Hey everyone,its been a while since my truck has been mentioned on here.
All the major bodywork is done and i have replaced the 10 inch clutch with an 11 inch one.The old single exhaust one barrel head has been replaced with a two barrel dual exhaust one and i am repainting the engine gray. I also bought two more trucks a 63 chevyand a 65 gmc. I just bought the 63 last week for 400$, although i just wanted the doors i ended up with the whole truck,what sucks is that the cab is way nicer than my cab was when i started. This one just needs some minor rocker and floor work. The 65GMC came with a 60 Chevy that my dad bought,the bed is destroyed and the frontclip is too but the cab needs the same work as the 63. also the 63 has fiberglass fenders that i can use.

so for the time being it will stay around as a farmtruck until we decide what to do with it. hope fully my dad wont decide to use the cab for his 60 and scrap the rest of it