/C vent.

Center A/C vent.. One of the nuts is missing. Seems these could just come loose. Of all the pieces, this is the only one that was noticeably loose.

Off topic, shame the duct hoses are so wide. Would make for a much cleaner build if more narrow. I wouldn't think they had to be this wide. Any recommendations for replacements? That's not to say I wouldn't use OEM or replacement OE.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

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Old 08-29-2015, 06:33 PM   #2
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

I can remember some exceptional models of trucks like the 95 model of the fullsize were some of the best made in my [less than] expert opinion[cause I owned them all] rebuilding them. It directly relates to worker happiness I think and for instance in not mistaken 95 was a new year for the vin #2 workers[our neighbors to the north] to have a new labor contract. I also can remember some times when the people weren't as happy and the trucks suffered. You have always heard that you want a Wednesday built truck cause on Monday and Tuesday is for recovery and Thursday and Friday are ramping for the next weekend. I don't think it is that extreme though, but something might be said for a Monday morning or Friday late afternoon truck??? Jim
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Old 08-29-2015, 07:11 PM   #3
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Yep, something to be said. So far what I've found is "it works anyway". That said, this is the most reliable vehicle I've owned. Granted I use this very little now, but over the last 14 years I've had to replace the starter and master cylinder. I haven't even taken a timing light to it in well over a decade.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

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Old 08-29-2015, 07:42 PM   #4
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

a 40 year old truck and you expect it to be factory correct i'll have some of what yer smokin
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Old 08-29-2015, 07:51 PM   #5
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
a 40 year old truck and you expect it to be factory correct i'll have some of what yer smokin

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit
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Old 08-29-2015, 10:32 PM   #6
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
a 40 year old truck and you expect it to be factory correct i'll have some of what yer smokin
x2 LOL
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Old 08-29-2015, 10:53 PM   #7
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

someone's been under the dash. Pretty much all those items are the stuff folks rip out when trying to get to the other stuff, have seen similar on most of the ones I've owned. Don't second guess the General (Motors) He's NEVER take any shortcuts!! Ha. But seriously, sounds like all prev owner stuff to me.
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Old 08-30-2015, 08:42 AM   #8
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

these trucks were built just right and it is still being proven everyday. Nothing needs changed, except for shoddy work done by lax mechanics. You can reduce the size of your heat duct if you think it will work better. All I now is my experience has been the greatest heater and defroster in than anything else I've owned.
"BUILDING A BETTER WAY TO SERVE THE USA"......67/72......"The New Breed"

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Old 08-30-2015, 10:30 AM   #9
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

It sounds to me like someone has been working on your truck at some point....probably installing (troubleshooting?) a different radio/stereo or top speaker etc.
Most of the items you have mentioned are tied to this procedure so a rushed re-assembly job would produce a lot of those results.
Don't sweat it...most are not like that, at least that I've ever seen.
All Good
....for some men, there is experience, skill and effort....for the others...there is visa and UPS LOL
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Old 08-30-2015, 01:28 PM   #10
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

I have a 71 C20. It was ordered by Union Pacific, they used it for 52k miles, friends dad bought it at an auction. HE parked it till 04. It has been working since WITHOUT much attention other then plugs, filters and oil ! GM designed and built one hell of a truck that week.....
71 C-20
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Old 08-30-2015, 03:21 PM   #11
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

I guess no one has seen or heard the documentarys on the CA GM truck plants. Everyone drunk or high, prostitutes, drugs and labor disputes all around. Guys picked up off the streets to fill in for "sick calls" to keep the line moving, upset workers sabotaging hundreds of vehicles due to disputes with some passing through before going to repair lots. Nothing like union labor!

Any retired line workers have any other good stories to share?
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Old 08-30-2015, 08:25 PM   #12
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

The fremont plant in CA was the only plant to produce 67-72 c/k trucks the plant closed in the early 80's and then GM and Toyota reopened the plant on a joint venture , the plant is currently occupied by Tesla.

71 your duct lines must be a certain diameter to carry the airflow correctly
the fan motor and blower cage produce a certain amount of CFM (cubic feet per Minute )

So here is how it works you must fist calculate the area in to cubic feet you are either cooling or heating once you establish that then you can size the correct fan (blower size)

Now you need to move the air throughout the area efficiently this is done with duct work. In our trucks a round flex type duct is used .

but know you have to understand that the size of the duct must be able to support correct air flow something called static pressure is the key ( this is another calculation based on the cfm of the blower you know must convert you cubic feet in to cubic inches in order to establish the correct size ducting .

