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Old 06-10-2003, 06:52 PM   #1
driving is in my blood
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value question [for my parents sake, kinda long]

Guys, me and my parents were talking the other day [well almost fighting actually] and it was about what my truck was worth [or lack of worth according to them]
So Im posting this looking for some opinions and Im letting them read the replys. I have almost $6000 in recipts for my truck in a folder. Ive kept all recipts since I bought it

Ok so heres all the new stuff on it:
-vortec 350 with RPM intake, carter 600cfm carb, Hei with MSD coil+module [almost 10,000miles now]
-2004R built for 450hp w/2200rpm lockup convertor [5,000miles]
-western chassie flip kit+c-notch
DJM 3" spindles, eibach 2" progrssive rate coils
-255/60/15 tires [5000miles]
-aftermarket 15" rims [nothing speacial]
-complete kicker sterio using a component set of 6.5" mids and 1" tweeters in custom kick panels, 5 channel amp and 12" sub with a JVC cd player.
- new fuel lines, radiator hoses, motor mounts, spark plugs and wires, cap+rotor, carter electric fuel pump, holley pressure regulator, water pump, flexi fan, fel-pro gaskets inside the engine
-2" ramhorn manifolds to dual 2.5" exaust with catco convertors and flowmaster 40series mufflers with Z28 style tips
- a few extra guages here and there inside the cab
-TCI flexplate, ARP head bolts and flexplate bolts
-B&M tranny cooler

Ok thats all I can think of right now, although I know theres more. Just a rough guess would be great. Thanks guys!
-78 c10 short/step: 388cid, M20, 5/5 drop, lots more. Playtoy and first vehicle.
-98 c1500 x-cab: 5.7L, 17" rims, 5/6 drop, flowmaster, helper bags,NBS rear disk brakes.
-02 Suburban 4x4: leveled front
-CBR600F4i, CBR600RR, CBR1000RR, and standup skis
DISCLAIMER: I cant spell for the life of me.
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Old 06-10-2003, 07:03 PM   #2
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here copy this on the printer and give it to them....
$40.000 invested if you are driveing the truck every day thats great... my new zr-2 payment is 375.00 a month for 5 years
i don't drive my 85 everyday...but i've been married 22 years....its just a for your truck????don't know what cond.its in???
but its worth as much as you will put in ask the insurance guy$1000.00....LOOK AT IT THIS WAY YOUR SAVING AT LEAST $375.00 a month in payments...

Last edited by rage'nrat638; 06-10-2003 at 07:16 PM.
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Old 06-10-2003, 07:12 PM   #3
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Well i've learned one thing that seems to be true regardless of what make or model vehicle i've had. It is simply that regardless of the amount of time, sweat and money i've put into a vehicle, it's never more than half (very often even less) to other people, and when i try to explain the personal involvement and the accurate cost (i also keep receipts of everything i buy) of the parts people just ignore the facts. There is a HUGE difference between looking up a car or a truck from the local classifieds or the KBB and actually building it the way you want.

That's why i can't and won't give even a rough guesstimate on anybody else's property. You know, your truck is worth just as much as you're willing to sell it for.
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Old 06-10-2003, 07:25 PM   #4
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Well I was thinking that after I finish fixing up the body and give it a $200 mako paint job it could get at least $4000 on the I way off here?
-78 c10 short/step: 388cid, M20, 5/5 drop, lots more. Playtoy and first vehicle.
-98 c1500 x-cab: 5.7L, 17" rims, 5/6 drop, flowmaster, helper bags,NBS rear disk brakes.
-02 Suburban 4x4: leveled front
-CBR600F4i, CBR600RR, CBR1000RR, and standup skis
DISCLAIMER: I cant spell for the life of me.
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Old 06-10-2003, 08:11 PM   #5
old Rusty C10
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i think four thoousand is a high estimate particularly for a maaco paint job $3000 maybe but again for most of us its the love of the vehicle and not the money spent on it. Hell my son is taking a truck that is worth maybe $100 now ( the 76 i show in my sig) and he wants to put opver four grand into it to restore it. My so loves the truck and for the most part its gonna be his money. I feel better of him having a solid first car and not some piece of crap thats rolled out today that will fold up immediately when one of his friends leans on it. If you can run your truck daily and enjoy it its worth iswhat you think it is to you. A s to your parents or the insurance company thats a different matter.
As a parent tho, youre living in their house or therye supporting your ass in college, youbetter be prepared to abide by their word and if it means selling the truck then do could always build another one later youve got years ahead of ya

