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Old 07-29-2009, 04:50 PM   #1
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Pep Boys rant

So, my 1.5 year old AC Delco top of the line battery that I paid $110 for won't hold a charge. I go to Pep Boys to exchange it and they say they discontinued selling all AC Delco batteries and don't know how to do a "battery adjustment" on a discontinued battery. It takes them 30 minutes to decide they are going to give me a Valuecraft cheapo battery. I tell them I paid $110 for this AC Delco and need to exchange it for the best battery they carry, plus cash if the new battery ends up being cheaper than my old AC Delco. After another 30 minutes they figure out how to give me a new Bosch battery (best they have apparently) and the $26 difference in price in cash. These kids they hire at Pep Boys need some extra training or something because they were stumped as to how to handle this situation for close to an hour. I'm happy I got a new battery and $26 in cash, but I really had to work for it.

Last edited by mclairmo; 07-29-2009 at 04:50 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 04:58 PM   #2
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Re: Pep Boys rant

in the future, I would suggest this. Go to and look for an independent auto repair shop that is an ACDELCO TSS SHOP. Bring all of your information with you, and they ( I ) can contact my delco supplier, get a battery to replace yours, CHECK IT PROPERLY, and YOU get the privilege of speaking to a real car guy that to quote a FORD friend of mine " gets it " . I know the mas merhandisers are trying to make a living, but dang, They know how to sell, but cannot help with the service after the sale, or with much technical competence thru the sale.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:14 PM   #3
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Re: Pep Boys rant

I've been DONE with Pecker Brothers for probably 8 years or so. They don't know sh** from shinola. In addition to hiring mental PIGMIES, the whole dang store is full of CRAP for little 4 wheel Odyssey/sand rails, etc... The one in Burbank close to me has about 30% of the store dedicated to AUTO PARTS! And try to get help finding something?? FORGET IT!

Oh!!! It gets better! Go up to the counter and ask for an intake gasket for a 350 Chevy. The questions to follow are GUARANTEED to be:

"What year?" ok, maybe justified.
"Power steering? Power brakes?"
"Is that the V-6?"
"Long bed or extended cab?

Hence the reason I've given up on them!!
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:20 PM   #4
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Re: Pep Boys rant

I can understand them not knowing anything about my particular vehicle since it is old and there are thousands of different cars and trucks out there but to not be able to process a simple battery exchange in under an hour is just plain gross. The poor kid helping me asked several others for help and they all said they did not know how to process a "battery adjustment". Thanks cparman, I will take your advice.
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:31 PM   #5
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Also, their computers (and typically their very small brains) only date back to about 1979 or so... Anything beyond that, to them is a "specialty vehicle" and they don't bother with 'em!! Yeah, NOBODY has classic vehicles anymore... Why bother servicing them?!

Also, on the same note, Kragen (Checker, etc) 3 blocks away from Pep Boys, can pull up anything for our trucks and HAND IT TO YOU with very little hassle if any! Even the chicks working there have a clue!
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:45 PM   #6
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Re: Pep Boys rant

feel better with the rant? I always do, but now you have to apologize to the kids trying to make some money (not much either) some pretty rough name calling, remember they didn't develope the copmuter program that they have to use. If they can't fill out the required field in the program, they can't go any further to the "computerized" cash till. I feel your pain trying to get parts, sometimes it's hard to find a replacement part to a 37 year old truck from a 18 year old kid.(that would make their birth date 1991). I for one will talk to a 18 year who's trying as opposed to 45 year old who doesn't give a s*#t about your battery refund. JMO
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Old 07-29-2009, 05:58 PM   #7
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Re: Pep Boys rant

I hear you IAFF2407 which is why I was careful not to use any disparaging language. I realize they are just doing their job. It's really Pep Boy's fault for not training better or hiring older more knowledgeable staff. However, it is becoming increasingly more difficult to find any local parts shops with experienced counter help. All the ones I remember as a kid/teenager have long since closed up. I am forced to resort to Pep Boys/Autozone/Kragen/Napa/Carquest or turn to mail order.
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Old 07-29-2009, 06:47 PM   #8
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Re: Pep Boys rant

LOL. I hear you. I gave up on Autozone after I went to buy some new spark plugs and instead of telling what brand or type, I was told we have some for this amount. Yeah Im on a budget but tell me a brand name first not the price.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:16 PM   #9
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Atlesst they made it good.
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Old 07-29-2009, 07:20 PM   #10
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Re: Pep Boys rant

I dont have a problem with someone that does not know but is really trying, however I do have a problem with stupidity.....
Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please!!!!!.

