Need some Help about Suburban/Blazer Doors
We have had the manufacturer of the pickup doors to make the Suburban upper door arch pillars and I am now sending them 2 complete L&R Suburban doors so that they can create a fixture jig so that they can be sure when installing the pillar in to the lower portion of the door that they are 100% exact. So within a month we can supply upper door pillars for anyone wanting to use a pickup new door to make a Suburban/Panel door, and somewhere around the beginning of the year we will have new complete Suburban/Panel door shells.
I NEED a L&R Blazer door now so we can have the same doors made for the Blazer. These doors need to have the window & vent assemblies still installed in them but the door skin and bottoms of the doors do not need to be perfect only the top half of the door from about 1/2 way up the outer door skin. Extra mirror holes and such do not matter. What does matter is that the front pillar on door not be racked or twisted and they should have inner door parts still present. I prefer to source these from the east coast or central USA. If anyone can help in providing these please contact me as soon as possible.
We alsonow have the 71-72 front parking light lenses for the Chevy being produced and should have these available for sale within the next month or two. Thanks for everyones help in this!!!!