1951 International running on a squarebody chassis

"If a man's worth is judged by the people he associates himself with, then i am the richest man in the world knowing some of the fine people of this board" (you can review the site rules here!)

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Old 06-10-2003, 08:42 PM   #6
swervin ervin
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Hard for me to say. I know what I've got in mine and there is no way anyone would even come close to what it would take to get it. It costs a lot of money to fix these things the right way. I've seen too many trucks at the shows for sale and they were asking half or less of what they had in it. It about makes you sick to think about it, but that's just the way it goes. Think about all the trucks you see posted here and what they are asking for them. A lot of us don't see it, but to the owners, it is worth it.

My opinion on it is, do it for the love of it, not for thinking about making money when it comes time to sell it. I don't plan on ever selling mine.

1985 Chevy C-10
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Old 06-10-2003, 09:06 PM   #7
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Mike pretty much hit the nail on the head...take what you have into your truck and divide that in half...that is what it is worth. This holds tru for pretty much any vehicle of non-historical value. Some vehicles such as some musclecars, ultra rare low production vehicles, etc, command more $$...but even the it is a 50-50 chance they will get back what they have into them.

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Old 06-10-2003, 10:18 PM   #8
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Originally posted by old Rusty C10
As a parent tho, youre living in their house or therye supporting your ass in college, youbetter be prepared to abide by their word and if it means selling the truck then do could always build another one later youve got years ahead of ya
sounds to me like someone is a bit of a controlling parent. i am 22 years old, and i still live at home. i can understand household rules, but come on, selling someones pride and joy is a bit excessive. my parents tried to make me sell my 82 once, and i told them it wasnt going to happen. if they were to sell my truck (title was in their name), i was going to sell my little sister. i think when i said that they finally caught on how strong my connection with this truck are.

as for monetary value, if someone offered me $25,000 cash for the pile of parts i have now, i would refuse. there are just too many memories, and the truck has taught me so much. i just cant let ehr go.
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Old 06-11-2003, 12:36 AM   #9
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I wish I knew more about what the argument was really about. Was it about fixing an old truck vs. buying a new one. Was it more like your just pissing your money away?

As an investment there are very few cars or trucks that appreciate rapidly these days. The 67-72 trucks have gone sky high in price though. It won't be long before the 73-87 goes the same way. Expect the rounded line (73-80) trucks to appreciate first.

If they are concerned you are just wasting your money on an old truck, remind them that you are not spending it on drugs, beer, or wild women...
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Old 06-11-2003, 01:11 AM   #10
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The most cost effective way of having a nice classic car or truck is to buy one restored. Only down side of that is more then likely it wont be excactly what you wanted (color , modes etc).
People who buy restored generally dont apprecaite the hard work that went into restoring. jay
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Old 06-11-2003, 03:31 AM   #11
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The way I see it is that it's paid off and insurance is cheap. You can choose not to put money in it when you don't have the money to spend and when you do, well it's just sitting there all happy and ready to be modified.
You can't exactly tell your bank that you don't want to make a car payment that month or that you can't afford to.

If it HAS to be fixed in order to drive it, it's most likely going to be cheaper than a month or two of a car payment.

