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Old 08-05-2014, 12:19 AM   #1
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Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

A lot of people will hate me for this but I have been on several forums on all different kinds of stuff. I have bit my tongue for a long time about this and can't just not say anything. What I have seen is anytime something gets to be desirable there is some person out there wanting to make a quick buck reproducing it. I see all of this stuff being reproduced and being attempted to be sold for ridiculous prices.(Obviously people are paying it or there wouldn't keep being more made) There is a lot of ORIGINAL Hickey stuff out there and I just don't see the point of the aftermarket stuff. In a very short amount of time I have come up with a TON of original Hickey stuff all for very reasonable prices. In the last 6-7 months I have came up with several axle trusses, 3 diff covers, folding pedals, front skid plates, sidewinder winch, Hickey rear sway bar, 3 front grill guards, dual shock mounts and more. I think there is a lot more of it out there than people think. Keep in mind, Hickey sold these parts for a lot of years. What this means is a ton of it was produced. What it comes down to is these reproduction parts are NOT HICKEY items. Just copies. Most of this reproduction stuff is priced higher than you can buy original Hickey stuff for. People don't seem to realize that a modern reproduction is never worth that of an original. There IS a place for reproduction items, as there are many items that just didn't survive time due to weather conditions or abuse . These 4x4 parts were very well built and did stand the test of time. Spend a little time looking around for originals. It will save you some money and you will have the piece of mind knowing you have an original.
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Old 08-05-2014, 05:57 AM   #2
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

You're entitled to your opinion but mine is that he is doing many of us a major favor. Finding the originals requires scouring swap meets, EBay, Craigslist and other venues, a time investment I and others can't or won't make. When originals come up it costs nearly as much to ship them as it does to buy them, and if you aren't the first person to see the ad then you don't get the chance to buy them anyway. Erik's repros are of high quality and don't arrive needing extra-cost refinishing to make them usable. Hickey, both the man and the company, has been dead and gone for a long time so it's not like the repros are stealing bread from someone's mouth. I have some original HE stuff on my truck and am glad to have it, but I think Erik is performing a real public service for the rest of us. And all of the HE stuff, original or not, is just so awesomely cool!
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Old 08-05-2014, 11:20 AM   #3
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

It is fine that they are good quality reproductions. It doesn't change the fact that they aren't original. I don't feel they are appropriately marked to differentiate them from originals. Even on Ebay they are listed as Hickey items and they are not. What is to stop some unscrupulous reseller to buy these and then list them as NOS to an uninformed buyer? 15 years or so down the road when Erik's parts start to hit the second hand market what is to stop them from selling for as much as the original items? You would have to be a Hickey expert to be able to tell the difference and most of us are not.
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1972 Cheyenne Super Short Bed big block "Blackie"
1977 Crew Cab GMC Short bed with 4BT Intercooled Cummins Diesel and a 4L80e "The Junkyard Dog"
1985 Crew Cab Chevy dually with 5.9 Cummins "The Big Dog" This is what my dad liked to be called by the grandkids before he passed so it seems fitting for his old truck.
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Old 08-05-2014, 10:48 PM   #4
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Both make valuable points.

I think the confusion is if it's not original than its a repop and maybe a note of such would be appropriate. Its good that the HE aftermarket parts are being reproduced as it is meeting a demand...but if one wants NOS HE ... and buys a repop the buyer might be a little upset.

