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Old 01-03-2008, 08:11 AM   #1
Longhorn Man
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Thumbs up a curb full of happiness

I sent a photo text to a newer member on here... he had never seen any photos of the 'ole longhorn. Sent him a shot of the longhorn at the carwash. I sent him some links to older threads, but I figured I'd at least post a few new shots. Besides, I have hardly posted any longhorn pics since I painted it 13-14 months ago.
*keep in mind my digi-cam bit the big one... these are from my cell phone*
Yesterday was fairly warm out and I got off work early. I knew the weather was gettin ready to get crappy, so I thought I'd try to get the sucker running.
Turns out the burb was planned perfect. The Longhorn's starter/flywheel were so kerfaggled, I was able to start the truck 4 more times... then... nothing. Luckily, I located the spare starter I had laying around. I had searched for this thing a few times last summer, but obviously, i never found it. Who would alooked in the closet in the bedroom? Who woulda guessed?
So i tossed it on there yesterday right there on the side of the street. Woulda been WAY too much work to put it in the driveway (move 2 minivans then try to push with the burb... oh yeah, i was alone too)
Got it on, and it runs. Now I need to drive it to work so I can pull the tranny and swap out the flywheel. The front main seal is pretty much doing nothing too. Some idiot confused caddy 500 parts for caddy 425 parts in the last engien swap, and the ballancer that's on there now is a smaller diameter than the seal. So I need to pull that off and see if my guy at NAPA can source me a seal that'll work. (since I can't find any 425s locally, and don't want to trust some one on line who would say a caddy big block is a caddy big block)
Ok, whatever, you gys wanted to see happiness on the curb!

The wheels and tires are the ones i drove from washington on in the burb. They aren't in the best of shape, they are mis matched in size and brand and tread pattern and wear, so i put the better ones on the burb. (the burb rides MUCH better now too) So now the longhorn has 16.5's in back with some 16's up front... crappy combo.
I do have a set of chevy (yellow bowtie) hub caps coming my way... so the GMC caps will end up back on the longhorn at least.
But I did discover the rear tires break loose easily on dry pavement goin into second gear.
heh heh heh
The longhorn must hate me.

The 1/2 ton front suspention that is goin under the burb is still in the back of the longhorn. Mostly becouse I haven't had the funds to rebuild it, and it is simply too friggen heavy to unload out of there myself. I'm scared to death of messin up my nice tailgate too... so it may stay there all winter as snow/traction weight. Maybe it'll get done up in the spring. *sigh*

I was amazed at huw much I missed a few things on this ride. the small steering wheel and tilt are a given... already have a tilt set aside for the burb... but I desperatly need a steering wheel. The seats are so comfortable... my back LOVES these seats. Wow, a place to put my dew instead of between my legs... imagine that! The blue LEDs on white guages (and working aftermarket stuff in the bottom of the new bezel) are quite refreshing after the dull crappy lookin 35 year old stock ones in the burb. I have a new bezal full of white guages sittin here on my dresser... maybe when I get the column out...
I sure didn't miss the manual drum brakes hooked to the wrong hole on the brake pedal. (not enough mechanical leverage.... gotts push HARD)

Yeah... I know.. no air filter. The front main leaks so bad, the air filter was getting clogged. you can't see it in the crappy photo, but the firewall is covered in oil too. I can drive it on surface roads all day with minimal embarasment, but as soon as I wind it up to 60 or so (traffic flows at 70MPH) the oil starts gettin blown by the fan and onto the exhaust... so it smokes and the tailgate gets semi-covered.

That's the caddy 425, and yes, it's painted ford blue. Looks better than the dull caddy blue, black looked retarded, the pastel blue that was a corp color just looks gay, and it would be retarded to paint it chevy orange. (not a huge fan of orange anyways)
Besides, the blue does actually look nice whn it isn't covered in oil.

And there's the kids sittin on the curb.
My baby sister was ticked when i was pointing out her now yota is missin 2 hubcaps, so she was quick to point out that i am incapable of owning a truck that doesn't have an orange panel on it somewhere.
Ouch... very ouch.
Anyways... that's whats goin on in my life in truck world.

Last edited by Longhorn Man; 01-03-2008 at 08:21 AM.
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Old 01-03-2008, 08:19 AM   #2
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Re: a curb full of happiness

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Boy I sure missed Peppy

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Old 01-03-2008, 09:04 AM   #3
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Re: a curb full of happiness

The two of those end to end like that look longer than a house!!!!

Looks like a good start on a fleet.

A blazer 2 wd and a 4wd, a lwb truck 2wd and 4wd, a swb truck 2wd and 4wd, a panel 2wd and 4wd , a motor home, a tow truck and a ramp truck and you'll have them all! 11 to go!

The orange panels show consistancy!

