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Old 04-06-2016, 06:58 PM   #1
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Stupid Dumb.

I just searched thread titles for the words stupid or dumb. I hoped to find a thread on stupid dumb mistakes we've made. Couldn't find anything where we've had ongoing posts of stupid dumb things we've done.
Since I started this hobby, I've made several.
But I just did a dumb one.
I kinda blame my dad. Yeah it's his fault I've done this stupid dumb thing twice.
Never again.
30-40 years ago my dad said when he changed his oil, he liked to let it drain for a bit. Well twice now I've forgotten the plug.
Today, after draining the oil and removing the filter, I ran up to the parts store to buy oil and a filter. Got back home, crawled under the truck and put the new filter in.
Crawled back out and started filling the oil.
How many quarts should it take, 5?.
Hmm, 5 quarts and it still not showing on the dipstick.
I'm the dipstick who left the plug out.
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:17 PM   #2
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Been there done that. On the coolant also
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:24 PM   #3
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

I hate to admit it but Dammit ,I've done it too.
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:50 PM   #4
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

You're being way too hard on yourself and I wouldn't call that stupid or dumb...forgetful maybe and it happens as we age...especially after 50!!

Nah...stupid would be to have driven off without noticing that there were 5 quarts of oil on the floor!!!!

I've done worse...luckily the dementia has settled in and I forget about it sooner now

Good thread idea!!!
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:53 PM   #5
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

I have yet to leave the drain plug out and filled the case. However, last fall, I went to change the u-joints on the my 1 ton extended cab diesel truck. Got to the last two bolts and they sheared right off and the truck rolled over me. Moral of the story - I asked the daughter to set the brake, but I never verified it before starting the work, and my make shift chalk was little match for the mass. No broken bones, lots of scrapes, and two months of not being able to walk correctly let alone sit, stand, or much of anything. Lucky...oh hell yeah. Pissed...oh hell yeah, at myself.
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:54 PM   #6
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Thanks guys. I feel better.
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Old 04-06-2016, 07:59 PM   #7
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Oops, I just read your post, Bret.
That stinks.
Glad it wasn't serious.
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Old 04-06-2016, 08:08 PM   #8
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

I was changing oil in my c30 that I converted to 4 wheel drive when I decided to try using a transmission funnel to reach the engine easier. The unhooked breather tube on the 250 fit the funnel perfect when I put in from the passenger side. Got the 5 quart jug almost empty before I figured it out.
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Old 04-06-2016, 08:23 PM   #9
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

The oil filter canister on my 283 has an O ring, it's supposed to fit in the groove. When you start her up and you hear glug glug glug glug. That's the sound of 5 quarts of new oil on the ground... Your not in the groove Dummy.
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Old 04-06-2016, 08:50 PM   #10
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Having two people working on the truck at the same time.
New engine, using the dummy shaft down the distributor opening with a powerful drill, get to whatever pounds of pressure then it drops. Put another quart in and we get pressure and it drops. Put another quart in and same results. Step out of the truck and slide across the floor onto my ass.
Well, I thought you put in the oil filter!
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Old 04-06-2016, 08:54 PM   #11
TJ's Chevy
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

I've started my trucks in gear once or twice.
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Old 04-06-2016, 09:16 PM   #12
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Not exactly a stupid "truck move" but a stupid move nonetheless.
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Had just finished a whirlwind rebuild of an LS6 454 for my boat (20 years ago) to get it ready for the 7 hour tow to Shasta for a week on a rented house boat.
5 pm of the evening before the trip, after working almost nonstop for 3 days, my room mate and I had just finished bolting everything up and were getting ready to light it off for the 20 minute break in. Went to get the oil pump priming tool off of the work bench and there it was, sitting right next to the oil pump shaft that I hadn't put in before the oil pump. The next 12 hours was a frantic exercise in getting the shaft into the engine and the engine back in the boat.
Ended up breaking the engine in at the boat ramp the next afternoon and almost thrown off the lake for doing it.
The lesson-
Ill never leave that shaft out again.

