I FINALLY got the chrome vavle cover on the passanger side. I have been running around with only one chrome vavle cover for almost 8 months! It isn't like you can see it burried under all the emissions crap anyways! LOL! Anyways, someone told me I would need to take the carb off to get to the EGR valve to get to the valve cover but they were wrong. It was kinda tough getting a wrench in there, but I soon realized that the EGR vavle bolts were finger tight!

That can't be good. I replaced the bottom seal on it. I scraped the old gasket off - it was actually very easy to get off! I could see exactly where it was leaking. I put it all back together and fired it up and I leak less oil now! YAY! But I soon realized the OTHER valve cover is leaking too.

I used the rubber gaskets and I can now see that was a mistake. I got pissed and I have the Fel-pro perma-dry on order. They get here Wednesday. They are $40!

But I want these vavle covers to stop leaking dammit. I went ahead and got the Permadryplus water neck gasket too as I am soon going to flush it out and put in a new thermostat.