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Old 01-04-2012, 04:24 PM   #26
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Re: tablet for head console???

Originally Posted by jimmydean View Post
I don't have room under my seats since I have them dropped all the way down for driving anyway, but if you use the right form factor, you can put it under the dash. I was going to mount mine above the glove box with access from inside the box top.

The 7" tablet just fits perfect. I just haven't settled on one yet. The Kindle Fire is a strong contender, but a quad core is in the works. Whatever it is, it will be rooted and wiped clean first.
you wanna make sure you can read the screen when sun in shining on it. At home you can move it and rotate it so you can see under almost all conditions. In your car thats usually not possible.

I read in some Linux car PC project that you want to lok for a "transflective " screen so you can read in the sun. But I have found only extremely expensive versions of like $700 and up...

any ideas on that?
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Old 01-04-2012, 04:25 PM   #27
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Re: tablet for head console???

Yeah definitely go with some sort of solid state media, even if it's a usb thumb drive, as long as it's a higher quality one it can be made to work well with a little kernel tweaking.

How do the Kicker 3.5" speakers sound? My front 3.5s sound like ass and I need to replace them. I wanted to try before buying some but nobody in town sells them so I can't demo them. I just want something that has good clarity and well rounded, doesn't need to carry ANY low end because I have my 12 and my two rear speakers for that.
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Old 01-04-2012, 04:26 PM   #28
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Re: tablet for head console???

Originally Posted by kikkegek View Post
you wanna make sure you can read the screen when sun in shining on it. At home you can move it and rotate it so you can see under almost all conditions. In your car thats usually not possible.

I read in some Linux car PC project that you want to lok for a "transflective " screen so you can read in the sun. But I have found only extremely expensive versions of like $700 and up...

any ideas on that?
Given it's not as good as buying a screen built for sunlight, but there are screen protectors that help reduce the glare. Plus, if you have tinted windows it will GREATLY help reduce the glare.
Shawty: '84 C10 Silverado SWB, 700r4, SBC 350 - 4 bolt main, bored 60 over w/ Weiand aluminum intake and moderate cam, 2" true dual exhaust, Thrush mufflers, 3.42:1 gears -- Build Thread
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Old 01-04-2012, 05:32 PM   #29
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Re: tablet for head console???

these look interesting...
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Old 01-04-2012, 06:56 PM   #30
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Re: tablet for head console???

I am building (I built one, but might change it a little based on the trans I use) a center console, the tablet mounts just under the dash in front of the shifter. Its not as awkward as it sounds. Glare shouldn't be an issue at all. Once I figure out the tablet to use (something sub $200 with Android 4 rooted) I will figure out a mount system. I would like it to be easily removable.

I was going to put it in the dash, but I don't like that idea (even though I cut the hole out already )
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Old 01-04-2012, 06:59 PM   #31
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Re: tablet for head console???

My little kickers kick ass. I got them for $20 from a little bodega stereo shop that had some quality gear mixed in with the crap. i just made a plate out of 1/2 mdf to mount under the dash and it clears the wiper and ash tray.
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Old 01-04-2012, 11:10 PM   #32
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Re: tablet for head console???

I'd love to see some pics of your console.

Any chance you know the model if your speakers. if I can find a pair online I will go ahead and order them
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Old 01-05-2012, 11:55 AM   #33
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Re: tablet for head console???

Photobucket is blocked at work, but if you look at the last page or two of my build you can see it. It's basic, fits around the shifter and will have 2 cup holders in the top. The top will be wood grain to match the steering wheel and trim. I want to do a roll top cover for the tablet.

But I built it in about 10 minutes using the original 4 speed. I have an M20 that will go in it, but that might all change if I go LS/T56. I had some scrap laying around, so I threw it together. I need a coffee cup holder in my truck.

<edit> I think these are the right pics, but I can't see them from here.

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Old 01-05-2012, 12:11 PM   #34
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Re: tablet for head console???

yeah that's them. I have bounced back and forth with the idea of doing something similar with building a console for holding the screen. Glad to see someone who has actually done so already.
Shawty: '84 C10 Silverado SWB, 700r4, SBC 350 - 4 bolt main, bored 60 over w/ Weiand aluminum intake and moderate cam, 2" true dual exhaust, Thrush mufflers, 3.42:1 gears -- Build Thread
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Old 01-05-2012, 12:26 PM   #35
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Re: tablet for head console???

We used to build these for VW's back in the late 80's to fit all sorts of things. I need a middle seat, otherwise I would have gone with a modified Cadillac console.

But now that my shifter location is up in the air, this could be a "for now" fit.
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Old 01-30-2012, 06:56 PM   #36
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Re: tablet for head console???

just a thought i had, maybe you could mount a head unit out of sight in the glove box, then run a head phone jack to a mount and hook it up that way, you still have a head unit for cds and radio, but you're visual control is the tablet or phone.
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Old 01-30-2012, 09:03 PM   #37
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Re: tablet for head console???

Originally Posted by camshaftgsxr View Post
just a thought i had, maybe you could mount a head unit out of sight in the glove box, then run a head phone jack to a mount and hook it up that way, you still have a head unit for cds and radio, but you're visual control is the tablet or phone.
If you were to go that route, it would be incredibly beneficial to have steering wheel controls so you can control the volume, station, track, etc
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Shawty: '84 C10 Silverado SWB, 700r4, SBC 350 - 4 bolt main, bored 60 over w/ Weiand aluminum intake and moderate cam, 2" true dual exhaust, Thrush mufflers, 3.42:1 gears -- Build Thread
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Old 01-31-2012, 02:03 PM   #38
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Re: tablet for head console???