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Old 04-06-2016, 09:43 PM   #13
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Some one has a really Deep oil Drain pan.

I've been told that some guys Buy Delo oil for diesels engines for use in are 350 chevy gas motors instead of 10-30 oils Plus its cheaper 12.00 a 4 gallon bottle
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Old 04-06-2016, 11:02 PM   #14
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

New subject of embarrassment. My L6 engine.

Introduction: I had to work in my yard for 3 years. All work done in the yard. Engine hoist doesn't roll in dirt. Hoist engine, then roll the truck frame out from under L6 engine. Then back my little Nissan pickup under the dangling L6 engine. Then lower L6 engine onto tire in pickup bed. So far, so good.

The Problem: Tailgate won't close because engine hits tailgate. No big deal. I'm only driving 20 feet across the yard to the waiting engine stand under the tree. I drive really slow. Really, really slow. There's a big tree root in my yard. A BIG root. I try to ease over tree root very slowly. Get tire half way over root and give up and let off gas. Truck rolls backwards off root.

The Finale: Drum roll please! Truck is rolling backwards off the tree root and I step on the brakes. Truck stops and I look through my rearview mirror as my L6 engine does a perfect somersault off of the tailgate and lands in the dirt.

The Postscript: Nobody hurt. No dents in oil pan or rocker cover. Fan was already off. Only broke the HEI dizzy cap. True story. Photos were taken 10 minutes prior to the event.
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Old 04-07-2016, 01:51 AM   #15
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

After highschool I pulled my transmission to paint it. I set it on a crate and hosed it using brake parts cleaner to degrease it. Then I slid the crate with the transmission into the garage. Not wanting to leave a puddle of brake cleaner in the drive way I decided the funnest way to get rid of it would be to light it on fire. Duh, right? So I lit it and watched the flame chase the tiny stream that went into the garage where I drug the crate/transmission to.

So as I sat for a second or two warming up on my burning transmission I realized I should put it out. Grabbed the hose and killed the flame. Fortunately no damage to the transmission, but sure didn't do that again.
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Old 04-07-2016, 06:17 AM   #16
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Oh Ive done too many dumb things to even remember them all but they happen. One of the dumbest was after draining the oil from my Land Rover before changing the engine I left the drip tray, now full of oil, under the engine bay.

The first time I walked past and said to myself, Oh I need to move that I should have moved it.

A week went by with me saying that every day until I needed to push the Landy to the other side of the drive and you guessed it I ran a front wheel over the full drip tray!

Even at such low a speed its amazing where that oil reached. I was cleaning it up for weeks!
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Old 04-07-2016, 10:50 AM   #17
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Marrying my second wife. Nuff said.
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Old 04-07-2016, 10:56 AM   #18
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Originally Posted by The Rocknrod View Post
Marrying my second wife. Nuff said.
LOL. Now this I'm sure many can relate to.
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Old 04-07-2016, 12:01 PM   #19
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Haven't done it myself but I witnessed something pretty gut-wrenching. A friend of mine had just installed a rebuilt small block 400 into a '65 Impala, connected everything and started it up. He forgot to put engine oil in...the case of oil was on the shop floor right next to his foot as he started the engine...lesson learned
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Old 04-07-2016, 04:51 PM   #20
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

I told some fellow workmates of my Stupid Dumb.
One guy said his dad also drains his oil over night.
His dad tapes a piece of paper to his windshield that says: "No Oil in Car" so he don't get up the next morning and drive off. :-D
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Old 04-07-2016, 06:06 PM   #21
papaw smurf
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Well i can add one of the many i done over the years.....use to round track race in what was called a cadet car....which was basically a sbc with single 4 barrel carb and was in a 66 chevelle body....this was in the 70's....came home with a blown motor and pulled it out on sunday morning about 3 when we got home....rebuilt it and was in a points system so had to get it ready in a week...and it has to basically stay stock on the insides...i think we were allowed a flat tappet cam......go it all put together and loaded on the to the race track...went to back it off trailer at the track...and ....BOOM.....rod out the side of the block....pulled it down...and forgot to tighten the rod bolts......oh well...**** happens......LOL
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Old 04-08-2016, 06:57 PM   #22
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

While trying to put my front wheels up on ramps I drove over them and dented my front fenders.
While jacking up the front of my truck with the jack under the front crossmember the wheels got stuck in the guwiee mixture of oil and asphalt under my truck sow instead of the wheels moving like they should the jack moved out from underneath the crossmember. Somehow, thank God, the next thing the jack came in contact with is the front sway bar. Which is amazing because it is so far from the front crossmember.