As mentioned ... good thoughts from both posts.
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Old 08-06-2014, 12:31 AM   #5
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Obviously not many people care because the stuff sells like hot cakes. It is identical in looks and function, and made here in the USA. Kudos to him for making a buck
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Old 08-06-2014, 12:54 PM   #6
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by leddzepp View Post
Obviously not many people care because the stuff sells like hot cakes. It is identical in looks and function, and made here in the USA. Kudos to him for making a buck
OK, I guess I'm going to show my ignorance- who are we talking about, and is there a link or website with his products?
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Old 08-06-2014, 02:48 PM   #7
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by leddzepp View Post
Obviously not many people care because the stuff sells like hot cakes. It is identical in looks and function, and made here in the USA. Kudos to him for making a buck
Would you rather have a really clean OEM GM Fender or a good quality reproduction? Or better yet what if you bought one listed as NOS GM (just didn't have the sticker. I have seen stuff listed this way) and paid the premium price then later found out it was a good quality reproduction? Would you be fine with the fact that you paid more than you could have purchased it from the vendor for? I mean if it looked identical in form and function?
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Old 08-06-2014, 09:27 PM   #8
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by 1774btcrew View Post
Would you rather have a really clean OEM GM Fender or a good quality reproduction? Or better yet what if you bought one listed as NOS GM (just didn't have the sticker. I have seen stuff listed this way) and paid the premium price then later found out it was a good quality reproduction? Would you be fine with the fact that you paid more than you could have purchased it from the vendor for? I mean if it looked identical in form and function?
If it fits and works I don't care. As far as paying too much for something, that is subjective. The only people getting upset are the people who have originals...I guess they don't feel "special" anymore I know exactly what I'm buying every time I make a purchase, if I feel it is important enough to research what I am buying, then I do so. If somebody claims they are selling an NOS part, and it has no sticker or part number and it turns out that it's a repro, that's my own's called buyer beware.

Obviously the stuff isn't overpriced if people are buying it
1972 C/10 Cheyenne Super SWB. Restored, loaded, slammed.

1968 C/10 50th Anniversary LWB. Unrestored, stock, daily driver/work truck.

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Old 08-07-2014, 04:04 AM   #9
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

I think something that is being missed here is that Hickey was not Carroll Shelby, or a Hurst or a Yenko, he sold aftermarket parts, not GM licensed accesories, not parts universally available at GM dealerships, just aftermarket parts, and a lot of which he was simply a reseller for, not the originator of.

These parts would be points deductions in any car show that graded on originality. Whether they are original or not, I doubt would have any dramatic effect on a trucks resale value. The company is gone and so is the man, if there are heirs and they produced patents or other evidence to back up a claim they might have a case, if anyone really cares anymore, and I would guess that extensions and fees were never paid to extend those patents, if they existed at all, to be enforcable today.

Would it be different if the original molds were aquired and the parts produced from them by the foundry they were originally produced in by the heirs of the man and sold as exact replicas in every way with a certificate of authentication? The result would be the same devaluing of the "originals". Shelby did exactly that with his Cobras. So I guess I have to ask what is the real point?
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Old 08-07-2014, 07:13 AM   #10
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by skorpioskorpio View Post
I think something that is being missed here is that Hickey was not Carroll Shelby, or a Hurst or a Yenko, he sold aftermarket parts, not GM licensed accesories, not parts universally available at GM dealerships, just aftermarket parts, and a lot of which he was simply a reseller for, not the originator of.

These parts would be points deductions in any car show that graded on originality. Whether they are original or not, I doubt would have any dramatic effect on a trucks resale value. The company is gone and so is the man, if there are heirs and they produced patents or other evidence to back up a claim they might have a case, if anyone really cares anymore, and I would guess that extensions and fees were never paid to extend those patents, if they existed at all, to be enforcable today.

Would it be different if the original molds were aquired and the parts produced from them by the foundry they were originally produced in by the heirs of the man and sold as exact replicas in every way with a certificate of authentication? The result would be the same devaluing of the "originals". Shelby did exactly that with his Cobras. So I guess I have to ask what is the real point?
Well put..........^

A good friend of mine does restoration on old Mopars, he goes to great lengths to get the correct "date coded" parts for
his restorations because it's required to be classified as "factory original".

the bottom line is this oldie but goodie: "different strokes for different folks"

Lastly, and with all due respect, if one is in love with old, aftermarket, bolt-on embellishments, that's perfectly fine, just don't expect everyone else to feel the same way.
Without reproduction parts, there wouldn't be many of these old Blazers around anymore. Especially "show quality" ones.

