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Old 07-17-2009, 10:49 AM   #1
Bloodied Knuckles
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Trail Closures and Land Usage..

Yeah I guess Im gonna be "That guy"... the one who preaches about how we need to take our trail maintenance into our own hands.. The guy who gets red in the face to hear about sh!t like this..

Well, being as I am just learning how many of my local trails/ohv areas are under the watchfull eye of the DOT and OAC, and other greeny organizations I have yet to learn about. I feel it is my duty to at least try and educate my fellow wheelers as to how bad things have become. Last year, one of my favorite local wheeling spot was shut down due to pollution and environmental impact. I heard a rumor that "Greenhorn Creek" was going to be shut down and there was a clean up day that might effect the decision. I showed up on the "clean up day" spent the day picking up shotgun shells, beer cans, car parts, and trash. The difference was definitely noticeable, but apparently the effort wasnt enough. Now let me say, I am no tree hugger, and I probably the farthest thing from a greeny that there is. My dd gets 10 miles per gallon and if my wheel should brush a tree, knocking the bark off, I don't feel bad. I am an advocate of our sport and I am willing to do what it takes to ensure that future generations get to enjoy the sport (or hobby). The thing that pisses me off the most about the whole situation, is that these closures/ land grabs happen without the notice from most of the public. To say it differently: This crap is happening behind our backs!!
There is no notice on TV, there was so much as an article in the newspaper until the final verdict had been reached. We were not given hardly any chance to correct the negative impact off roader's, punk kids and people in general, have made over the years (I partied here when i was young). They just took it away, and wasted my tax dollars on policemen to enforce the closure, when I think the public could have been informed and the impact lessened over a greater amount of time, and on a more frequent basis.
I know a lot of people think that because they don't live in commifornia like me, this wont effect you, and that may hold true for awhile. but if you think about it, a lot of our laws become precedent. The greenies are attacking our sport, not thats this is anything new. They seem to have just fancy ways to do it. What has really set me off about this whole thing is a portion of the Rubicon trail in northern California (which I havent even had the chance to wheel yet) that will be blasted away so as not to attract as much attention and eventually reduce the amount of human waist and trash that is so prevalent in the area. Also to prevent erosion, and pollution of waterways. I also hear that the damage to vehicles has been a problem, and the bypass trail needs work. That or they close the trail. Its a badazz section that people like to chill and watch the rock crawlin chaos... Some people are stupid and some have no respect.. There are people who hate our sport and capitalize on these people's mistakes. I used to be one of the people who stupidly threw my beer cans in the forest and left my cigg butts all over the trails. Just simply didn't know any better at the time (16-18yrs old). Im not asking everyone who reads this to plant a tree or pick up trash (although trail maint. and cleanups help) . Im just opening discussion on the matter and taking suggestions as to to make sure we keep our trails open.
As I said, I have heard little to none about this until I trolled around some of the rock crawling websites. After heavy trolling and research, I am learning just how much land they purpose to take away from us, and as an American, i just cant sit back and allow that to happen. So I feel it is my duty to at least inform people and let them decide if they are going to help make a difference. Maybe some of you know of some land or trail closures and could help to post info to help spread the word. there are even ways to help on the internet. This for instance: they plan to give public land (think ohv, maybe research this on your own a little) for the use of solar and wind energy.. I know we need alternate sources of energy, but really... We need to shut down an ohv access and land that has been used by those who love our sport? All so the damned energy companies can make money off of us? Ridiculous in my mind, the way I see it if those fawkers want land, they can buy it like any other company has to.. Private land like the rest of us have to... Not our public lands. They are hitting us hard guys, and I urge you, if you care about 4wheeling in the future to please become active in land use rights.. Let the discussions begin!!!

Last edited by Eturnit3; 07-17-2009 at 10:52 AM.
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Old 07-17-2009, 11:17 AM   #2
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

The 1st reference
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Old 07-17-2009, 09:17 PM   #3
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

yeah it stinks. I know alot of Fullsize chevy/ ford/ dodge guys like tearing it up and mud and all but this is a very real problem. Best advise i can give is join a club or get involved with tread lightly. The club i am a member of is ExploringNH. our club practices responsible wheeling on LEGAL!!!! lands. We always try to remove trash and keep the trails clean.

Unfortunately trails are getting closed yearly here. Also it only takes the actions of a few bad wheelers to destroy it for everyone else. I think joining these kinda clubs goes a long way to help keep the trails open.
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Old 07-17-2009, 10:40 PM   #4
the pollock
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

hey dude..
they came INto AZ and shut down trails.. due to migration of butterflies and freaking owls...
who neither have ventu red into those areas since WWI...

cali ecofreaks are uncontrollable.. and too much power..
they'll eventually shut down their own starbucks (who are NOT arbon foot print friendly)) and eventually detox and calm down..
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Old 07-20-2009, 01:32 AM   #5
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

