Update on motor rebuild....
Well I called the guy today and went over there (no camra sorry) and saw what was going on.. it looks like my crankshaft was being balanced on one of those machines (did you know the base of those things are made of concrete?? it is supposed to reduce vibrations or somthing like that) I seen the manifold (B-E-A-UTIFUL looking) and Carburator (B-E-A-UTIFUL looking) I don't have the numbers yet but I'll get them as soon as I can... anyway most of the block looked done. It only took him 2 weeks to get that far, and 2,000++ dollars.... but I guess that time is a good insurance against errors made or so I think and hope... well thats all here, I'll try to get some pic's ASAP...
1985 Chevrolet C-30 454 1-TON Dooley
Good memories
1999 Chevrolet Z71 Ext. cab 5.7L
Good Memories
With a quart of oil, and a gallon of gas, she won't let no other car pass!!!.