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Old 11-28-2008, 07:21 PM   #1
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Sat too long and now won't start

My dad and I restored a 55 1st series GMC pickup a few years back. One that my grandpa owned when I was a kid.

It doesn't have the original motor straight 6, but one from a chevy of unknown year.

Anyway my dad let it sit this past winter and never started it up and now it won't start. I haven't personally gone down to his place to check it out and see what is going on, but I'm guessing the old fuel has caused some problems.

It was last started almost one year ago today.

I'm going to go down there and fix it up for him, but I want to make sure that I have all the necessary parts before I head down.

What I was wondering is if there are any parts that are likely now bad in the fuel system? Or would just cleaning out the fuel tank, lines, and carb likely fix the problems? Does the fuel pump go bad if it has bad gas or can I clean it up?

I ask because I only have a few days when I'm there and don't have time to be running around searching for parts. If you were going to do a fuel system service what steps would you take to make sure that this doesn't happen again?

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Old 11-28-2008, 08:22 PM   #2
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Re: Sat too long and now won't start

Well where to start, with todays fuel it seems that after 6 months of sitting it deteriorates realy bad and gums up (varnish) the fuel filters clog, the jets in the carb usually get it the worst as they sit close to the bottom of the carb, and that is where the sediment goes, the first thing i would do is take the carb apart and clean and put a new filter on and and some new gas in it, oh and check the tank as they rust really bad, if you are gonna let something sit for a while the tank should be filled right full that way condensation can not form and create rust, hoe this help you out some.
Later James
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Old 11-28-2008, 11:07 PM   #3
Gene Sharp
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Re: Sat too long and now won't start

I would take new spark plugs and change them
as the bad gas can coat plugs and make them useless
Also next time add some Stabill to the gas to help keep it from going bad

Gene Sharp
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Old 11-29-2008, 06:14 PM   #4
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Re: Sat too long and now won't start

Depending on how cold the winter was better take a look at the block while your on it. And I would be hard pressed to point a finger at fuel so fast. yeah its a year... not that big of a deal, everyone wants gas to be new, but I have a 1982 Honda generator that I put fuel in for Katrina, and it started up fine this year, 3 years later, My first question would be if the Distributor was electronic or points, if its an older points system adjust the points and go drive.
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