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Old 03-21-2002, 04:56 PM   #1
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Question Brake fluid resevoir ?

Got in the ol' truck yesterday, and as I backed out of the carport, the brake pedal didn't feel right, so I pulled around to the garage and checked the fluid. My reservoir is a 2 part one, front and back, and the back was out of fluid, while the front seemed to be over filled. This same thing happened about 2 months ago, and I re-filled and checked for leaks (put the truck on a lift to check everything), and could not find any indication of a leak. Yesterday, I just looked underneath at the inside of the wheels, and still no signs of a leak. Today, it is 20 degrees with a 30 mph north wind, so I thought I'd just ask you guys for any ideas, fixes, or bits of wisdom that I may ponder 'till the weather straightens up. One other thing, the rubber whatchamacallit that looks like a training bra for a F**d driver's girlfriend looks a little pathetic on the back side, kinda like ol' F**d boy has been suckin' on it (the average F**d boy doesn't know how to un-hook a bra ya know).

------------------[*]'71 Cheyenne, 402BB[*]Winfield, KS[*][*]

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Old 03-21-2002, 05:32 PM   #2
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I have had the same problem. Change the rubber seal that is under the cap.

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Old 03-21-2002, 05:40 PM   #3
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Too funny! Good luck on the brakes. It's sunny and 88 in Tucson. Guess I'll go home and wash my truck tonight.
Bill - Tucson, AZ
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Old 03-21-2002, 07:13 PM   #4
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Could be a few things but, when the weather permits I would pull all four wheels and do a good inspection of the brakes. The only time I see the rubber "gasket" on the master change shape is when someone adds oil, ATF or something besides brake fluid in there, this would also mess up the master seals and allow blow-by, possibly pushing fluid from one bowl into the other, if this is the case it would eventually travel down to the calipers and wheel cylinders. Also the back half of the master may be leaking out the back of the master and into the power booster (if you have one).

1971 C10 swb stepside 350/700R4/3.73posi
Killingworth, Connecticut
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Old 03-21-2002, 07:16 PM   #5
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88 ?! holy damn !!! only place hotter is australia right now, damn,...
meanwhile us over here 60 degrees F away from out there....

lmao at fordboy stuff, so how do you go about unhooking a bra ? i know how i do it, but i wanna know about how you do, you must have a really slick way of doing so,
teach me oh wise bra dude

[This message has been edited by Fast68Chevy (edited March 21, 2002).]
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Old 03-22-2002, 01:10 AM   #6
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It is possible that I have used 2 different brands of brake fluid, therefore causing a mix, but if anything else is in there, then it came from a service shop that has been added in the past. I guess what you are telling me is that if the rubber is bad, the fluid is getting forced into the front chamber. I'm kinda wondering about the booster since you mentioned it. I have never messed with a brake booster in my life. Could the lost fluid be collecting in the booster housing?

Hey fast, you of all people should be able to figure out how I unhook a bra, I do it as FAST as possible!

------------------[*]'71 Cheyenne, 402BB[*]Winfield, KS[*][*]

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Old 03-22-2002, 01:19 AM   #7
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Just wanted to say I like the bra comparison thing there. I couldn't tell ya anything about unhooking a bra

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Old 03-22-2002, 05:19 PM   #8
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To start with,,you could unbolt the master and pull it forward leaving the lines attached and take a look see if it's wet back there, if it is, replace master, if not bolt it back in, no money lost.

1971 C10 swb stepside 350/700R4/3.73posi
Killingworth, Connecticut
1971 C10 swb stepside 350/700R4/3.73posi (retired as of 4/22/03)
1998 S10 short bed
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1942 Oldsmobile
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1951 Wife
Killingworth, Connecticut

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Old 03-22-2002, 05:47 PM   #9
lux hauler
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I noticed the same thing on mine about a month ago. I checked the fluid and it was low so I drove the truck to NAPA to get some more fluid. When I got home, I popped the hood and found that there was fluid leaking from the front top edge of the master. I pulled the cap and noticed that the whole top edge of the master was rusted pretty bad. I'm guessing that the rust isn't allowing it to seal properly. So, I went back to NAPA and ordered another master.
I haven't put it on yet though, so the truck is just sitting in the garage......I don't want to drive it on the salty roads right now anyhow
'72 C-10
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