Also dented my rear fender while trying to roll the lip.
It is amazing how stupid we can be when we don't have the right tools or are trying to save time. In my head I think that if things start to go wrong then I will stop. By then it is usually to late.
One of the most costly mistake I have made was having people that did not know what they are doing work on my truck.

One more mistake. I started feeling a shaking in my front end and a knocking noise. I thought it wasn't that bad so I continued to drive it. I kept on thinking I should check to see what is going on but never took the time. I was driving on a surface streets and decided it was getting to bad to continue driving so I pulled over and called a tow truck and they towed me home from the rear of the truck. While being towed home on the freeway the tow truck driver yelled and pulled over quickly. It was then that I saw my front tire bouncing down the freeway over the center divider and then come bouncing back. It did not hit anyone. I have no idea what it hit to make it bounce back. The knocking noise turned out to be the lug nuts coming luse. If I only had checked.
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Old 04-08-2016, 10:52 PM   #23
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Back when I was fresh out of school I used to drive dump trucks. Well we were hauling sand to stock pile for later use a friend of mine who was also driving a dump backed up to the pile to unload. Well guess what his last load was gravel that had to be spread in a driveway for those that do not know to do this you hook up a set of chains on the tailgate so it only opens a small amount, OK I think you get where this is going by now and yup you guessed it. As his box went up at about the halfway point the load let loose and up goes the front of the truck. So here he is sitting back on the tailgate and the front wheels about 15 feet in the air, now for the tricky part the box won't come down because there is now no weight on the hoist. So he puts it in gear and begins to ride this long slow extremely high wheelie until the front finally comes down, I wouldn't have believed it unless I seen it myself.
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Old 04-09-2016, 09:06 PM   #24
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Back when I first got my 70 Suburban the old 307 was burning a quart of oil a week. Sourced a GM Targetmaster 350 and had a friend help me install it one weekend. No engine hoist so we had a come-a-long hooked up to the bucket of a backhoe. The hydraulics on the backhoe were leaky and we couldn't get the engine lined up before the bucket sank. My buddy started the backhoe and raised up the bucket and engine way too high while I was standing on the frame rails. While ratcheting the come-a-long back down the mechanism slipped and the engine fell the last foot and a half inches away from my feet. Luckily the only thing damaged was the oil pan.

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Old 04-10-2016, 03:55 PM   #25
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Re: Stupid Dumb.

Originally Posted by pwdcougar View Post
Back when I first got my 70 Suburban the old 307 was burning a quart of oil a week. Sourced a GM Targetmaster 350 and had a friend help me install it one weekend. No engine hoist so we had a come-a-long hooked up to the bucket of a backhoe. The hydraulics on the backhoe were leaky and we couldn't get the engine lined up before the bucket sank. My buddy started the backhoe and raised up the bucket and engine way too high while I was standing on the frame rails. While ratcheting the come-a-long back down the mechanism slipped and the engine fell the last foot and a half inches away from my feet. Luckily the only thing damaged was the oil pan.

I used to run a backhoe when I was younger found out when I got home it started leaking very little but just enough. I had it backed up to my stang and my mother and brother noticed it was starting to put a dent in the hood, neither one of them knew how to run the hoe and the car was out of commission so by the time I got home there was a nice little reminder left on the nose of my hood. That will teach me I should have parked it with the bucket on the ground.

Last edited by WE B CRUZN; 04-10-2016 at 04:00 PM.
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