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Old 07-29-2009, 07:59 PM   #11
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Re: Pep Boys rant

A while back I experienced a miracle,appairently.I walked in,asked for rotors,pads,and seals for a`71 Chevy C/20,and after a few qwuestions on the truck walked out with what I needed.I don`t expect much from these stores and I was impressed.
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:19 PM   #12
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Re: Pep Boys rant

for about half of us ( I think) We can remember when our dad's told us to go see Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith owned the local auto parts store. Our Dad's told us he would help us with the right parts. Well Mr. smith is long gone, and the mass merchandiser is in the hood. I remember when Joe Pugh was my Mr. Smith, and My Dad was his best customer. My dad ran a tire store/repair shop back in the day. I think back to when you could be a regular at the local auto parts store, and be 16 yrs old. Mr Smith knew you did not have all of the money you needed, but he knew your dad. He also knew you would do the right thing. Back in the day
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Old 07-29-2009, 08:30 PM   #13
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Can't expect much from kids making minimum wage. At least they admitted that they didn't know what they were doing instead of trying to buffalo you in to getting the short end of the stick.
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:06 PM   #14
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Originally Posted by cparman View Post
for about half of us ( I think) We can remember when our dad's told us to go see Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith owned the local auto parts store. Our Dad's told us he would help us with the right parts. Well Mr. smith is long gone, and the mass merchandiser is in the hood. I remember when Joe Pugh was my Mr. Smith, and My Dad was his best customer. My dad ran a tire store/repair shop back in the day. I think back to when you could be a regular at the local auto parts store, and be 16 yrs old. Mr Smith knew you did not have all of the money you needed, but he knew your dad. He also knew you would do the right thing. Back in the day
I have a "Mr. Smith" near me,but his name is Mr.Thompson.He owns Thompson's Auto Supply and they've been in business for over 40 years.Everyone who works for him know's what thier talking about.They also rareley have to order parts.The two local Napa's are really good too.I've never been inside of an Autozone,Pep Boys or Advanced Auto even though thier popping up everywhere.
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:26 PM   #15
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Unhappy Re: Pep Boys rant

Well I for one can understand your frustration, but when parts stores do not want to pay experienced help, then that only leaves the High School kids or just out of High School kids with little to no knowledge of older cars. But I on the other hand am one of those guys behind the counter, and get really tired of smart a$$ed customers that don't have a clue as to what Year, Size Engine, or even What Kind of car the Moron is even driving!!! Then you have some who ask for that intake gasket for a 350, then I ask what year and get the response it doesn't matter their all the same, or ask for a spark plug for a lawn mower and say it doesn't matter they are all the same,ok whatever but I hate to tell you they are not all the same if they were then why do they have so many different ones!!! I agree some of the questions that the computer ask are really stupid like if you are looking up a sensor of some sort it will ask you if the bed is a stepside or fleetside what in the he!! does that matter? Or if you are looking for a Transfer Case motor it will ask if the truck is 4 wheel drive or 2 wheel drive, I haven't seen many 2wd's with a Transfer Case!! And another one is when it asks what size engine you tell it 454 then it will if it's gas or diesel!!! So as a parts guy that has been doing this for years you learn what to ask and what not to, unlike the fresh out of High School help, trust me I know because I have to work with these guys everyday because management has ran off all of the old and experienced help and this is all they can find for what they want to pay!!!
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:38 PM   #16
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Re: Pep Boys rant

i thought pep boys went out of buisness... havent seen one for a few years.
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:38 PM   #17
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Re: Pep Boys rant

People griped about parts stores before computers as well...

How we'd like to remember em...

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Old 07-29-2009, 09:42 PM   #18
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Re: Pep Boys rant

We got a couple of "Mr. Smith" type stores in this burg that I live in.
And you've probably read me raving on both of them in the past.

One is the local, Mom & Pop owned CarQuest, and the other is the NAPA store that has had the same counter folks literally for years.

F'rinstance (now I'll admit isn't nearly as complicated as a battery adjustment) but I dropped into the NAPA store, only because it's about 1 mile closer to my house than the CarQuest & I was in a bit of a hurry; more on that in a second!
I walked in & the counter guy asked, "Can I help you?"
Me: Yep. Need a 160* thermostat for a small block Chevy.
CG: Need a gasket too?"
Me: Yep.