Last edited by A1971Blazer; 08-07-2014 at 07:19 AM.
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Old 08-06-2014, 02:48 PM   #11
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

I have seen both sides of this coin before. I have been involved in the Deere & Co craze for years. I have witnessed original parts so highly priced that very few can afford. And when repops come out, people will start using them. This usually causes the originals to fall in value. I sure the are many other examples. I do not pretend to know the answer to these scenarios. Bruce
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Old 08-06-2014, 02:57 PM   #12
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

It isn't just that these are listed high for being reproductions. It is the fact that they are not clearly marked as so and could easily be passed off for originals.
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Old 08-08-2014, 11:25 AM   #13
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Thanks for all of the kind words. I think all the positives and negatives have been covered already in this discussion. I really can see both sides. However, all I have ever done is meet a demand. I enjoy helping people recreate trucks from the past. Erik Heeres
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Old 08-08-2014, 11:38 AM   #14
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

I agree with A1971Blazer's comment of "different strokes for different folks" If everyone thought the same there wouldn't even be any of these hobbies and this would be a very boring world. It still does not change the fact that these parts SHOULD be properly marked as reproductions to avoid any dishonesty down the road.
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Old 08-08-2014, 11:46 AM   #15
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

The parts I make as exact reproductions are properly marked.
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Old 08-08-2014, 12:12 PM   #16
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by midunes View Post
The parts I make as exact reproductions are properly marked.
How are they marked so the average person can tell they are reproductions? (I am not saying they aren't I am just asking) I haven't seen the axle trusses you sent to Jim here in Phoenix but my friend has and didn't notice any markings. It isn't my business on what people want to spend on reproductions. It IS a concern not having these marked as reproductions. You shouldn't have to be an expert to tell. Shelby parts were mentioned at one point in this post. If people were selling reproductions as originals there were be some really upset people. I know these trucks aren't Shelbys or Yenko Camaros but the fact is when it comes to Chevy trucks HICKEY was and is THE main name on aftermarket parts for these. Sure there was names like Jackman, Bill Stroppe, Hooker and others selling parts for these trucks but I don't see any big demand for them. I sell parts for a living. If down the road I were to purchase some Hickey parts the ended up being your reproductions and I resold them as originals it could affect me and my standing as a seller. Everyone definitely see things differently and that is fine. I just have strong feelings against reproductions. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. There is no reason for me to debate this anymore. It is something that has bothered me and I just needed to post it.
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1977 Crew Cab GMC Short bed with 4BT Intercooled Cummins Diesel and a 4L80e "The Junkyard Dog"
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Old 08-08-2014, 12:48 PM   #17
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Jim's trusses your friend saw were originals I sold. Not mine so not marked.
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Old 08-10-2014, 11:39 PM   #18
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

You do have it pretty easy to find hickey parts though. You are in hickey country out west. Its harder to find a lot of west made parts the further east you come plus, most 4x4s in my neck of the woods were farm trucks. Thus the demand. Trevor
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Old 08-14-2014, 12:10 PM   #19
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

I completely respect Midunes enterprise of reproducing the Hickey catalogue of parts. I have also been fortunate enough to buy an original skid plate from him. However, I am also very conflicted due to the inevitable devaluing of the original stuff that I have collected for decades. I collected the stuff because it is unique, period correct, and somewhat hard to find. It is kind of a badge of honor to display the original stuff because like-minded people know how hard it is to come by. I fear that if the market gets flooded with the repop stuff (regardless of how high quality it is), everyone will be rolling around with the stuff bolted to their projects and it just won't be "cool" anymore, kind of like tatoos

I say this as I am on the fence as to whether I should sell my original Hickey patch to Midunes for him to reproduce. I feel like a hypocrit because I want to maintain the value of the original, but I am also tempted to buy some of the parts he makes that I have not been able to locate as OEM.
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Old 08-14-2014, 03:36 PM   #20
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by cleszkie View Post
I completely respect Midunes enterprise of reproducing the Hickey catalogue of parts. I have also been fortunate enough to buy an original skid plate from him. However, I am also very conflicted due to the inevitable devaluing of the original stuff that I have collected for decades. I collected the stuff because it is unique, period correct, and somewhat hard to find. It is kind of a badge of honor to display the original stuff because like-minded people know how hard it is to come by. I fear that if the market gets flooded with the repop stuff (regardless of how high quality it is), everyone will be rolling around with the stuff bolted to their projects and it just won't be "cool" anymore, kind of like tatoos

I say this as I am on the fence as to whether I should sell my original Hickey patch to Midunes for him to reproduce. I feel like a hypocrit because I want to maintain the value of the original, but I am also tempted to buy some of the parts he makes that I have not been able to locate as OEM.
Knowing that your truck is possibly one of, if not, the most complete running Hickey tribute truck there may be in this community and knowing that you've gone to the ends of the earth to get the parts to do that, I guess I understand your conflict. I do have to ask though isn't your goal really to create that time capsule of '70s Americanna? ...and do you think that parts being reproduced or not truely changes the value of what you hope to achive? I know by the time you are done with your truck, you will, like I will, have more into your truck than you will ever get out of it, so what you are putting together is really for you and not for some future buyer, that value I refer to is the value to you.

