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Old 07-19-2006, 11:06 PM   #1
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dumb air breather question

I've had my truck running on and off for 13-14 years. I've always used the stock air intake in the pic below. I'm in a time crunch and drove the truck down to a local shop to have it properly tuned.

He said I wasn't getting enough air, and installed this silly air filter that makes the top of the cleaner sit off of the bottom of the cleaner. Now the truck's running well, but what's wrong with this picture?

What am I missing? Something tells me that my fairly stock 350 shouldn't need anything wacky like this... thoughts? Please tell me I'm not crazy.
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Old 07-19-2006, 11:16 PM   #2
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Re: dumb air breather question

looks like they only had one with the right diameter and put it on , figured you wouldnt notice.............
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Old 07-19-2006, 11:18 PM   #3
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Re: dumb air breather question

Same thing can be done by turning the lid over - what were the symptoms requiring the tune up ?
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Old 07-19-2006, 11:19 PM   #4
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Re: dumb air breather question

Well, when he called me to tell me what they did he admitted to doing it. Said the engine wasn't breathing correctly and needed more air. Said the air cleaner is too restrictive.
"Green Monster" (Red Sox fan)
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Old 07-19-2006, 11:21 PM   #5
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Re: dumb air breather question

green_machine - fresh carb, and I'm not savvy with them. I just needed the idle, etc fixed. I also wanted the 200 4R adjusted to it would shift correctly. I don't know how to adjut tv cables. He adjusted it a bit and said that he thought a real tranny mechanic should look at it. I think it shifts fine, I just want someone with pressure gauge to make sure its not going to burn up.
"Green Monster" (Red Sox fan)
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Old 07-19-2006, 11:22 PM   #6
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Re: dumb air breather question

If it runs good now and it fixxed the problem score. If you dont like the look buy the cheap air cleaner from summit thats open all the way around and use the fillter you got now. Peace.

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Old 07-19-2006, 11:29 PM   #7
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Re: dumb air breather question

I used to put the big filter on my truck just so I could hear the four barrel moan. Before that I would flip the lid on Dad's car to hear the carb. That would drive Dad nuts. He kept complaining about the car sounding funny! I'd go and put the lid on right for a few weeks and he thought the problem went away.
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Old 07-20-2006, 12:04 AM   #8
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Re: dumb air breather question

Originally Posted by ERASER5
I used to put the big filter on my truck just so I could hear the four barrel moan. Before that I would flip the lid on Dad's car to hear the carb. That would drive Dad nuts. He kept complaining about the car sounding funny! I'd go and put the lid on right for a few weeks and he thought the problem went away.
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Old 07-20-2006, 12:09 AM   #9
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Re: dumb air breather question

Originally Posted by ERASER5
I used to put the big filter on my truck just so I could hear the four barrel moan. Before that I would flip the lid on Dad's car to hear the carb. That would drive Dad nuts. He kept complaining about the car sounding funny! I'd go and put the lid on right for a few weeks and he thought the problem went away.
haha, that's great!

anyways, I usually look at an aircleaner like that and the first thing that comes to my mind, well, it's politically incorrect for these boards, but let's say it's a synonym to red-necked. Flipping the lid over (for reasons other than to bug your father or other people) not only looks horrible, but isn't that great anyways. I'd be sure to see if that air cleaner is the same diameter, if not, the bottom/top won't seal with the contours in the air cleaner housing, and can still let dirt in there (and having an air cleaner at all will be irrelivent). If it is the same diameter as whats' meant to go in that housing, then I'd just try and see if it looks like it would seal good. GM didn't have their heads up their pie-holes when they figured stuff like this; a good air cleaner will go hand-in-glove with its housing and make sure the only air that comes through will go through the filter, not around it.

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Old 07-20-2006, 11:38 AM   #10
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Re: dumb air breather question

That's correct 69 but GM was trying to keep everyone happy by building quiet vehicles and many ("regular" not "Car Guy's") people didn't want to hear the roar of the carb.GM's enclosed air cleaner was designed for the quiter noise level while giving OK but not optimum airflow.
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Old 07-20-2006, 11:55 AM   #11
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Re: dumb air breather question

Been there done that! It MIGHT give the engine a little more air but I couldn't ever tell any difference except it seemed like the filter got a lot dirtier a lot sooner and this was mountain driving where you can tell even small differences in power. This was with a stock 1969 c20 350 way back in 1970.