He turned and walked away, back somewhere into the bowels of the store. Less than 60 seconds later my parts were sitting on the counter. No find it on the computer, no looking stuff up in catalogs. The kid knew exactly what I needed & where it was.

I was out of that store in less than 3 minutes.

As for the CarQuest, I go in and say I need this for my Chevy, or that for my GMC and the questioning is usually along the line of, "When are you going to get that Chrysler running?"

For batteries, I usually go to Costco. No hassles there. But, my cousin's kid is the tire shop manager, which may help me a little bit.

Now, as for being in a hurry at the CarQuest, and I'm telling you folks "HEED MY ADVICE!"
If you ever have Andy &/or Mike (LHM, or fine69) visiting; DO NOT TAKE THEM TO A PARTS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

When they were here back last Dec., it took us an 1 1/2 hrs., or more, just to buy an alternator belt. Them 2 guys never shut up! All they do is B.S., B.S., B.S!
Then when Mike was here earlier this month, I made the mistake of taking him to the CarQuest because I needed a couple things for my Chevy. Probably took us another hour to get out. And the dang pats were just there on the shelf!!!

I apologize for going off topic, but I felt the obligation to warn my "truck brothers & sisters" about these 2 nefarious rogues.

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Last edited by El Jay; 07-29-2009 at 09:43 PM. Reason: spelling & grammar
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Old 07-29-2009, 09:45 PM   #19
fastwillie 696969
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Re: Pep Boys rant

stab them in the neck with a bic pen
is it fast ? it has a lighting bolt donut?

B___H please, I can remove 90% of your so called "beauty" with a kleenex
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:12 PM   #20
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Originally Posted by BLACK AND BLUE 67-72 View Post
Well I for one can understand your frustration, but when parts stores do not want to pay experienced help, then that only leaves the High School kids or just out of High School kids with little to no knowledge of older cars. But I on the other hand am one of those guys behind the counter, and get really tired of smart a$$ed customers that don't have a clue as to what Year, Size Engine, or even What Kind of car the Moron is even driving!!! Then you have some who ask for that intake gasket for a 350, then I ask what year and get the response it doesn't matter their all the same, or ask for a spark plug for a lawn mower and say it doesn't matter they are all the same,ok whatever but I hate to tell you they are not all the same if they were then why do they have so many different ones!!! I agree some of the questions that the computer ask are really stupid like if you are looking up a sensor of some sort it will ask you if the bed is a stepside or fleetside what in the he!! does that matter? Or if you are looking for a Transfer Case motor it will ask if the truck is 4 wheel drive or 2 wheel drive, I haven't seen many 2wd's with a Transfer Case!! And another one is when it asks what size engine you tell it 454 then it will if it's gas or diesel!!! So as a parts guy that has been doing this for years you learn what to ask and what not to, unlike the fresh out of High School help, trust me I know because I have to work with these guys everyday because management has ran off all of the old and experienced help and this is all they can find for what they want to pay!!!
I agree 100%!

Step around to the other side of the counter, your comments will probably change quickly after you have dealt with the stupid computer software most stores have. Its pretty obvious that it wasnt designed by a car friendly person.

Here's something to remember on your next trip to get parts.

Most systems first want to know what sort of part you need, not you blurting out all the vehicle info you can remember at 100mph. Then, it needs to know...year, make, model & a few other stupid details before it even gives you a list of parts that are sometimes in a different area of the e-book & you get to start all over again. Its a LIST of numbers, not pretty pictures that everyone thinks it is. We might not know exactly what it even looks like, remember its your car not ours. The customer is usaully talking the whole time about things that have nothing to do with what they are even after & can get very distracting, especially to a young kid that hasnt worked on many cars.

I got through to one of my customers the other day. He called wanting to know price & availability of a couple parts. I answer the phone & get this guy rattling off as much info, just as fast as he can (probably so he doesnt forget what he is working on) & hasnt even told me who he is yet. I need to know this to get an invoice started so I can get "his" price. I can hear him groan when I dont have the prices instantly(remember, he is better than me because Im a stupid parts guy). When I get to the info I need, I read it off to him at the same speed he did to me... He says "Geez, slow down, I can only write so fast"! I laughed & told him that I would say the same thing the next time he gives out vehicle info. He's no problem anymore. See, us stupid parts guys can rant with the best of them...
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:16 PM   #21
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Re: Pep Boys rant

I think I remember LHM posting pics of that parts house. It looks like a neat place, of which there aren't many left.
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:18 PM   #22
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Originally Posted by El Jay View Post
We got a couple of "Mr. Smith" type stores in this burg that I live in.
And you've probably read me raving on both of them in the past.

