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Old 05-12-2002, 05:25 PM   #1
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Thumbs down This board sucks more with each day

... now that I've got your attention.
For those who don't know, I'm a genuine truck lover and have the scars and a stout '72 to prove my dedication. Not even out of highschool yet, I still manage some time to turn a few wrenches each night and, when I can, I try to sneak a peak at what used to be a great message board... this one. It's tough to remember all the countless times I've recieved some really helpful advice or learned something I didn't know before, but that doesn't seem to be the going trend these days.
Back to my assumption: am I surprised that none of you knew the above about me? NO WAY! That was the intent, to simply exchange truck information and ideas in this place, not to spill my life story or have nothing better to do than pick and whine like a bunch of hard-asses looking for a fight. I'm sick of coming onto this board and seeing "sorry" messages or hate replys on a regular basis. Either grow up or shut up, it's that easy. Even now I predict a lengthy amount of flack for bringing this topic up but that's not at all what I'm looking for. I'd be twice as satisfied if you began reading this flap of the gums and then quickly as possible, hit your "Back" button, noticing it's not about a large metal thing with 4 wheels and a birthday between 1967 and 72. THAT's how it should be!
And not to be a hypocrite, I'm promising that this will be my first and last non-truck-related topic I ever post on here... anyone else care to do the same or am I wrong about the recent history of lady-like ways?

ps: If your expecting a sorry after this one, you can look somewheres else cuz it aint coming from me. Here's an idea though: Instead of now taking the next three days to tell everyone how much you hate my stinkin' gutts, let me know how your truck's going and maybe, just maybe, we can help each other with our projects. Never would've thought o' that, would you?

72 with 69 grille and custom 73-87 stepside. BIG BLOCK 409, SM465, NP205, 3/4 axles slung under a 5" lift, 112" frame, and 33's soon to grow... "BUILT NOT BOUGHT" ...oh, and industrial paint protecting her body.
72 with 69 grille and custom 73-87 stepside. BIG BLOCK 409, SM465, NP205, 3/4 axles slung under a 5" lift, 3"bodylift, 112" frame, and 35inch Pro Comp X-terrains... "BUILT NOT BOUGHT" Here's the site...
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Old 05-12-2002, 05:27 PM   #2
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you just posted the same crap the other guys have been posting.. congratulations

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Old 05-12-2002, 05:34 PM   #3
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Coiln: you weren't around when all we used to talk about were trucks, were you? I think it's the large gain in members that brings illiterate people who can't even see that I'm trying to END all the crap, not ask for it.
72 with 69 grille and custom 73-87 stepside. BIG BLOCK 409, SM465, NP205, 3/4 axles slung under a 5" lift, 3"bodylift, 112" frame, and 35inch Pro Comp X-terrains... "BUILT NOT BOUGHT" Here's the site...
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Old 05-12-2002, 05:37 PM   #4
tom hand
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There is some stuff going on here that no one likes,but it is still very civilized to have this many members. I think it is still one of, if not the best message board out there. Sorry you hate it so much, but all you need to do is type a different address in your browsers address bar,problem solved. Have a nice day.

72 GMC Sierra SWB almost finished---- 84 Softail
Olive Branch MS

72 GMC Sierra SWB almost finished---- 84 Softail
Olive Branch MS
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Old 05-12-2002, 05:38 PM   #5
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i'm not giving you crap, but think about it..

there is a general non-tech chat forum on here, if you don't want to read the non-tech stuff don't post it here..

i run 2 websites (one currently links to my one) and i let the guys talk about whatever they want..

my point of view is that being a Nazi will only push people away and give them the impression the board 'sucks'. basically, the depth of moderating on my site extends as far as: "keep kiddie **** OFF. keep porn OFF or let us know in the title before posting non-work-friendly material. respect everyone, respect the administrator."

If guys at my site can't deal with it, there's the door (and even though my site is small I 'have' put on my ****kickers). People have come and gone, and that's their perogative but telling someone what to do "stop posting non-tech crap!" sounds like the 'wrong' way to do it

just my $0.02,

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Old 05-12-2002, 05:41 PM   #6
69 longhorn
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I hear your thoughts 409,but i think you need to direct your comments to the people that got you to type that pc........69
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Old 05-12-2002, 05:45 PM   #7
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I can agree with that, I said it in a wrong way. But is not saying anything really that much better? I was hoping I'd be the voice for more than just myself in this but I guess I'm the only guy who doesn't like the cat-fights that fly. And no, I don't hate this board, I'll be the first to admit it is THE best. I just don't want to see it get ruined.
72 with 69 grille and custom 73-87 stepside. BIG BLOCK 409, SM465, NP205, 3/4 axles slung under a 5" lift, 3"bodylift, 112" frame, and 35inch Pro Comp X-terrains... "BUILT NOT BOUGHT" Here's the site...
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Old 05-12-2002, 05:54 PM   #8
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This post IMO is gonna go nowhere fast. I'll leave it open for now, But it seems ot me to just be a way of stirring the pot.

