Okay, today, I finally got some time to go out and work on the truck for a little while this morning. So I go out and check out the powersteering pump that was giving me problems. We replaced it about a month ago, and the truck hasn't really moved, but a few trips (3) into town. Well, on the last trip, I let the truck cool off outside. When I went to pull it in, the powersteering pump started to whine again. So today I went out and drained some of the fluid out again, and checked the return line for fuid returning to the pump. Well, fluid started to pump out when I had it disconnected. So I put everything back together and decided to start her up.... Well.....no whine!!! Until....I drive it down the highway about a mile, and pull over check it and she's starting to whine a little then when I get home....it's a little louder. Does anyone have a possible reason for this? I've had this question on here once before, and someone said to check the lines, but since fluid pumped out I figured that the lines were ok. So I'm lost on what to do. This might be a stupid question, but what color is powersteering fluid? What I bought at the store was clear, and what's in the system turns red as it cycles. If there ATF in the steering box? Thanks in advance guys!