The other side of this is that I do know that most if not all of the Hickey accessories on your truck have been added by you and were not installed on your truck in the period when Hickey was still active. So you are recreating that time capsule and not preserving it and in that sense are you not yourself guilty of reproducing almost in the same sense?

There are at this point probably more fake Chevell SSs out there as there are originals, it has increased the awareness of the type and as such has probably increased the value of the true originals even though anyone can reproduce a functionally identical SS using essentially no original SS parts. By the same token one can reproduce a real SS that has been stripped to the point that it has no parts on it anymore that make it an SS except the VIN and again use no original parts to do it and it will be worth more than the fake, not because of the parts used but because one is adding parts and the other is replacing them.

Hickey never was under contract by a manufacture to produce turn key "Hickey Edition" trucks so their parts are not like an RPO like Yenko, or an accessorised special like Hurst produced, and certainly not like a factory produced SS. Unless it is a truck that was Hickey accessorized in it's very early life and there is photographic or some other documented evidence of originality and it is being restored to it's former glory by replacing those almost original to that trucks Hickey parts, than these parts are really just accessories today like they were accessories then. IMHO the value is in the whole and not in the part.
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Old 08-14-2014, 04:36 PM   #21
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

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Old 11-22-2017, 07:10 AM   #22
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by midunes View Post
Jim's trusses your friend saw were originals I sold. Not mine so not marked.
So are you willing to share with the rest of us how you are marking repro items?
I doubt I'll see a repro at the swap meet already, but it would be nice to know what I am buying.

I feel there is a need to reproduce said pieces. I wish he would was reproducing more stuff. Hell, come out with some new stuff.

That being said. I love original stuff. I prefer it. I love a good hunt for a part. Sometimes, I just want it done.

Do you have plans to reproduce the 14bff cover. I scored on this one.
Not sure if I will come across another.
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Old 08-14-2014, 09:13 PM   #23
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Regardless of where one stands on this issue, I commend everyone concerned for a well-reasoned, courteous and thorough airing of their various perspectives. It is a credit to this board's members that an issue that obviously is meaningful to many of the commentators can be discussed in such a civil, thoughtful way.

Cleszkie, I hope you'll consider letting Erik repro your HE patch. I would wear it with pride. How many of you have this particular HE identifier? I want to buy one for my roll bar!
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Old 08-14-2014, 09:39 PM   #24
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

Originally Posted by tristan View Post
Regardless of where one stands on this issue, I commend everyone concerned for a well-reasoned, courteous and thorough airing of their various perspectives. It is a credit to this board's members that an issue that obviously is meaningful to many of the commentators can be discussed in such a civil, thoughtful way.
Very profound words. In many forums that I've formerly belonged to, this, or any issue would have quickly escalated into argumentative and malicious dialogue.

I haven't been here long, but one most positive observations I've made is that there's a great deal of respect between the members. That speaks volumes for one's character.
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Old 10-29-2017, 10:19 PM   #25
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Re: Doesn't anyone like original Hickey Enterprises parts?

I'll add a couple of things:

1) congrats to Erik for keeping the Hickey brand alive. Anyone who drives a square should know who Vic Hickey was, and most don't.
He's the reason we have the Blazer and the Hummer FYI

2) I don't want to scour the internet/swap meets/junk yards looking for parts. This is why I don't own Italian motorcycles, for example.
I have dealt with Erik and he's a stand up guy keeping vintage parts coming for our old trucks and I appreciate that!

I also believe there is room for purists. If you want and value "stock" parts there are all kinds of places for you to express this. Someone mentioned the mopar resto. These trucks may never get there (like a 57 chevy) but they might too.
When they do I'll move on. It's a truck, I like it because it's affordable and useful. An alternator for my truck costs $25 at Napa. I don't even know how it can be that cheap.

If they made a repo sidewinder, I'd buy it...
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