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Old 10-23-2004, 04:37 PM   #1
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Apache 40 info please

Hi, I'm new to this forum and also to these trucks. I found a Apache 40 (1961 as per the grill ) with a inline 6 cyl that I can get for very cheap. The problem is it's in bad shape.
Frame seems ok, so does the cab and hood, all window are ok, interior is acceptable, but it doesn't have a bed, and the front fenders and the 2 doors would need to be changed.

So, here are my newbe questions:

#1: What's the meaning of the 40 ?(I saw a lot of Apache10 here but never heard of a 40)

#2: Hoe to know if it was a long or short bed (and fleet or step side)?

#3: What year can I pick parts from to keep the 61 look? (the doors, front fenders, bed?)

#4: If you have any other usefull info or tips don't be shy to share with me!

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Old 10-25-2004, 10:08 AM   #2
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sounds like that might be a medium duty truck that would explain the no bed
it might have been a stake bed or a flatbed witch has long since roted away or been removed. Thies bigger trucks are harder to work on and find parts for though most of the cab and front panles are shared with its smaller conterparts

heres are a few things you should look for first see if you can find its gvw tag should be on the drivers side below knee high (sitting down) also check and see what kind of trany its got big trucks tend to have the 4 speed sm420 with granny gear oh and this site should deff help you id your truck
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Old 10-25-2004, 10:52 AM   #3
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What size tires are on that truck? A 40 series is a big truck, which should have came with 20" or 22.5" wheels. 10 is 1/2 ton, 20 is 3/4 ton, 30 is a 1 ton, and 40 thru 80 series were big trucks, 1 1/2 ton and up. If it is a 40 series, it would not have come with a pickup bed, it would have been outfitted with a flatbed or whatever was needed. Is it maybe a 40 series cab that someone put on a pickup frame? The basic cab, doors and hood should be the same between the pickup and the big truck. The front fenders and grill shell are different for the big truck. 1960-63 all shared the same cab styling. Hope that helps.

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Old 10-26-2004, 02:05 AM   #4
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Here's some pics of the truck in question, he seems to be in very bad shape but when seen in person it's not that bad!

You're probably right for the flatbed. Actually this is what it's got but we thought someone put it there to replace a rusty pickup bed and I don't think they even replce the cab so it must be an whole 40 truck (maybe I could have foud it out by looking the susension but I don't know what are the difference between the year/models etc...)...

I'll have to go see it again and find some VIN and GVW...

Thanks and keep posting if you have anything to add!
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Last edited by blackZ34; 10-26-2004 at 02:34 AM.
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Old 10-26-2004, 10:05 AM   #5
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Sorry Budd, don't know what's wrong, but I can't open the pics. I click on the red X and absolutley nothing happens. Must be something I'm missing, that happens often. Let me know if you can tell me what's wrong, I'd like to see the pics of that truck. Thanks!

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Old 10-26-2004, 02:06 PM   #6
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I tried to upload them from my PC and add them as an attachement, is it how we're supposed to do it?

Anyway, try those links instead... (I hope those works!)


Last edited by blackZ34; 10-26-2004 at 02:18 PM.
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Old 10-26-2004, 03:43 PM   #7
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I can see! Yep, that's a 40 series truck, alright. I actually haven't seen many 40's, mostly the 50, 60, 70 and 80 series. I was thinking it would look more on the lines of the bigger series, but it actually looks more like a heavy-duty 1 ton. As I said before, most of the big trucks I've seen use a taller grill shell, bigger front bumper and the front fender wheel openings are extended outward. They also usually have running boards. This truck looks more like a pickup, same bumper and grill, the wheel openings look like they may be a little longer than a 1/2 ton. The wheels and tires also look more like what would have been used on the 1 ton trucks. Probably a pretty rare truck. Do you have any idea where it was built or purchased? I'd like to know more about it. I love these old trucks, especially the big trucks. I've worked on big trucks since I was a kid. About 30 years ago, I worked as a mechanic's helper in a small country garage. We worked on just about anything, cars, trucks, tractors, you name it, we probably worked on it. But my favorite has always been old stuff like farm trucks, dump trucks, etc. Good luck and post more pics if you can.

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Old 10-27-2004, 04:20 PM   #8
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I wonder if it would be better to put the cab on a later model (63-66) frame and do it up that way.
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Old 10-28-2004, 12:08 AM   #9
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As far as size it looks preaty close to my c30 so you might be able to get a 1 ton bed on it with a little fabrication.

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Old 10-28-2004, 12:13 AM   #10
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a 62 bed comes compleatly apart so modifying it would be very easy

i hope this helps you out

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Old 10-29-2004, 08:37 PM   #11
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I have some news!!

I finally found the VIN tag. I knew where it was supposed to be, the only thing is that the driver side door was jammed closed We finally managed to open it and the VIN tag was right below the upper door hinge.

The serial# is 1C4103606*****C

According to this page:VIN decoder , everything matches (the only exception being is that the series/model are under 1962 but maybe the guy who did this page didn't know they existed in 1961 too)

I measured the wheelbase and 133" seems correct. It does have the torsion bar in front and leaf on the rear.

I tried to find a VIN tag on the left frame but nothing I could see, maybe it was too dirty or I wasn't looking the good spot...

I'll post some other pics soon!
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Old 10-29-2004, 09:02 PM   #12
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Some other pics:

Apache_12 Apache_13
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Old 10-30-2004, 12:53 PM   #13
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looks like thats gona be qwite a project especaly the body work probly gona have to replace or weld alot of panles. but who knows that old 235 with a little time and care might fier right up
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Old 11-01-2004, 01:09 PM   #14
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Now I see why it doesn't have dual rear wheels anymore, someone put an 8 lug rear end under it, which could be from a 3/4 ton or a single wheel 1 ton. The front wheels looked like 10 hole in the first pics you posted, but I couldn't be sure. These pics are much better. The front hubs have only 5 lugs, but are made to use the same wheels as the rear end would have had. The original rear end probably had all 10 lugs and used 4 wheels like the front ones. The inside wheels would have been turned inward like the fronts, and the outside wheels were turned around the other way with the offset facing outward. Keep us posted.

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