I agree with you Colin, I'm a little more strict when it comes to certain types of posts, but I generally let the people have the run of the boards. In 4 years of running this page I have deleted 4 posts (technically more but I only count one when a board member went nuts and spammed the board).

Thanks, Josh
1969 C/10 Long Fleet, 350/TH400, A/C, PS, PB

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Old 05-12-2002, 05:55 PM   #9
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It's best to let things die down rather than to create new topics to drag it out.
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Old 05-12-2002, 06:03 PM   #10
69 longhorn
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dealing with people can be a tough thing,& there are a lot of differnt people/personalities on the board! I dont like all the "cat fight bs",but have to say that I have been there also. You see , im 45 yrs old,pretty laid back,but still set in my ways(thats a catch 22!),Still if you can show me that im flat wrong........politley,I will be the first to agree. I try my best to show that fair with others,but at times,maybe I dont, Im just a man! Its wild ,when you look at 1 job........& there are so many ways to do it......whats best? Who knows? I have always felt that you need to "put the fight " where you want it(so to speak). For what its worth, dont let the hassles burn you. Reguards ......69

[This message has been edited by 69 longhorn (edited May 12, 2002).]
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Old 05-12-2002, 06:07 PM   #11
Strongman Garage
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there is a non truck section for a reason, if you dont want to hear about non truck topics dont go there.... yes there may be a couple off topic posts on this board i dont notice sometimes but..... me and the other moderators are only human...... when a message board grows (which this one has i think there was 600? members when i got here) now there will be more "bad apples" or arguments when you multiply the amount of members by that much.... but i still think that the amount of awesome new members there has been sense i got here highly outwheighs the 1 or 2 that have made trouble

My Truck pictures

68 4x4 short fleetside 327 CH465 edelbrock intake and carb MSD distributor its the "SHAGROLET"
56 big window short stepside 235 dual 1 brls
64ImpalaSS 327
70 C10 LWB fleetside custom/10 350/TH350
IM me on aol SN= SHAGROLET

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Old 05-12-2002, 06:49 PM   #12
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Part of maturity is having tolerance for others and their opinions. It's called respect. In other words, is kind of a growin'-up thing. In time, you will gain that. Until that happens, lighten up some. Hope this helps.
Kurt in Durand, IL
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Old 05-12-2002, 07:14 PM   #13
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This board Sucks? Well, let's see......this week, I ordered the gas tank kit from Wes, and had a great time talking to him about....guess what.......TRUCKS.........I picked up a 67 Suburban for a memeber in New Hampshire who couldn't get here fast enough to pick it up. I've never met the member before, but hope to some day. I delivered it to another board member's house so it can get picked up next month and transported to New England. I met that member who has been active on this site. So, let's see, I met Wes by phone, Jeff by posting on this site, and finally met Micah in person this week, and it all dealt with .......TRUCKS! If this sucks, I'm all for it! I guess if you're not havin' fun, you should look elsewhere. I hope you'll just reconsider what you've sais and accept the board for what it is, THE BEST DAMN BOARD YOU'RE GONNA FIND! Just my 2 cents worth.
Bill - Tucson

56 Studebaker 2 dr Wagon
66 Chevelle 2 dr 4 speed
71 C30 Longhorn
86 Monte Carlo SS
96 Tahoe
Bill - Tucson, AZ
47 Chevrolet 2 dr sedan
56 Chevrolet 210 2 dr sedan
66 Chevrolet Malibu 2 dr 4 speed
71 Chevrolet C30 Longhorn
86 Chevrolet Monte Carlo SS (Sold)
01 Chevrolet Tahoe
IM -
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Old 05-12-2002, 07:20 PM   #14
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Thumbs up

hell yeah, this site rules..

you guys are a good crew

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Old 05-12-2002, 07:33 PM   #15
Strongman Garage
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well said

My Truck pictures

68 4x4 short fleetside 327 CH465 edelbrock intake and carb MSD distributor its the "SHAGROLET"
56 big window short stepside 235 dual 1 brls
64ImpalaSS 327
70 C10 LWB fleetside custom/10 350/TH350
IM me on aol SN= SHAGROLET