The whole subject of closing our trails pisses me of. So say they close a trail, because the tree huggers dont like how there are tire ruts or what ever. Well if that trail is now closed then know one can get to that spot to see the beauty any more any ways. You dont see the tree huggers complaining when a new high way is put in.... Dont they think that is destroying the enviorment as well, how about all the stupind ski slopes. Have you ever looked at them in the summer, do you think that the trees just did not grow in those areas. The other thing is the wind and solar energy, I am all for it in an area like nevada or wyoming where it wont change the suroundings much. They think wheelers made an impact , wait till they widen that trail 20' wide and drive hevy eqipment into the forest to install all that crap. You tell me who is doing the most damage. Most 4x4 trails are old fire roads or existing trails that have been the for 100 years.
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Old 07-20-2009, 08:18 AM   #6
the pollock
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

i used to work the wind industry..
we DESTROY alotta stuff to put up those towers..
and it's never one company doing the work.. it's mroe like 6 different heavy equiptment companies coming in and out...

and then you add poaching poopin in corn fields etc......
the wind industy is just as destructive as it is productive...

oh well.. freaking hippies suck... period
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Old 07-20-2009, 05:18 PM   #7
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

Originally Posted by dammitmitchell View Post
i used to work the wind industry..
we DESTROY alotta stuff to put up those towers..
and it's never one company doing the work.. it's mroe like 6 different heavy equiptment companies coming in and out...

and then you add poaching poopin in corn fields etc......
the wind industy is just as destructive as it is productive...

oh well.. freaking hippies suck... period
did that scene look something like this?

to put it into perspective... heres a couple average sized vehicles next to the monstrosities...
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Old 07-20-2009, 05:24 PM   #8
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

Years ago in Idaho they shut down access to some areas I hunted because the roads crossed over creeks that were supposed to salmon spawning areas. I contacted the forest service and pointed out that the sheep herders were running sheep up and down the streams all summer (I also camped and fished up there in the summer). I hated having the sheep up there, they destroyed the open meadows and any vegetation under the trees. Sheep do not clip the grass like horses and cows but pull it out by the roots. I ended up losing my road access for about 3 miles, but got the sheep out of the two drainages I hunted permanently. Once the sheep were gone, the beavers took over and we now have nice grassy meadows with ponds, the erosion into the streams has stopped. Only problem is now the wolves have ran the elk out so we do not hunt there anymore.

I think historic 4WD trails should be left open, its not like the hikers are going to start using them once the vehicles are gone. Here we have plenty of non-motorized areas for them to play in.
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Old 07-20-2009, 06:03 PM   #9
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

yeah its a shame.. renewable energy has its draw backs I guess... its funnay how every lib in San Francisco voted for them... until they were actually being built in the backyards of some peteluma residences. Then its all about "how fast can we back pedal" lol.. But back to the topic at hand. I have to say to all who have chimed in here, thank you for caring enough to at least read through a few posts and chime in, even if it is just expressing the frustrations, I think that is very necessary as well as finding solutions. On another hand, this thread has had nearly 70 views and about a handful of comments, and that is a bit discouraging. But Please dont let this die out!!! We need solutions!! I love 4wheeling. I want to be able to come to your town, bring my money to your local economy, enjoy your trails in their entirety. The ultimate solution is, IMHO, to educate. Half of the kids I run into on our trails wouldnt guess that because they are 50 miles from the nearest town, that it isn't complete anarchy out on the trail. Most are none the wiser that the very trail they are on, and creeping off of, is in danger of its own existence, because they drove through a few little bushes at one fork... We need to educate!! We need to be active in educating.
We all see it.. The one drunk guy who has had about a 12pack to much to drink, the one who fell out of his buddies rig and threw his ciggy in the dry bushes. The one who looks like he could kick King Kongs ass if he could just remember where he set his beer. What do you say to that guy when you see him off in the woods taking a sh!t on the ground and leaving a crupmled pile of newspaper over the top? How do we tell people like him, that it is people like him that our trails are being closed over? More importantly, how do we tell him without him smashing our heads in for not minding our own business? The idiots can be informed. Its the punka$$'s that know better, and will fight you should you so much as mention it, this is a real problem here in my area. Im not a small dude, I can hold my own in a brawl. But should it come to this? I just want to wheel damnit. I dont mind picking up a few pieces of trash now and again, putting out an abandoned camp fire now and again. But am I doing this in vein? Are you listening? I cant be the only one who cares enough to do this, so please make a small effort to keep your local ohv park or trail. things like erosion, tree damage pooping in teh woods, leaving trash.. A little bit here and there seems harmless enough, but it will get our trails closed!!
Joining local organizations is a good start. It helps you get to know your fellow wheelers and is a means to be informed of the behind the scenes closures and environmental impact reports. Here are some in my area that maybe you would like to join:
Freinds of Fordyce-
Friends of the Rubicon
Friends of Johnson Valley (the hammers)
And last but definitely not least, The Blue Ribbon Coalition
Everyone who has ever set tire offroad should be a member of BRC, they are the leaders in what they do, please find the time to visit and join the blue ribbon coalition.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post/ rant, and may your offroad adventures be safe, responsible, and most importantly, FUN!!!
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Old 07-20-2009, 06:06 PM   #10
the pollock
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

yeap! but i was in missouri iowa and and illinois..
so it was cornfields and beans smashed all to hell
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Old 07-20-2009, 09:40 PM   #11
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Re: Trail Closures and Land Usage..

we really need to just have no more beer cans in the trails thats i major thing because they find beer cans they think a lot of people drink n drive on the trails. I was drinking a monster and messing around in the mud in the course and i got pulled over and he walked up very slowly looking in the back of the exploder looking for beer. HE was looking at everyone who was messing around in the mud because they think mud=beer

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