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Old 12-31-2012, 04:36 PM   #1
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Thumbs down Bad deal: Ricks1971

I bought inner fenders in May, he shipped them Greyhound, they lost the fenders. I asked for a refund around July, he said he would send one. I haven't heard from him so I sent another request for a refund, he said he was putting in a claim with Greyhound (in August) and would send a refund when he gets paid, I haven't heard from him since.
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Old 01-01-2013, 08:27 AM   #2
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

Why should he send a refund? He's out on his parts as much a you're out on your money. It's Greyhounds responsibility. You're pretty vague here. You haven't heard from him since Aug. I assume he's heard from you? How often have you been in touch? I'm not saying you don't have a gripe,but if you're going to post something here you should provide more details. It does sound like he's not communicating properly and this has gone on way way too long. I'm wondering why it's taken so long to post this thread
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Old 01-03-2013, 12:08 AM   #3
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

Originally Posted by special-K View Post
I'm not saying you don't have a gripe,but if you're going to post something here you should provide more details.
How could my post be seen as jumping on his throat like a rabid dog? Yes,I said a lot more,but above is my point. Communication is gold. Letting us know he had spoken to administrators who suggested posting here would be a good start. My other comments are based on the lack of info "and" asking for more. As one of the many members here,I saw this thread as being a warning to us,which is one of the other purposes of this place.
I hope Rick sees this and you two can resolve this. If Greyhound lost the stuff,it was their fault. But,if this guy has let too much time go by for Greyhound to stand behind it,the burden falls on him for lack of communication dragging it out,from what I gather in your post. Good luck
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Old 01-01-2013, 11:39 AM   #4
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

Tim, ease up... He emailed asking how to handle this after contact etc. I asked him to post here, as we ask folks to do. This way he and Rick can discuss it,work it out etc. Please don't jump at his throat like a rabbid dog before they get to do so.
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Old 01-01-2013, 01:48 PM   #5
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

Welcome to the site! First off, Not a lot of deals wind up with this outcome. Don't let it sour your experience here. This is a great place to find parts and get advice from guys that are experienced.

I hope you get it worked out. I can't see why they can't find those. They're huge and if a label came off they should be able to find them on the route somewhere. Unless the driver dumped them at a stop. In that case they could be long gone. People do like to scrap metal these days.

But any way I hope Rick responds and you get it all straight.
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Old 01-03-2013, 12:25 AM   #6
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

It is how it read, not an intended offense upon my part to you. I did contact Rick, and asked that he respond as well.
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Old 01-03-2013, 10:12 AM   #7
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

I have been on this board for awhile now and never had a bad deal. 1967sbss asked me if I could send the fenders which was posted (no shipping) finally I agreed to pack them and send them greyhound. 5 to 6 weeks after I shipped them I contacted 1967sbss to make sure the arrived safe in which time he said no. I contacted greyhound to have a tracer on the package to find out where it was. Greyhound also told me that they use other bus lines to get packages to Rhode Island and could for sure guarantee that 1967sbss didn't pick them up. I am suspect to the fact the I had to contact him to see if they arrived safe and didn't hear from him for months that he still had not received them. It would be hard for greyhound to loose such a large package and given the time between contacts to me is a red flag. I believe I have done everything on my side I packed and shipped these fenders and this is what he asked me to do.
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Old 01-03-2013, 02:39 PM   #8
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

My question at this point is why the buyer did not attempt to make contact with the seller when the parts never arrived?
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Old 01-09-2013, 06:32 PM   #9
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

5/15/12 I said I would buy the inner fenders. We agreed I would send a check, he would wait till it cleared before shipping.

Originally Posted by Ricks1971
I would like a money order if possible as pay pay costs to much.

they are boxed and ready to ship

(Can you do a check and wait till it clears before you ship? )


(Thanks, I'll mail it out first thing tomorrow. I have included contact info. This will be my first experience with Greyhound so I don't know what to expect. )

5/26/12 Rick shipped fenders.