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Old 01-03-2008, 09:20 AM   #4
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Looks like both trucks are rust free...unusual for the midwest.
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Old 01-03-2008, 09:21 AM   #5
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Contact Marty at MTS or Richard Potter at Potter Automotive They Know Cads and are good to work with! Got a 472 in my 69 Burb and luv it!
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Old 01-03-2008, 11:09 AM   #6
Longhorn Man
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Frank... I think my next one will be a 2 wheel drive blazer... at least, that's what I WANT! It may start life as a 4X4.. but it'll be a 2 wheel drive in the plans.
I'd love to have one of each... but I know it'll never happen.
i do miss the old short/fleet GMC though.
suville, I know there's a few ppl to contact, but the way I'm looking at it, the mis match hodgpodge or parts that is on there right now work perfect... the belts line up, the clutch fan is as close to the engine as can be, I don't want to spend money I don't have to get the 'right'part, only to have it screw something else up. (pully alinment, fan location) I don't have very much room to play with in there. It'll be easier to just have my guy source a seal for me, and record the number if i need it again.
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Old 01-03-2008, 02:29 PM   #7
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Re: a curb full of happiness

two great looking back seat pictures your a tease...........
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Old 01-03-2008, 02:41 PM   #8
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Soooo Andy, when does the burb get the proper go pedal?
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Old 01-03-2008, 02:43 PM   #9
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Re: a curb full of happiness


Well you have a couple great trucks to start with. Time and money and you'll have the rest!

If your in the same boat I am then you don't have enough of either to be playing with trucks. LOL

You have a c30 and a c20 deffinetly need a c10 of some form to complete the look. A 2wd blazer would be a very nice addition.

70 chevy lwb c10
454/th400 and a 9" rearend
suicide doors, marker light fuel fill, 4" cowl , mini tub
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Old 01-03-2008, 03:08 PM   #10
Longhorn Man
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Re: a curb full of happiness

well frank, you know the burb will be a c/10 soon enough... you saw the parts!
Bill... I don't think I'll do that on this one. The burb isn't goin that route. I don't know what route it will be going... but not that one.
Sorry Tony... no back seat pics. I did sit in the back seat and eat some pie last night though.

Last edited by Longhorn Man; 01-03-2008 at 03:08 PM.
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Old 01-03-2008, 04:02 PM   #11
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Re: a curb full of happiness

haha, you guys crack me

but i love the look of your Longhorn, Andy. it was one of the first trucks i saw when i came on here, and then when you shot it with rustoleum, it was a real inspiration. so, yes.

a good lookin' start to a herd ya got going man.

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Old 01-03-2008, 04:43 PM   #12
70' GMC
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Longhorn man do you have any interior shots on the black GMC?
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Old 01-03-2008, 05:54 PM   #13
Longhorn Man
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Originally Posted by 70' GMC View Post
Longhorn man do you have any interior shots on the black GMC?
did you miss the one that's posted up there?
i don't think I have anything much better than that, maybe a little better in focus.
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Old 01-03-2008, 04:49 PM   #14
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Re: a curb full of happiness

hey those interior shots are for special

ok you can see em your special enough

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Old 01-03-2008, 04:54 PM   #15
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Originally Posted by bad6772 View Post
hey those interior shots are for special

ok you can see em your special enough
Woohoo yeehaww! PIE! PIE!
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Old 01-03-2008, 05:38 PM   #16
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Re: a curb full of happiness

I didn't even know you painted the Longhorn... Must have missed that post somewhere. Neat to see the two economy- minded trucks bumper to bumper!

On the seal... the seal is the same on all 368/ 425/ 472/ 500's. It actually rides on a snout, and the balancer bolts on with the pulley. I don't remember for sure, but I don't think 425's, or late 472/ 500's even have a balancer. Early 472/ 500's had a stamped steel crank pulley, and a balancer. Late 472/ 500's had a cast iron crank pulley, and (I think) no balancer. 425's had stamped (I think) and no balancer. Don't have a clue why there is so many combos.
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Old 01-03-2008, 05:57 PM   #17
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Re: a curb full of happiness

well jeff, i actually kinda translated it to chevy type terms...
The 425 has a flange that is pressed onto the crank snout, and the pullys bolt to it... you are absolutly right.
However, the flange on the 425 is about an inch longer, and tapered. So when i press it on all the way, the tapered part of the flange is sticking out, where the thicker part should be, creating, a massive oil leak.

Here's the thread from when i painted it... end of october 06

Last edited by Longhorn Man; 01-03-2008 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 01-04-2008, 07:05 AM   #18
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Re: a curb full of happiness

Looking sweet Andy!!!!!!!!!! It feels good to have a couple of these fine creations, doesn't it? My dream is to own a 1968 Chevy Burb one day. My 1/2 ton just toed the Longhorn out to the new house. I must say she did well. The starter burnt out on me again. I aways love checking out your trucks on here.
Longhorn Buddy Billy

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Old 01-04-2008, 12:25 PM   #19
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Re: a curb full of happiness

"My Hemi's gettin' a foot print gas peddle installed, so I stole this pile instead."
-Joe Dirt.

You've got a nice collection started on your curb.
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