If the argument is a matter of having a truck taking up space that isn't driven daily and therefore isn't earning it's keep so to speak, I have a simple solution to that. Not to be disrespectful to your parents, but you're not going to live with them forever. When you move out, your truck and how you spend your money should no longer be a concern of theirs, or at least it shouldn't get to the point of an argument. Right now, they may have a valid concern since you're still at home with them....and if they're anything like my parents, if I live with them for any length of time, they can only hold back so long before they start giving me "loving" advice on how to spend my money.
Another thing to keep in mind is your truck is your passion. But your parents might not share the same passion as you and the receipts don't mean a thing to them except dollar bills flying out the window. But, I can bet that they both have a passion that they spend money on that might look like wasted money to someone who doesn't share that horse people can spend LOTS of money taking care of our babies...and other people just don't understand

whew...didn't mean to be that long-winded but it's late and I'm a girl so that's my excuse
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Old 06-11-2003, 08:00 AM   #12
I'm back with 2nd truck!
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I look at it this way. If you're at home they can say what they want concerning the way you live at their house. But as long as you are paying on or owning the truck plus they are not paying anything towards it what do they have as a right to tell you to do with it? NONE!! My mom tried this once before and I asked her who was on the tite, who was paying insurance, who was the one paying for up keep, etc. I WAS!!! NOT HER!!!

Sure your parents could say that it's not worth putting all the money into the truck. Who cares as long as it's not their money. You earn it you can do with it all you want. If you want to get some $100 bills and light a cigar with it then that's your right.
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Old 06-11-2003, 10:54 AM   #13
old Rusty C10
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Originally posted by 1FaastC10

sounds to me like someone is a bit of a controlling parent. i am 22 years old, and i still live at home. i can understand household rules, but come on, selling someones pride and joy is a bit excessive. my parents tried to make me sell my 82 once, and i told them it wasnt going to happen. if they were to sell my truck (title was in their name), i was going to sell my little sister. i think when i said that they finally caught on how strong my connection with this truck are.

as for monetary value, if someone offered me $25,000 cash for the pile of parts i have now, i would refuse. there are just too many memories, and the truck has taught me so much. i just cant let ehr go.
no Jeremy I am not a controlling parent, but it is MY house and i do make the rules, and as long as i am paying for my kids to live in my house they will follow the rules its very simple. If a kid cant understand that they can leave (assuming they are of age) and learn how life is on the outside where theres rent and utilities and food to pay before you can even think of owning a car
thats the funny thin about you younguns you think you know all the answers yet ya havent lived in the real world
and had ya been my kid threatening to sell your little sister id have sold your truck to the first guy i cold find for $50 and begged ya to try selling the sister
tell ya what wait til youre my age and have kids (teens, college age) and we will see how the story goes then

1951 International running on a squarebody chassis

"If a man's worth is judged by the people he associates himself with, then i am the richest man in the world knowing some of the fine people of this board" (you can review the site rules here!)

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Old 06-11-2003, 11:09 AM   #14
BeWarE tHe eViL CrAnkTOe!
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Lets just say my cost is over what Mark posted!! DOH! hahaa
I will never sell it though, Its my toy.
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Old 06-11-2003, 12:27 PM   #15
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Hey guys it was just a debate over what my truck was worth

As for my parents telling me to sell my vehicle, they never would. They know better then that. Im a 21 year old, its my vehicles and not theirs and they have absolutey no say in it. They can say only one truck at the house at a time, but not that I have to sell one of them.

Was it more like your just pissing your money away?
Yeah that was the genral idea of it.

If they are concerned you are just wasting your money on an old truck, remind them that you are not spending it on drugs, beer, or wild women
But then I wouldnt be telling the truth. I am a youngin ya know

Well I guess my truck is only worth about $3000 then. Still more then my parents thought, but less then I thought. Thanks for the input guys!
-78 c10 short/step: 388cid, M20, 5/5 drop, lots more. Playtoy and first vehicle.
-98 c1500 x-cab: 5.7L, 17" rims, 5/6 drop, flowmaster, helper bags,NBS rear disk brakes.
-02 Suburban 4x4: leveled front
-CBR600F4i, CBR600RR, CBR1000RR, and standup skis
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Old 06-11-2003, 01:19 PM   #16
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I just added up all my receipts
$834,549.00 (where did it go?)
86 SWB 9.0 LITER
T-400-OD 4.11 eaton-4/5 drop
Best 1/4 12.51 @112mph no traction
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