(The greyhound number you will need when the greyhound agent calls you from Providence R.I. is (gli 169 759 535 0) They have no tracking for the package but its usually 7 to 9 days after its shipped. thanks Rick)

6/09/12 Rick asked if I got fenders.

(Just wanted to see if the inner fenders arrived safe? Let me know thanks Rick)

Rick called me (I don't know why but I didn't write down his phone #) to ask if I got the fenders, I said no, he said he would check with Greyhound also.

6/11 /12 I responded that I had not got the fenders. I would let him know when I did get them. I was calling greyhound for info but with no tracking# I got little help. I asked him if he got any info from greyhound. ( I still have not received the fenders, were you able to get any information from Greyhound?)

7/10/12 I was calling Greyhound daily to see if the fenders arrived. I was thinking Greyhound lost them. I sent Rick a message asking for a refund.

(Rick, I have not received fenders, I would like a refund. Please call me and we can discuss this.) Because he has my phone number.

7/10/12 Rick replied.

( Mike, I totally understand. I can't beleive they lost them. I don't get paid until the 20th and I will send you a money order. Hope this works. Thanks Rick)

After waiting a reasonable amount of time on 8/11/12 I sent Rick a message.
(Rick, I have not recieved the check yet, I'm wondering if you sent it.)

On 8/13/12 Rick replied.

(I have sent a claim to greyhound to refund me $200 so I can get you the money. Greyhound can't find the fenders or tell me if they were picked up. I will send you a money order as soon as they send me a refund on the claim.)

That was the last message I got from Rick. Having heard he would give me a refund That is what I was waiting for. I also asked him to call me so we could discuss the matter but he never did.
Again I waited a reasonable amount of time and sent a message on 12/10/12

(I have not heard from you about my refund. I am going to take this up with the forum adminstrator if I don't get a response.)

Then I posted in the bad deal section.

I think I was patient, I realize he is out parts also, I asked him to call to discuss. He also never responded after telling me I would get a refund.
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Old 01-10-2013, 11:57 AM   #10
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

I contacted Mike about 10 days after shipping these inner fenders and he said they had not arrived. I called Greyhound and they told me sometimes depending on how much passenger luggage on the buses it may take 3 weeks to get to Rhode Island. It was 6 weeks after I shipped I contacted Mike to see if the fenders arrived. I put out a search from Greyhound to find out where the box was and what was the delay. I did get a pm from Mike shortly after and he wanted a refund and I said I would do that. I contacted Greyhound and put in a claim and thats when they told me that they say for sure that the package was picked up as Greyhound uses other bus lines to go to providence R.I. Its almost been 8 months since I shipped these and heve been trying to find out what Greyhound did with these fenders. I didn't want to ship these but agreeded. I bought 2 large boxes paid for the shipping and drove 30 miles to ship these so its not my fault that they never arrived. The fact that I had contacted Mike first both time to see If he had received the fenders 10 after and then ,about 6 weeks and being told by Greyhound that he could have picked them up? Its a red flag to me. I have been fighting Greyhound to get a refund and all they are willing to refund is a $100 which Mike is welcome to.
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Old 01-10-2013, 12:03 PM   #11
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

Just the reason i spend the extra $ and get them UPS, cause tracking #s are like gold noadays,
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Old 01-10-2013, 12:39 PM   #12
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

This sucks for both parties, but with the facts in this thread here is how I look at it:

Rick sent the parts with a method he did not offer in the first place, and that method (greyhound) seems to be unreliable, and it is unverifiable if the package was delivered or not.

In my opinion, Rick is not at fault. He should be expected to follow up with Greyhound, which he appears to have done. The outcome is not in his control, but he is willing to give the $100 refund to his customer. That's all you can expect him to do.

I've had this sort of thing happen (not on this forum of course!) and it is a bummer when it does but if you ask for a special shipping method without tracking or insurance, it should be at your risk.
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Old 01-10-2013, 02:36 PM   #13
John Fabris
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

I have known Rick for over 7 years now (met him thru this board, and ended up moving to his area and now we work together on truck stuff all the time. Rick is a stand up guy and I know he shipped the fenders.

