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Old 07-18-2022, 11:48 PM   #1
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Patina preservation..what's the poop?

Just about got my '50 on the road and I am wondering about preserving the patina..You just don't see many patina trucks up here. I have heard use CLR or Comet and a green scrub pad the follow with Linseed oil. There is also lot's of "Patina Care" specialized products out there. What would you recommend?
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Old 07-19-2022, 02:28 AM   #2
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

ive got a friend that uses "patina sauce" on all his rides ...he loves the stuff

i think you can make your own sauce...just have to search
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Old 07-19-2022, 09:43 AM   #3
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

I spray mine down with WD40 every now and then.

It initially turns the colour darker, but seems to dry up and not be wet as it gets 'absorbed' into the metal.

My concern with linseed oil is it not completely drying and being sticky.

Great looking truck, congratulations......... love it
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Old 07-19-2022, 12:44 PM   #4
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

CLR = Calcium lime Rust cleaner works to get the field find crud off.

The right door is the after and then the before in the photo with the left door that I sold a week ago. I've got this one posted on FB Market place for the Patina/rat rod brigade. Looks like it was peppered with about #2 shot at about 40 ft though. Way more rat rod than patina but I don't want much for it.
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Old 07-19-2022, 02:04 PM   #5
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

Ok, I will be THAT GUY that says it. What guys call "patina" is decades of neglect and even abuse.

Real patina is paint that has been SO well cared for over the decades that they have polished through it in places to the primer and even the bare metal in spots. The chrome has been polished and polished til it loses the depth and becomes flattish but still smoooth. It DOESNT have the acne that chrome that has been neglected has.

In the case of Suburban99's AD, I agree it DOES look cool. If I had it - after having the expensive paint job on my '55 and having to worry about it - I'd keep it so I felt good about driving it and parking it. I'd rub it down with CLR to get the surface rust off and maybe give it a very light sanding with 2500 or 3000 grit, then just polish the hell out of it. Yeah, it'll take a little more color off but it'll look REALLY well cared for.
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Old 07-19-2022, 04:29 PM   #6
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

my answer is nothing. I love the look of an original paint truck but if i ever decide to do paint work it will be hell to get anything oil based off.

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena View Post
Ok, I will be THAT GUY that says it. What guys call "patina" is decades of neglect and even abuse.

no, thats just what you call it.

the dictionary calls it oxidation from a long period of being exposed. I call it the finish of a truck that has 60 or more years of sitting around, being kicked by cows or bumped into fence posts. i bet thats how a lot of people see it. thats not really the question he asked though, thanks for checking in on how you feel.
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Old 07-21-2022, 11:10 AM   #7
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

Originally Posted by Dan in Pasadena View Post
Ok, I will be THAT GUY that says it. What guys call "patina" is decades of neglect and even abuse.
Sexy, sexy neglect and abuse.
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Old 07-19-2022, 02:43 PM   #8
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

Dan and I are on the exact same page on this. Rust rot and decay are not Patina, they are rust, rot and decay. The how do I preserve the look of my rust stuff rather gets my goat as in five years or so you are going to be asking how you can replace that rusted out panel because rust doesn't sleep.

While Off topic here this Merc is a prime example of what Dan was saying. A very well preserved car with original paint that shows it's care while showing it's age. This car belonged to an 80 something year old customer of mine when I worked for Bowden's auto parts and he didn't drive it because the gas gauge didn't work but it always started and ran and he moved it around the yard and covered it back up with the tarp when he mowed. I saw it on a trailer a few years later and then this guy showed up at a local show with it. Note that the paint shines but shows wear through spots in places that were probably from the tarp.

I can't find the photo but the paint on the hood was worn down to the primer but there isn't one speck of rust showing on the car and what brown paint is left shines up. This is real patina, just like that well cared for saddle and tack that has always been cleaned and conditioned and cared for.
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Old 07-19-2022, 04:00 PM   #9
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

I used Sweet Patina on mine. I like the product. It smells great and offers a nice sheen. I don't care for shinny (cleared) patina/rust. Now if a person buffs thru a thin factory paint job and its shiny that is totally different. You can probably use just about anything you confrontable with. On my brushed trim, the Sweet Patina really levels out the look of the brushed metal. That was my biggest surprise and why I will continue to use the product.

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Old 07-19-2022, 07:08 PM   #10
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

As long as you guys don't start clear coating rust so it shines I am ok with it. The local rat rod brigade seems to love that clear coat on rust thing.
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Old 07-21-2022, 11:18 AM   #11
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

Originally Posted by suburban99 View Post
Just about got my '50 on the road and I am wondering about preserving the patina..You just don't see many patina trucks up here. I have heard use CLR or Comet and a green scrub pad the follow with Linseed oil. There is also lot's of "Patina Care" specialized products out there. What would you recommend?
Well first you have to decide if you like the brown tones of the surface rust... if you do, then no CLR/scotch brite... maybe a light scotch brite only just to smooth it out a bit. Then use mineral spirits/linseed oil/wd40 mix on it every 6 months or so, or use Sweet Patina. Fast and easy!

If you want to get closer to a more well-worn-but-cared-for look, then yes, you want to scotch brite that surface rust down, then follow up with the Sweet Patina. Or do what Dan says and polish it down to the primer. it will take a long long time, but it always looks awesome.
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Old 07-21-2022, 05:22 PM   #12
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

Ive seen a lot of stuff about Poppy's Patina on Instagram.
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Old 07-21-2022, 06:04 PM   #13
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

The rust is going to come back in a few months if you use CLR. it doesn't kill or change the rust it just takes the loose oxidation off the surface.
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Old 07-21-2022, 11:38 PM   #14
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

I am in Dan's camp, fresh paint for me please. I am not a patina guy.
has anybody in the patina camp tried ceramic coating/wax? I use it on my 2015 silverado. sheds water like crazy so it must seal up the surface I guess. maybe too shiny?
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Old 07-22-2022, 10:18 PM   #15
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

Originally Posted by dsraven View Post
I am in Dan's camp, fresh paint for me please. I am not a patina guy.
has anybody in the patina camp tried ceramic coating/wax? I use it on my 2015 silverado. sheds water like crazy so it must seal up the surface I guess. maybe too shiny?
I have used "silicone bassed" ceramics detail products, most will leave a deep gloss shine. Also finicky to apply unless the paint is prepped perfectly. I think with the "patina" type paint, its too rough and will cause debris to get stuck into the coatings.

I think a matte clear coat would seal well, without the shine. And washing it would be a lot easier, since you wouldnt be rubbing old paint off. I know with my '52 in the garage, I will walk by and rub some dirt off the fender(i think it was resprayed in the 80s) and it takes that single stage paint right off. Its just like dust now.
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Old 07-23-2022, 12:40 AM   #16
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

my friend dando used this on his and i am trying to find a picture of it. it was suuuuper thick, like put it on with a roller, no reducer, and it self leveled.

reminds me that I DID do one in satin clear a couple years ago. just rustoleum satin spray bomb from homer derpt.

edit, dan sent me some pictures. it was suuuuper shiny and he ended up knocking off some of the gloss
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Old 07-22-2022, 12:08 AM   #17
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Re: Patina preservation..what's the poop?

The red stuff is rust, CLR will minimize the rust
Clear coat will seal it. They make mat and semi gloss clear coat
If you don't stop the rust, it will eat through your body
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