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Old 06-12-2007, 09:17 AM   #1
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which 4X4 frames will work?

If I wanted to do a 2wd to 4wd swap, would I have to use a 1972 4x4 frame or are there other suitable donor vehicles?
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Old 06-13-2007, 01:39 AM   #2
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Re: which 4X4 frames will work?

any 67 to 72 long wheel base truck will work just have to add a few body mounts from the burb frame. I would just use the frame you have DIY4x4 makes the front spring hangers now and cross meber it would cost you 400 but its alot easier then a hole body swap. you already have a rear spring rear I think didnt all gmcs have leaf springs so thats no difrent. there kit also lets you run springs from the 73 to 87 truck. ARBhauler has a 2wdrive burb converted to 4x4. he used a divorced transfer case and was even able to keep his stock trans. His burb gave me the idea of using a NV4500 from a 2wd and a divorced 205 trancfer case, doing it this way is saving me a lot of cash. My burb was a 4x4 already but i am adding every part you would use to make a 2wd to a 4wd I just dont have the 2wd stuff to sell to help pay for it.
68 2500 4x4 GMC Burb
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Old 06-13-2007, 09:07 AM   #3
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Re: which 4X4 frames will work?

WOW! that is awesome news, I do have rear springs. So what do I look for: Front spring hangers/is that the flip ans switch?, a cross member and a transfer case? OK, abhauler did cutting, welding and swapped his power steering. Will I have to do all that too, or is this kit from DIY4X going to eliminate that?

Last edited by 72GMCburban; 06-13-2007 at 09:53 AM.
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Old 06-13-2007, 02:02 PM   #4
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Re: which 4X4 frames will work?

you are still going to haeve to do some cutting and grinding but its to get the old 2wd stuff off. once the 2wd stuff is gone just bolt the diy4x4 stuff on and go. for steering that is up to you you have to options one is change to a 4x4 steering box. I wouldnt go that way I would keep the 2wd steering box and add cross over steering to the new 4x4 axle to do this if you use a 1/2 or 3/4 ton drive line you will need a flat top knuckle d44. let me know what your drive line is going to be and Ill help you out with that. next is the transfer case you could find a trans and case that some one is selling from a 4x4 for you can go to a divorced set up and keep your trans you have now. Im in the procces of addapting a divorced case so I will make paters of the transfer case crossmeber im building and will make them available to who ever needs them so they can reptoduce it. if you use a married tranfer case and trans you can use the crossmeber it came with. chevy never used a divorced case in these truck and the stock doge or ford crossmeber is to big you would have to put a big body lift to use it. divorced cases mount from the top and hang down.
Give me a little more on drive train plans and I will try to simplify it more for you.
68 2500 4x4 GMC Burb
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