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Old 05-20-2004, 12:33 AM   #1
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CB Antenna

Any ideas/pics of CB antenna mounting? I want to add a CB to my truck, but I want the antenna to look like it belongs with the truck. I don't want it to spoil the lines of the truck, and I don't want it smack in the middle of the roof (ideal location). Since my FM antenna is broken, and I don't listen to FM radio, I was thinking of rigging a small CB antenna to go in the FM antenna location. Any other ideas?
72 Cheyenne Super 4x4 SWB
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Old 05-20-2004, 12:40 AM   #2
Longhorn Man
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Well, not really what you are asking, but a cool tip none the less...
When I had a C.B. in my first truck, I took the cargo lamp off, and cut a small notch in the rubber spacer, down on the bottom. Rin the C.B. antenna through the hole,a nd down the back wall inside the cab. This way, i didn't have a gay lookin big black cable in the window, and the cable wasn't gettin pinched and cut in the door.
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Old 05-20-2004, 04:51 AM   #3
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I've always liked the look of these, they fit into the stake pockets. Haven't used them just came across them one day and filed the adress in my "maybe useful one day" file!

'67 C10 long fleet.
350/TH350, 4 bbl Carter, K&N, Dual exhaust, loads of stuff coming soon

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Old 05-20-2004, 01:54 PM   #4
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If you still have the ant..... for your radio, they used to make a box that would let you switch between the two radio, or cb. you may try a truck stop or see if you can find a cb shop, or radio shack....the other would be stack pocket, or off the rear bumper....but the box is alot cleaner since you use the ant. for your radio....
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Old 05-20-2004, 08:56 PM   #5
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No, I don't have the antenna it's broken off @ 2 inches. Those combiner units don't work very well, I've had them before, and I have no interest in the FM antenna, I only listen to CDs and my iPod. I think what I want to do is cobble up a base loaded stainless antenna in the stock FM antenna location. It will look almost like a stock antenna. But I have other projects I have to finish before I get to this. I was hoping to see some antenna pics of what others have done.

On my Jeep I just slapped a 4' fiberglass whip right on the rear quarter, and I think it looks cool. I remember back in the 70s a big ole ball mount and 120" whip was cool on your truck. I don't want to spoil my truck with an antenna now, but I do want a CB. Problem 2 is a scanner antenna, but that will be easy, cell phone antennas work great for the scanner.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:28 PM   #6
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We put a short top-loaded fiberglass CB antenna in the middle of the top of the front bed wall of a Ford truck back in the '70s. Mounted on a spring, it extended slightly above the cab, & with the top-load (RF energy radiated mostly from the top 6"), it worked pretty well.
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Old 05-22-2004, 06:03 PM   #7
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On my '68 stepside I have a ballmount cut into the upper trailing edge of the drivers side step fender, above and behind the "lollipop" tail light. There is a Hustler mast that folds down to a 90 degree position about 4' long and a short fiberglas whip is threaded into that. It needs to be folded down to get into my carport. I use a guy line of parachute cord from the cross-bed toolbox handle to the base of the whip to keep the spring from whipping too far aft. Not pretty by today's standards, but it was the bees knees in the old days. [C. Late '70s] And even barefoot, it stomped! [No scanner on the '68].
I use a rubber duckie AM/FM clamped to the pass side mirror mount on my '7l Jimmy for the police/fire band scanner. It works pretty good for the VHF/UHF. And it's low profile (stealthy). No CB for the Jimmy yet. I'm thinking of twin truckers on the side rearview mirrors, but I hear you really need 9' separation. Possible on the full-size diesel semi-tractors, but impractical on a 1/2 ton GMC.
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Old 05-20-2004, 09:27 PM   #8
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Do not get one of those impeadence matchers that Claim to allow you to run a cb antenna off an am fm antenna there not desinged to operate on transmit and defientely not desinged for 11 meters

Might look into the mag mount antennas wilson has some good ones Such as the lil Wil wilson 1000 and wilson 5000 those are all available in mag mount
Whatever you do end up getting be sure to check and set the SWR's otherwise you will not have the best it could be and you could burn up the radios Final. You can get a cheap radio shack swr meter for 11 dollars. 1.3 is ideal 1.7 is workable.

Also the lower the swr you have the better "Ears" Amount of recieve you will have.
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