I am explaining all this because if you plan on changing your ducts to a smaller diameter you will have premature fan failure because you will starve your fan for air and then fan will run hotter and will prematurely burn out

think of it as breathing through a straw all day long............

perhaps your ducts have become dirty or dry rotted and have tiny pin hole leaks .or your fan cage is dirty or broken.
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Old 08-30-2015, 08:58 PM   #13
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Looks like most of the stuff you mentioned was probably done as people worked on the truck over the years.

On the other hand, I bought a 72 Cheyenne new. After a few miles when I was going down a hill with my foot on the brake, if I hit a bump, it sounded like somebody tapping on the frame with a hammer. Turned out to be one of the lower A-arm bushings was made with the center sleeve off center, leaving very little rubber in between the inner and outer sleeve.

I bought a 69 Chevelle SS out of an estate later and it had the same problem. On the outside of the warranty book there was a hand written note "hammering noise in left front suspension". I guess they never found it.
other Larry

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Old 08-30-2015, 09:19 PM   #14
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

The 60's and 70's were not great years for the big three US automakers' quality control. That's one reason the Japanese makers started making such inroads in the 70's.

My truck with factory paint has a lot of paint drips from the factory especially inside the cab. The "Chevrolet" lettering on the tailgate is also poorly painted.
Unrestored 68 C-10 CST. Original 327. 4-Speed CH465. 50k or so miles.

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Old 08-30-2015, 09:52 PM   #15
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Does anybody remember the paint peeling on the deluxe two tone trucks? I was at the car wash, and the paint on the top of the front fenders looked like confetti flying in the air. They fixed it under warranty.
other Larry

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Old 08-30-2015, 10:09 PM   #16
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Two stories-

1. My dad knew a guy who bought a '64 Impala new. It had a clunk in it from day one. Nobody was ever able to find it, until it got hit in a rear quarter panel, and a Coke can was discovered inside that area. Clunk was gone after that repair.

2. We were replacing the carpet in my son's '70 Dart and discovered a brown paper bag with what appeared to be the remains of a sandwich, in, I believe 2011. That means that sandwich was in there before the carpet was installed in 1969-1970. Bet it smelled real good for a few weeks, back then.

I worked for a GMAD back in 1970, and you wouldn't believe the stories. Hookers coming in after the lunch break, when security was too overwhelmed to check all the badges, drugs and theft. Pretty much like real life, I guess.

I wouldn't expect more of many "mechanics" (I call them parts changers- all bets are off for what they do) I have encountered in my lifetime.

'70 Chevy 3/4T Longhorn CST 402/400/3.56 Custom Camper

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Old 08-31-2015, 09:18 AM   #17
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Originally Posted by RedRoad View Post
I guess no one has seen or heard the documentarys on the CA GM truck plants. Everyone drunk or high, prostitutes, drugs and labor disputes all around. Guys picked up off the streets to fill in for "sick calls" to keep the line moving, upset workers sabotaging hundreds of vehicles due to disputes with some passing through before going to repair lots. Nothing like union labor!

Any retired line workers have any other good stories to share?
Yes, but I'm not retired; been plugging away with GM for 37 years in vehicle assembly and product engineering.

You can see my intro thread for a bunch of stories.

Also: Old wive's tales compiled from a bunch of guys about working for GM:

And growing up in a Pontiac racer's family: Dad also worked for GM for 32 years, starting in 1955.

Those should keep you busy for quite a while.

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Old 08-31-2015, 07:20 PM   #18
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Awesome information as usual Keith!

I see no point in even attempting a debate on 67-72 truck quality control. Unless you have a fail safe, day to day documentation of the truck and its entire history from dealership to today, it's way too easy to misrepresent what you are seeing or experiencing.

Can factory workers do dumb and weird stuff? Of course, the ball bearings in some Jaguar chassis placed by a disgruntled employee come to mind.
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Old 08-31-2015, 08:13 PM   #19
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

These were and always have been mass produced trucks, not hand built sports cars and this fact was reflected in the original sales price.

That being said, I doubt I'll ever be able to afford a brand new quad cab 4x4 3/4T truck.. until then my 2005 will have to suffice.
Running in place gets you nowhere fast.
1968 GTO 4-spd covnvertible

1970 K-20 4-speed, factory AC.
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Old 08-31-2015, 10:51 PM   #20
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Originally Posted by RedRoad View Post
I guess no one has seen or heard the documentarys on the CA GM truck plants. Everyone drunk or high, prostitutes, drugs and labor disputes all around. Guys picked up off the streets to fill in for "sick calls" to keep the line moving, upset workers sabotaging hundreds of vehicles due to disputes with some passing through before going to repair lots. Nothing like union labor!