One is the local, Mom & Pop owned CarQuest, and the other is the NAPA store that has had the same counter folks literally for years.

F'rinstance (now I'll admit isn't nearly as complicated as a battery adjustment) but I dropped into the NAPA store, only because it's about 1 mile closer to my house than the CarQuest & I was in a bit of a hurry; more on that in a second!
I walked in & the counter guy asked, "Can I help you?"
Me: Yep. Need a 160* thermostat for a small block Chevy.
CG: Need a gasket too?"
Me: Yep.

He turned and walked away, back somewhere into the bowels of the store. Less than 60 seconds later my parts were sitting on the counter. No find it on the computer, no looking stuff up in catalogs. The kid knew exactly what I needed & where it was.

I was out of that store in less than 3 minutes.

As for the CarQuest, I go in and say I need this for my Chevy, or that for my GMC and the questioning is usually along the line of, "When are you going to get that Chrysler running?"

For batteries, I usually go to Costco. No hassles there. But, my cousin's kid is the tire shop manager, which may help me a little bit.

Now, as for being in a hurry at the CarQuest, and I'm telling you folks "HEED MY ADVICE!"
If you ever have Andy &/or Mike (LHM, or fine69) visiting; DO NOT TAKE THEM TO A PARTS HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

When they were here back last Dec., it took us an 1 1/2 hrs., or more, just to buy an alternator belt. Them 2 guys never shut up! All they do is B.S., B.S., B.S!
Then when Mike was here earlier this month, I made the mistake of taking him to the CarQuest because I needed a couple things for my Chevy. Probably took us another hour to get out. And the dang pats were just there on the shelf!!!

I apologize for going off topic, but I felt the obligation to warn my "truck brothers & sisters" about these 2 nefarious rogues.

You are exactly the type of customer I never have a problem with. The old stuff is easy, dealt with it most of my life. Walk to the shelf & grab it. The new crap is, well...crap!
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:21 PM   #23
El Jay
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Re: Pep Boys rant

That would be it.
Good memory on your part.
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"Ah women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." Friedrich Nietzsche

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Last edited by El Jay; 07-29-2009 at 10:25 PM.
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:28 PM   #24
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Originally Posted by corn View Post
You are exactly the type of customer I never have a problem with. The old stuff is easy, dealt with it most of my life. Walk to the shelf & grab it. The new crap is, well...crap!
If things are slow, & there ain't no customers around, I've been known to hang out at CarQuest & B.S. with Walt & Yvette when buying parts.
But.....I'll never admit it to Andy or Mike.
It'll just be our little secret.
'69 Chevy 1/2 T LWB Stepper: Daily Beater
'72 GMC 3/4 T Fleet: Another Daily Beater
'72 Plymouth Gran Coupe: ?

"Ah women. They make the highs higher and the lows more frequent." Friedrich Nietzsche

"Never kick a fresh turd on a hot day." Harry S. Truman

GUN CONTROL: Never having to say, "I missed you."

Always fire two warning shots into your attacker's chest area before putting a bullet between his eyes. Paraphrased from Louis Awerbuck
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Old 07-29-2009, 10:50 PM   #25
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Re: Pep Boys rant

Hmmm all this is just too fresh for me these days... Try walking up to any of those parts counters, parts guy either 18 or 50 and tell them you need break hardware for a 1968 K20 Suburban!

I heard replies like...

They made Suburbans in 1968?
K20? what's that?
Eaton? What's that?
Dana 44 closed knuckle drum brake... What's that?
<Blank look> "Say what"?
I've heard of Eaton, they are garbage... yank it out and put in a...

I've found out that you can get just about anything for a 1/2 ton coil sprung 2 wheel drive though...

Napa has been able to come through for me on half of the parts, I just learned that I need to bypass the general parts counter and go straight to the comercial parts counter. They at least dig out the books and start diggin, look em up on the puter and have found them in other stores. Which require a day or two of waiting.
Another thing about Napa I learned that what helps the process, is to get onto their web site and look up your parts. If they have them, get the part numbers and have them ready when you walk up. Saves on you having to splain what you have, and gets the counter guy going in the right direction quicker.

Oh well, it's the price one has to pay to run the old heavy iron these days goin forward I guess.
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Last edited by vectorit; 07-29-2009 at 10:52 PM.
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