I am sorry that there is the question of where the fenders are now, but with no tracking and no way to prove there were lost or picked up, there is not much either if you can do, except to stay on Greyhound to find them. Two big boxes like that just don't get lost.

Rick is willing to refund $100 and call it a loss, which is more them most would do.

Also, posting this as a bad deal against Rick when he did ship them, and even offered $100 back (even though the issue is whether they got lost or they were picked up), is not right.

Rick has gone above normal to ship these, and even followed thru with you to see if you got them, and even offered partail refund as he has no way of proving that you did or did not pick these up.

As stated before, this sucks for both parties.
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Old 01-10-2013, 08:04 PM   #14
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

I will just add this. I shipped a rollbar for a 72 blazer, (yes, a full size, one piece rollbar) through greyhound to a board member and yep, They lost it!!! It had 2 tags with info on it. I added a little extra insurance to it which i am glad i did. It was a pain to get anything from greyhound. Worst part was it was $80 something to ship and they won't cover that. (which i don't understand since they didn't do their job)
Good luck and i hope it works out for both sides.
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Old 01-11-2013, 07:26 PM   #15
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

I don't question that Rick shipped the parts. My issue was that after we figured they were lost, he said I would get a refund. I asked him to call me and we could discuss it. He didn't. He said he was putting in a claim with Greyhound and would get back to me. He didn't get back to me. That is the reason I posted. I posted the dates of our messages back and forth. I did not hound him with repeated requests for a refund, I gave him time to resolve the claim with Greyhound, expecting he would tell me the result. When I didn't hear from him I asked the forum moderator what my options were. That brings us to this thread. He still has not responded back to me, but rather posted in this thread. I am not insulting him, I am asking for resolution. I have made other purchases with members on this forum with no issues. It is obvious Greyhound is at fault, and as a result, we both are out.

I am sorry i was vague in my first post. I should have posted more information.
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Old 01-12-2013, 12:25 AM   #16
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Re: Bad deal: Ricks1971

Greyhound GLI # is the tracking number. That's how they track it. I have shipped dozens of large items with Greyhound for many years and never had an issue, They are as reliable as any other means. I just picked up a '68 fender from NM and all they had was the sender's phone#. I didn't realize he had decided to ship that way and only had given my address. They called him and he sent me a PM. This took longer and the fender had been there a couple days. They have funny hours because they close like 9:30am-4:30pm on weekends. I called Monday evening and they said it was there,so I went right up. The guy said once he puts it in the system I have a couple days,then they start charging a couple dollars a day. He hadn't put it in his system yet so I wouldn't get charged. I guess someone could have stolen it and if time passed all I'd have was the clerk's memory to rely on. Usually they call me and I'm there that day. They are a bus line that handles shipping. They save you 1/2 the cost but are less convenient. You have to be on the ball. My depot doesn't have a storage room big enough for large body parts and they sit in the corner of the lobby.

It seems that what is not being understood is Rick said he'll refund you money,but it's the money greyhound gives him and he hasn't gotten that yet.

One thing I know,when you ship a part you need to be diligent on communication. You can't just wait and wait and wait,assuming it'll get here eventually. Use common sense. If a week goes by and nothing,it's time to check it out. The more time you let pass the harder it is for anyone to give proper info,I don't care who you are. It also gives the impression you don't care. I know,you have no less right to what's yours by being slack,but that's kinda (right or wrong) the way it works.You gotta be a squeaky wheel.
I'm sorry to hear this has happened. Looks like everyone losses. I've had situations with E-bay and an item shipped USPS that never showed. The seller could care less and left it all up to me to deal with the post office. It made me realize how much I take for granted sending money off and expecting something to show up every time and how it's a miracle all the times it works. On that case I was S.O.L.,then about 3 months later the thing showed up!!
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Last edited by special-K; 01-12-2013 at 12:34 AM.
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