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Old 07-20-2006, 04:54 PM   #12
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Re: dumb air breather question

looks like he charged you for labor anda new top retainer, all ya woulda had to do is flip the lid!>> LOL< im running an old @ss cadi's airfilter pan. lmao, its huge!! gets the air tho!!!
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Old 07-20-2006, 05:10 PM   #13
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Re: dumb air breather question

The stock snorkels were very restrictive. That's why a performance enthusiast will toss the stock cleaner day one of ownership. You'll have ppl complain the argument that cold air is better than hot air, and the snorkel gets cooler air to feed.
However, the truth of the matter is, if you can give the engine all the hot air it wants, you'll be better off than feeding it a minimum amount of cool air.
Is it running better?
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Old 07-20-2006, 10:31 PM   #14
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Re: dumb air breather question

Well, I've got to tell you. I fixed my driveshaft today (carrier problem....) and drove it with the old air cleaner, and new one. The difference is tremendous. I honestly didn't believe it would make a difference, but it did. Now you also have the noisy 4 bbl rumbling when you open it up, but it does have more pickup (as well as noise). I'm going to need to get my chrome air filter out for this job, or find something with a larger snorkel. Its too bad, b/c I like the way the oem air filter/snorkel looks..
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Old 07-20-2006, 10:38 PM   #15
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Re: dumb air breather question

You want redneck? I cut a similar snorkel off an old filter housing and added it to my stock single-snorkel housing. Now I have two snorkels, way less noise than with a flipped lid, and way more power than with one snorkel. Might put on another one just for fun.
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Old 07-20-2006, 10:46 PM   #16
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Re: dumb air breather question

Suppose I shouldn't admit this, but years ago I flipped the lid.... wasn't long, though, before I got a chrome aftermarket air filter assembly. When I used to pick up my daughter after school, she loved the sound (and the acceleration) when I cracked the big secondaries on the Q-jet!
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Old 07-20-2006, 10:46 PM   #17
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Re: dumb air breather question

jimfulco - I like that idea
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Old 07-20-2006, 11:20 PM   #18
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Re: dumb air breather question

Adding another snorkle would help, but not as much as how it is right now.
your best bet (while keeping it simple) would to be to add another snorkle, as stated, then get some breather hose... either the black plastic stuff from wall mart, or tryer vent tup (painted black) and hook it to the snorkles, and run the other end to the top of the rad core support. Terminate it on top of the support, and try to make it neet, then slam the hood. Open it back up and neeten it up some more, and secure it to the core support. (slamming the hood will crimp it to a smaller oval opening) Remember, cold air is best, so if you can get 2 snorkles sucking in the wind from in front of the truck, you'll be pretty well off.
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Old 07-20-2006, 11:24 PM   #19
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Re: dumb air breather question

A late model air intake from a TBI engine will probably work well. They have a large 6" diameter oval intake tube. It should also fit the carb correctly. Thanks for the ideas.
"Green Monster" (Red Sox fan)
1970 GMC survivor, 350/200 4R, 3.42 rear gears, 2.5/4 drop, ECE disc brake conversion, powder coated suspension
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Old 07-21-2006, 02:14 AM   #20
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Re: dumb air breather question

In this state we call the open chrome air cleaners "August Air Cleaners", cause up here August is the ONLY month when the humidity is right for an open air cleaner..just my no-cents worth.
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Old 07-21-2006, 08:17 AM   #21
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Re: dumb air breather question

Or... You could spring for this cheapie on ebay! Only $1500 bucks.
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Old 07-21-2006, 09:09 AM   #22
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Re: dumb air breather question

Originally Posted by Sweet72
Or... You could spring for this cheapie on ebay! Only $1500 bucks.

What truly amazes me is there are 2 bids!
"Green Monster" (Red Sox fan)
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Old 07-21-2006, 09:37 AM   #23
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Re: dumb air breather question

Originally Posted by incoma
What truly amazes me is there are 2 bids!
I sold a 1965 z16 Chevelle dual snorkle air cleaner on eBay 2 years ago for $3,000. There's people out there that don't mind spending a lot of money on their toys.
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Old 07-21-2006, 12:14 PM   #24
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Re: dumb air breather question

I had a thought about fabing my air cleaner. I always heard that the stock air cleaner restricted the amount of air being let in. I want to keep the stock look, so I decided to cut an oval opening in the back of the housing between 10:30 and 1:30 (snorkel at 5:00). This should let enough air in and not show any mods to the cleaner. The only thing I don't know is if the air back there is air that I want going to the carb. Maybe too hot or too dirty?

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Old 07-21-2006, 02:32 PM   #25
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Re: dumb air breather question

There was a pic of an air cleaner on here where the owner had cropped off all but about 3" of the snorkel in an attempt to let more air in. I didn't look right, but I think the idea of brazing or tack welding an additional snorkel from junkyard air cleaner onto your existing air cleaner would look better.
'72 GMC SWB C1500 Custom, frame-off in progress. 383 SBC, 9:1CR, Comp Cams XE262H, Scat internal balanced crank, Eagle SIR 6" rods, Keith Black dish pistons, Dart Iron Eagle 72/180 heads, Weiand Stealth intake, Stewart stage I water pump, Holley 4bbl vac sec, TH350 with B&M Shift Improver Kit. 12 bolt positraction.
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