Originally Posted by hairlesshobo View Post
If you were to go that route, it would be incredibly beneficial to have steering wheel controls so you can control the volume, station, track, etc
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I still have no idea what I am going to do with my steering wheel controls. My first thought was to tie it into my air ride setup, but who knows. I have a bunch of buttons to play with.
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Old 02-20-2012, 06:21 AM   #39
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Re: tablet for head console???

I saw this thread while poking around and thought I'd revive it as I've just decided to go this route in my 50 half ton.

I'm in the middle of swapping a 69 frame, blown LQ9, and 4L80 into my 50 AD. Rather than retrofit a bunch of digital gauges into the dash, I planned on using an AVIC N4 motorized 7" navigation unit and HKS's CAMP 2 monitoring system to display gauges.

The N4 is a little dated and more complex than needed. CAMP 2 is a great system. It reads OBDII information and is expandable to read other temp sensors, boost, etc. However, they do not offer a wideband option.

I've been needing a reason to buy an iPad, and I think I've found it.

Take this
with some its extra sensors (A/F, boost/vacuum for me)
throw in an app to put it all together -

and viola!

I'm stoked. I like that I can use my phone if I don't want to lug the iPad around with me. Real time read-outs and data logging done by wifi. Plus, all of the great features of the iPad. Music storage, turn by turn navigation, etc.

I'll try to keep this updated as I figure out how I make this look decent in a 1950 pick up.

Anyone need an AVIC N4 and HKS CAMP 2?

- you should probably just ignore the dude yapping in the video.
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Old 02-20-2012, 03:20 PM   #40
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Re: tablet for head console???

Originally Posted by jimmydean View Post
I will be using a 7" tablet for mine. Audio, video, navigation, remote start, power windows/doors, GPS locator and alarm are all ran off it. Next is to develop an app to control my air ride, then I will be set.
Jimmydean, I don't know if someone has suggested this yet, but I believe Accuair recently developed an app to control the air ride. It's designed after their e-Level controller. It's called i-Level. Hope this helps. Your concept sounds pretty slick.
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Old 02-20-2012, 04:05 PM   #41
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Re: tablet for head console???

Wow I like the dash tablet. Only one thing that would drive me crazy. HAving to switch it to gauges every time
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Old 02-25-2012, 01:08 AM   #42
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Re: tablet for head console???

Originally Posted by runpasthefence View Post
I saw this thread while poking around and thought I'd revive it as I've just decided to go this route in my 50 half ton.

I'm in the middle of swapping a 69 frame, blown LQ9, and 4L80 into my 50 AD. Rather than retrofit a bunch of digital gauges into the dash, I planned on using an AVIC N4 motorized 7" navigation unit and HKS's CAMP 2 monitoring system to display gauges.

The N4 is a little dated and more complex than needed. CAMP 2 is a great system. It reads OBDII information and is expandable to read other temp sensors, boost, etc. However, they do not offer a wideband option.

I've been needing a reason to buy an iPad, and I think I've found it.

Take this
with some its extra sensors (A/F, boost/vacuum for me)
throw in an app to put it all together -

and viola!

I'm stoked. I like that I can use my phone if I don't want to lug the iPad around with me. Real time read-outs and data logging done by wifi. Plus, all of the great features of the iPad. Music storage, turn by turn navigation, etc.

I'll try to keep this updated as I figure out how I make this look decent in a 1950 pick up.

Anyone need an AVIC N4 and HKS CAMP 2?

DashcommandTutorial.MP4 - YouTube - you should probably just ignore the dude yapping in the video.
I have this setup now and it is CRAP. The software is so buggy I can't even get it to stay connected for over 5 minutes. I have emailed them repeatedly and have gotten zero help. I wish it really worked like they act like it does.

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Old 02-25-2012, 01:28 AM   #43
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Re: tablet for head console???

Where is the problem? Is it poor application performance, or does it have to do with the PLX products?
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Old 02-25-2012, 04:51 AM   #44
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Re: tablet for head console???

I did a little more research and found some people are reporting connectivity problems with the PLX Kiwi system.

Give this a look. It appears they updated the firmware at some point. I'm not sure that solved any problems, though.

I've also read that DashCommand users were having problems after updating to IOS5. I believe there's been a recent update there as well.

The forums are a pain in the ass because it appears people don't know how to differentiate between issues they're having with their vehicle vs. issues with PLX vs. issues with it all gets intermingled.

This is discouraging, but it looks like PLX stands behind their product pretty well. If that's your problem and you've purchased in the last year it appears they'll replace your unit free of charge.
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Old 02-28-2012, 12:52 AM   #45
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Re: tablet for head console???

Originally Posted by darkgable79 View Post
Jimmydean, I don't know if someone has suggested this yet, but I believe Accuair recently developed an app to control the air ride. It's designed after their e-Level controller. It's called i-Level. Hope this helps. Your concept sounds pretty slick.
I'm actually trying to get on the beta list for the Android version.

I'm a software engineer, but a commercial app would be nice.
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