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Old 05-12-2002, 09:02 PM   #16
Maximum Overdrive
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Chevy409 if you see topics or posts you do not like do not read them then. As far as growing up you still have alot to learn about the world. For anyone to think that this place is going to be the perfect place and everyone is going to be in harmony has got to be kidding themselves. Face it people will disagree on just about anything and everything and that cannot be changed. Everyone whines from time to time on here and you are included with what you posted. In the end these things release anger and misunderstandings between board members and in the end we seem to all get along for the most part.
"!Ama Sua, Ama Kjella, Ama Lllulla!"
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Old 05-12-2002, 10:14 PM   #17
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This is coming from a high school kid. What somebody tell you something you didn't want to hear. I got tools older that you, if someone says something you don't like, re read there advice, they might be right. I sit back and laugh at a lot of dreams that show up on this board becuse in the 40 yrs I've been working on hot rods it's all been tried and there were lots of failures.

71 basic C-10 350. The only option is the rust.No nothing on it, but thats all about to change. <A HREF="

" TARGET=_blank>

71 LWB 350/350still working on it but it's going tp be sweet.

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Old 05-12-2002, 10:23 PM   #18
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oh brother, here we go again. i'm with josh, and i remember the real scandal a few years ago with the guy that got pissed, clogged the board w/ porno & profanity and nobody could keep him out. and boy did they try.

in the words of the infamous "Rodney King"
-02 avalanche (daily driver)
-66 gto ragtop 389/400 (garage queen, hand-me-down from dad)
-72 Tribute Trans Am (6.0LS/T56 6-speed) in progress
-2003 YUKON (Wife's)
-71 gmc swb fleet (current project, gonna shave everything, bags, stuff w/ 20's, gen III powertrain)
-48 3100 SWB - 12/31/23 LONG TERM Project
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Old 05-12-2002, 10:33 PM   #19
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should put you guys in a cage and let you go NHB...

beat it to fit,
paint it to match...

Beat it to fit,
Paint it to match...
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Old 05-13-2002, 01:22 AM   #20
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I've been on this board for quite awhile. But this is only my 102nd post. I do enjoy reading most of the posts, but I stick to the message board and the parts board. General discussion just doesn't appeal to me here, so I stay off of that board for the most part. This is the best message board I've found. Let's keep it nice, clean, and about the trucks, not about the board.

- Adam L. Vogel
University of Cincinnati
White 68 GMC short, fleet, 350/TH350, 67-8 chevy grille, 5-lugs, front power disc brakes, power steering, a/c (not complete yet)

My truck site
IM= newt0

Ethel - The Legend Continues...

Ethel has been sold.
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Old 05-13-2002, 09:08 AM   #21
Carolina Cajun
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If you don't like the restaurant, don't go there to eat!

The Carolina Cajun, almost famous in North Carolina since 1989!
Driving a 68 & Restoring a 66.
Lookin' for Rochester 1bbl & 2bbl carbs!!

The Carolina Cajun, almost famous in North Carolina since 1989!
Driving a 68 & Restoring a 66.
Lookin' for Rochester Manual 1bbl & 2bbl carbs!!
Concord, NC & Ponchatoula, LA
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Old 05-13-2002, 10:59 AM   #22
O'l Buck
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I'm just curious as to why this topic wasn't posted in General discussion.

"In the words of Motley Crue, This will always be my home sweet home"

Ol' Buck: '72 Chevy 1/2T 4x4 shortbox stepside 350/350auto on '84
ralleys and 31/10.5s

Angel girl: 67 Cutlass convertible
330, 3spd stick

Greener: 90 GMC Jimmy
Chad Stephens

no name yet: 72 442 under serious construction
my site:
67 K-20 350, SM465, Eaton rear, 4.56 no spin option
00 Dodge 2500 4x4, 24V cummins, 5 speed

South Central Nebraska
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Old 05-13-2002, 11:17 AM   #23
Half a bubble off!
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Well, my truck is running pretty good, no problems with that part, but I do have a clunking sound when I start moving. Kinda sounds like it could be a u-joint. Time to talk trucks guys, get my drift!

------------------[*]'71 Cheyenne, 402BB[*]Winfield, KS[*]

Just call me LB.
'71 Cheyenne, 402BB, hauls blondes, brunettes, or redheads.
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Old 05-13-2002, 12:04 PM   #24
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Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

71 GMC 2500 Custom Camper
71 GMC Suburban 1500 Super Custom
71 Chevrolet 1500 Donor

71 GMC 1500 LWB
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Old 05-13-2002, 12:45 PM   #25
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