Any retired line workers have any other good stories to share?
Yep and as pointed out, mine was built in Fremont Ca. I had no idea ALL were built in Fremont Ca. Great info......................Again, these are built very well, and mine is no exception. I'm the second owner, have owned this 26 years and I've had to do very little, despite the previous owner using it to tow a 5th wheel (never mind the boat launching hitch welded to the front bumper (bummer)).

On topic (NOT post-factory), I've seen two items for the frame under the bed, which is a leaf spring hanger missing a rivit, and the bed stands for the front don't quite match (you have to be looking for it, and it has no bearing).

All told, it's possible all items in the OP were post-factory. Regardless, shoddy work.

Nice information on the duct lines Jrainman. I hadn't ruled that out. For the record, my ducts were shot a long time ago. At this point they're in a resting place known as the dump. Any suggestions for replacements are welcomed, though you've already detailed "stick with the diameter".

Ha, I COMPLETELY forgotten to mention. I found a chuck key somewhere along the duct for the RH A/C vent. Not much reason to drill in the cab post-production, but a CB was added at some point. There are also 6 mystery screw holes in the panel front of the RH door.

71 Custom Deluxe, SWB, 2WD, 402, A/C.

I developed an assembly guide (kit) for restoring this truck from the ground up, complete with details including full hardware descriptions. Much of the info. applies to all 67-72 GM. My build thread, with some info. about the assembly kit

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Old 09-01-2015, 12:57 AM   #21
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

I don't believe the statement that ''The Fremont plant in CA was the only plant to produce '67 -'72 C/K trucks''... in Post # 12 is true.
While trucks with the "Z" code in their VINs are prolific on the West Coast and the West in general, Fremont wasn't the only plant for trucks.
I have a '68 C/10 Stepside and a '67 K/10 Suburban which came out of Fremont. I also have a '71 GMC Jimmy from St Louis ["S"], and a '72 K/5 parts chassis from ["F"] Flint, MI. I even had a neighbor who had a '68 K/20 from ["T"] Tarrytown, NY.
Let's keep a handle on the misinformation.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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Old 09-01-2015, 07:23 AM   #22
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Originally Posted by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402 View Post
Yep and as pointed out, mine was built in Fremont Ca. I had no idea ALL were built in Fremont Ca. Great info......................
67 - 72 pickup assembly plants attached below.

I have launched product in Flint (where I started), Janesville, Pontiac, St Louis and Oshawa. Plus Ft Wayne, Arlington, Silao, Mishawaka (H2), Hamtramck (Volt) and Wentzville (G van). Plus four GM pre-production shops (Pre Production Operations at the Tech Center, Chevy Central Office, the truck Validation Center in Pontiac, and my current offsite location).

During one of the C/K launches we had to bring 7 assembly plants on line at (roughly) the same time. Each plant certainly has it's own "personality".

I don't believe Norwood is correct, as they were F car only.


(graphic courtesy of Bruceman1968's VIN decoders)
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Old 09-01-2015, 07:39 AM   #23
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Norwood is definitely NOT correct
When I did that decoder I wasn't sure about Norwood, so I just left it in. I have since discovered that it wasn't in play in 1967 and after, for Chevy/GMC trucks. In 67 Norwood was building Camaros and Firebirds.(F body as stated) The other 9 are well documented.

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Old 09-01-2015, 07:55 AM   #24
Keith Seymore
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Originally Posted by Keith Seymore View Post
I have launched product in Flint (where I started), Janesville, Pontiac, St Louis and Oshawa. Plus Ft Wayne, Arlington, Silao, Mishawaka (H2), Hamtramck (Volt) and Wentzville (G van). Plus four GM pre-production shops (Pre Production Operations at the Tech Center, Chevy Central Office, the truck Validation Center, and my current offsite location).
I just noticed, of these lists:

1/3 of the assembly plants no longer exist (Janesville, Pontiac, St Louis and Mishawaka)

1/2 of the pre production shops no longer exist (the Validation Center and Chevy Central office have both been torn down).

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Old 09-01-2015, 09:46 AM   #25
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Re: Shoddy work, maybe by GM

Originally Posted by cdowns View Post
a 40 year old truck and you expect it to be factory correct i'll have some of what yer smokin
Originally Posted by 71CHEVYSHORTBED402 View Post
I would request a warranty inspection! That is insane, all hardware should be perfect with a truck this new!


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