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Old 04-13-2004, 03:23 AM   #1
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Angry Someone ran into my truck!

I'm ANGRY. Someone ran into my truck while it was parked today, and then obviously took off. There's a HUGE dent in the driver's side of the bed behind the door. It's big enough for evidence of paint smear, so somewhere there's a dark blue-green metalic SUV with pale yellow paint on it from my truck. The dent is about the size of a basketball.

Yes, my truck needs body work anyway, and yes it's not a pretty truck like some of the trucks on this board, but some coward ran into my truck, probably figured it didn't matter because it was a "junker", and took off.

I ruled out where it was parked in front of my house (no paint flakes on the concrete), and where I parked it at the grocery store. That leaves the parking space downtown Seattle. I'm going to go look tomorrow to see if I see any evidence.....

Man, I'm mad. I can't believe anyone would be that cowardly to disrespect someone elses property like that.
'69 3/4 ton C20 2wd-350ci/TH400
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Old 04-13-2004, 03:58 AM   #2
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i'll help you castrate that SOB .... that makes me mad \

i can't stand the morals of some people nowadays
I mean ...take responsiblity for your own actions ....... aaarrrggghhhh

i would be irate if someone did that to my truck

how everything turns out well

71 C10 LWB
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Yes beer means many things to me that's all for now cus I gotta pee.
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Old 04-13-2004, 04:30 AM   #3
Out of the carpool lane.
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Years ago some sh^thead keyed both sides of my Camaro...all the way down the sides! I'm still angry about that and vividly remember the afternoon I found out about it.

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Old 04-13-2004, 09:07 AM   #4
Blue Beard
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Sorry to hear that.....

Did it get the back of the cab....?

Hope you find out something on it.....might get lucky and find someone who saw it happen, know it's a long shot but you never know..
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Old 04-13-2004, 09:55 AM   #5
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yeah that pretty well sucks!!
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Old 04-13-2004, 10:41 AM   #6
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Cory, it's probably someone that parks in that area of Seattle everyday, just like you. But if that person doesn't care about your vehicle, they probably don't care enough about their own to get it fixed either. You may find the bastard, but doubtful you'll get them to 'fess up and pay up.

The first weekend I had my Nissan, somebody caved the passenger door while I was parked at a restaurant.

good luck in your sleuthing.

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Old 04-13-2004, 10:42 AM   #7
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No, they didn't get the cab, but they seriously messed up my bedside. I don't know if the dent can be pulled out and fixed. The bedsides on this truck were pretty straight when I bought it...

My wife wanted me to file a police report, but I know it won't amount to $500 damage. It's the principle. I just don't know how a person could slink off in good conscience...
'69 3/4 ton C20 2wd-350ci/TH400
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Old 04-13-2004, 11:58 AM   #8
More Cowbell....
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Something similar happened to me back in '95. I had just finished the body work on my short/wide '69 C-10. It was lowered with a little rake to it, s/b 350/350 auto with a shift kit that let bystanders know when it shifted into 2nd, etc.... Anyway, I had the thing primed a light green, as close to the actual color that was going to be sprayed as possible. I was so proud, I decided to drive it to my office and show it off to the guys. We shared a parking lot with a security company...the ones that patrol neighborhoods and such. Well while I was inside, one of these "no driving" rent-a-cops backed his caprice classic patrol car into my truck, just about the same spot you mentioned in your description. Not as much damage, but like you say, it's the principle of the matter. The next morning, I get there early, and sure enough, I find the green paint transfer (like an episode of CSI). He has brand new chrome baby moon hubcaps on his patrol car....BRAND NEW. Using the heal if my boot, I beat the living hell out of those things. Looked like horizontal hail damage. The guy came to work and was he ever pissed. Ranting and raving about how much those things cost, never thinking about how much primer and labor cost, plus having to repair HIS stupidity. Oh well, I never drove it back to the office. I slept just fine that night, too.
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Old 04-13-2004, 01:47 PM   #9
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Originally posted by COBALT

My wife wanted me to file a police report, but I know it won't amount to $500 damage. It's the principle. I just don't know how a person could slink off in good conscience... [/B]

it doesnt matter how much damage was done, go ahead and let the cops know, they might find the guy, never know. the only way ive heard of the police not being involved for under 500$ damage is when both partys are willing to deal with it without the police
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Old 04-13-2004, 02:03 PM   #10
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Sorry to hear your truck got damaged. I had mine hit (pass side box rear) hard and the guy took off. It must of been a lifted white 4 X 4 as the paint indicated, and man was I upset to see my truck dented in and the side marker and taillight lens in little pieces on the ground. I kepted my eyes open for the next month or so (as this happened in a fairly small town) and looked at every white truck in town, but no luck. Regards Doug
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Old 04-13-2004, 02:29 PM   #11
Wiseass secured himself a BAN
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SORRY SOB"S hit your truck. I wonder why they hit the bed? Make sure you have a camera with you when you go hunting.
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Old 04-13-2004, 02:59 PM   #12
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It's a needle in a haystack. Parking downtown Seattle - there's about a million dark blue-green metalic vehicles - even SUV's.

The parking space I parked in yesterday has no evidence of paint chips from my truck. I looked around at cars parked there and on other floors with no results. There's scratches and dents on a lot of cars, but nothing that matches the dent in the bedside. The parking garage doesn't have a camera up on the roof where I parked either.

Either the truck was hit and the paint chips blew away, or the truck was hit somewhere else and I didn't notice until yesterday afternoon, which is highly unlikely.

I can't really report it if I didn't know where I was hit. I think I'm SOL.
'69 3/4 ton C20 2wd-350ci/TH400
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Old 04-13-2004, 03:15 PM   #13
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Fill out the report with the police! If (some how, buy chance) they catch the guy/gal, they will loose their license. I assume that you only have liability insurance on the truck, right? You may see if you are still covered under hit & run. Someone hit my daily driver (honda) a few years back and the hit & run/uninsured motorist insurance had no deductable! That was good because it was over $3000 worth of damage. The insurance company wanted the police report number.
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Old 04-13-2004, 03:32 PM   #14
go cyclones
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Some one ran into my stratus while it was parked on the street sunday. They total the bumper, crushed the trunk and crumpled some of the frame. Luckily people saw him and he left his information.


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Old 04-13-2004, 05:28 PM   #15
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wow!!! you all have some very nerve thrashing stories! If someone had done something to my truck, yeah, I think I WOULD seriously start thinking about blowing them up. we all have worked to hard to have someone do something to our trucks/vehicles for some numbnuts to do something like that. you all know about the ammonia trick. well what you do is take a ping pong ball drill a small hole in it, pour amonia in it. cover the hole, then drop the ball in someones gass tank. ammonia is a very volital substance. and it also eats through plastic eventually. once the ammonia goes through the ball and enters the fuel lines, it is over. it goes into the engine then makes a bomb out of the engine. Just to pass the thoughts of an evil pyhro.
~Christopher L. Orr
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Old 04-13-2004, 06:00 PM   #16
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Just so you know, the amount of damage is not a factor in reporting this type of incident to police. This would be considered criminal Hit & Run. I work for a nearby police department (not Seattle), and would recommend you report it. Seattle PD may not have the resources to do anything, but reporting only takes a few minutes and you may be able to do it over the phone.
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