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Old 08-09-2002, 12:32 AM   #1
too many
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Thumbs up Thanks "colohusker" !!!!!!!

I want to thank "colohusker" in advance for helping a fellow B. member out!! I just purchased a 67 truck in the Denver area and plan on having "crews" bring it back to the IL. The only problem is the truck has to be moved from its current location by the 10th , and "crews" cant get it for a couple weeks or so. . We asked if anyone could help "store" it 'til "crews" can pick it up.

We had several replys! "Colohusker" offered to go get it , even tho we didnt know exact distance from his house!! ( estimated 40 - 70 miles!).

This is someone Ive never even talked with til this morning!!!

Its a good feeling to know that people are still willing to help each other out in a pinch!!

(I better quit now, Im getting all teary - eyed) lol'

Anyway, I want to THANK Scott AGAIN for his help !!!!!!!!
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Old 08-09-2002, 01:39 AM   #2
Saving 1 truck at a time!
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Great story! I keep forgetting how many members are out there to help if they can. Think about that on your next rod run when you break down....even though we hope it doesn't ever happen.
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 400/TH400
'68 C20 Longhorn 50th Anniversary 468/TH400w/buckets
'72 C20 Halfhorn (Longhorn w/o cab and front clip)
'69 Flxible Cruiser (look up ugly in the dictionary)
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Old 08-09-2002, 01:48 AM   #3
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Always glad to help out! Besides, I haven't had the chance to look over a 67, might see something I want to do to my '71! I'll post some pics for Steve and everyone to see when I get it here. And it wasn't that far, mapquest says 49.2 miles, which is about my one way commute. Also, if anyone in western NE needs anything shuttled from the Denver area, let me know since it seems that we've got into a schedule of running to NE every other weekend this summer.

I say it's only money, my wife says it's only a truck....

'71 C10 Deluxe, factory ac, ps, pb, should be done by 2102

Longmont, CO
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Old 08-09-2002, 02:03 AM   #4
68 Suburban
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Scott sure makes things a lot easier!
Just sitting here contemplating contemplation.
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Old 08-11-2002, 03:22 AM   #5
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Just wanted to give an update. Picked up the '67 tonight, almost as scheduled. Had a small emergency at work, a couple of servers went down and had to go in causing me to run about 40 minutes late. But, I did pick up the truck, and a straighter '67 I have yet to see. Very little rust, and didn't see a dent on it from my quick look before taking off. Ran good, cruised down the highway at 65-70, but... forgot what an adventure it is driving an all drum brake truck in Denver traffic! Good to report that the truck is still dent free! I'll have pictures on Monday night, since have to run to Nebraska again tomorrow. I should just ask Ol'Buck whether I could put a trailer on his land! Anyways, the truck is safe and sound and waiting for crews to pick it up.
I say it's only money, my wife says it's only a truck....

'71 C10 Deluxe, factory ac, ps, pb, should be done by 2102

Longmont, CO
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Old 08-11-2002, 03:55 AM   #6
68 Suburban
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Scott, Thanks for all your help! I am glad the truck is as nice as I was told. Enjoy it Steve (Too Many)
Just sitting here contemplating contemplation.

Last edited by 68 Suburban; 08-11-2002 at 04:06 AM.
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Old 08-11-2002, 10:28 AM   #7
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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hey colohusker...stop taking the good stuff off of his truck and putting your old nasty stuff on it!
Just kidding...
That is awsome, members helping people they have never met, and may never actually meet.
This place is great.
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Old 08-11-2002, 10:34 AM   #8
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Thanks to Scott for helping everyone out on this one!! I will get there as soon as I can !!!!

BTW, what do I owe ya?
05 Chevy Silverado..... A rogue BMW guy....

If you don't like me- TAKE A NUMBER; There are people ahead of you!!
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Old 08-11-2002, 12:56 PM   #9
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TAKING GOOD PARTS OFF ????? I wouldnt do that..... WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE !!!! lol

Actually , There has been a LOT of trust in a few guys I didnt know a couple weeks ago!! I SWORE I would NEVER buy anything like a truck from just pics of the 'net. BAD experiences with a few other things not being as represented , etc after I rec'd them. Most of those things were from e-bay, etc . I think a lot of them are more "business", and are worried first about their pocketbook.

Something about this site is awsome ! The #s of posts are almost a full time job just to keep up. ( my wife thinks I get paid for being here). The combined knowledge and willingness of the members is mind boggling!

I have to confess that sending money to someone I didnt know , for a truck Ive only seen in pics WAS a little nerve-racking at first tho! After reading Scotts 'mail I am a lot more comfortable.

I still will be happiest when I get her nestled in the barn with her "sisters" !!

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Old 08-11-2002, 01:07 PM   #10
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The first time i sent money for a truck i bought online my wife about had a heart attack!!!!!!!!!! I am a firm believer that most people are honest. And that if they are going to rip me off it will come back to haunt them.
I have bought multiple trucks online and have yet to be dissapointed.
I have also sent money to a member i never met so he could pick up parts that i have bought from Ebay. When i went to Kansas to pick up the parts his wife asked me if i was nuts. I said why? For sending money to someone i never met. Ahh, Only Chevy truck guy i have met that i couldnt trust was a closet Ford fag.
2008 Chevy HHR 1/2 panel.
1949 Chevy Panel truck(just sittin, waiting)

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Old 08-11-2002, 07:54 PM   #11
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hmmm... me take the good parts off? never! Just because the truck that crews will deliver might look a lot like an ochre and white 71 instead of a green 67 doesn't mean anything. just kidding!

As far as trust and this board, it still amazes me how knowledgeable everyone is here and the number of posts is staggering! If you would have told me a year ago that I would be picking up a truck for a person in IL that bought it from a peson in AZ with the truck never leaving Denver, I would have thought you were crazy. Of course a year ago I wasn't on this board and still looking for a truck to buy! There is a real sense of passion for the trucks here, and I think that's what drives a lot of the trust. As I told my wife a month ago when I was running errands around town in my truck. I love my truck, and she said yes, she knew that, in fact she thought I loved my truck more than her. I said no, most of the time she was still #1 unless I was driving my truck, then she slipped down the list. Anyways, just got back from NE, going to grab a bite to eat, check in at work, and am planning on going and taking some pictures of the 67.

I say it's only money, my wife says it's only a truck....

'71 C10 Deluxe, factory ac, ps, pb, should be done by 2102

Longmont, CO
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Old 08-11-2002, 08:35 PM   #12
Longhorn Man
its all about the +6 inches
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I said no, most of the time she was still #1 unless I was driving my truck, then she slipped down the list.
You know...last time I said that...I got THE LOOK.
Note for single guys.... If you don't know what THE LOOK is, think of everything evil, everything wrong with the world, and every horendus act you have ever heard of...Mix it all in a Daiquiri machine.. (that's blender for all us married folks) then convert it to an action, and THAT is THE LOOK.
Pray you will never get to see it.
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Old 08-11-2002, 10:06 PM   #13
yes i did post something
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hey colohusker thats awesome that u would do sumthin like that, hey i live in colorado where at do you live?
you can want in one hand and s h i t in the other and see which fills first
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