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Old 10-15-2012, 08:34 PM   #1
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Thumbs down Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

I've dealt with hundreds of mail and phone orders, and am the most patient person you'll ever meet, but I'm at my wit's end with this incredibly unprofessional company. This is a bit longwinded, bear with me guys.

So I order up a set of four Centerline Smoothie wheels on August 7th, and was charged just shy of $1300 on that day. Louie says it'll take about two weeks, and it does, I end up recieving it on the August 27th.

I open up the packages, and two of the wheels have been damaged in shipping. Why? You could blame UPS, but I wouldn't, because the outside damage to the box with extremely minor.

It was Centerline's packaging. They wrap a thin silicone rubber band around the lip and put the $300+ wheel in a plain jane cardboard box, not even a thick cardboard box.

So I ship them out the next day (Centerline paid for shipping) and they recieve it on September 6th.

Louie tells me it'll take about 1.5 weeks to repair them. Okay, no worries there.

I call at the 2 week mark, and ask for a shipping number. They tell me they have to look into it, they'll call me in a half an hour. Never happens. I call in a few hours, and Louie tells me there running just a skeleton crew, and there is no one in the shipping department to let him know whats going on. This repeats several times over the next two weeks.

I've called once every few days to check up on it, and get bullsh#t excuses every time. It's now been over FIVE weeks, and they haven't been finished yet, or shipped out.

Still waiting, but the moral here is, it is damn near impossible to deal with these guys after you give them your money. If you are within driving distance and can drive to these guys, I could see buying from them, but if not, don't waste your time.

Here are pictures of the damage. It's minor I know, but when you pay over $300 a wheel, you expect at least a new wheel. The pictures don't really do it justice, the polished aluminum is hard to photograph up close.
Anybody else have a bad experience with these guys?
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Last edited by N2TRUX; 03-15-2013 at 10:45 AM.
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Old 10-15-2012, 09:25 PM   #2
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

Yeah i called up to buy a set of Vector wheels they had in overstock for $199 each (this is what the web site states). The guy tells me its going to be 5/6 weeks atleast and that they are $285 each?
I told him about the website and he could have cared less, ticked me off after I spent weeks finally. Picking these wheels out.
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Old 10-15-2012, 09:44 PM   #3
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

Originally Posted by 69GWC View Post
Yeah i called up to buy a set of Vector wheels they had in overstock for $199 each (this is what the web site states). The guy tells me its going to be 5/6 weeks atleast and that they are $285 each?
I told him about the website and he could have cared less, ticked me off after I spent weeks finally. Picking these wheels out.
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I could see this happening, they are terrible to deal with on the phone. I work in customer service now, and these guys have no concept of the term.
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Old 10-15-2012, 09:57 PM   #4
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

my dad had the same problem with foose wheels, so I think this isn't just a one company issue
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Old 10-15-2012, 10:00 PM   #5
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

I've never had any problems with them but I absolutely would not accept their idea to repair the wheels. They can send out some new wheels and however they deal with the bad ones is not your problem. Now they are not communicating with you. Credit card chargeback. That will at least get them to talk to you.

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Old 10-15-2012, 11:34 PM   #6
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

I had issue with Centerline about 15 years ago. I ordered a set of wheels and them came with the wrong offset, the second set looked like the hasn't even milled the back side lip. It was all rough and jagged. Call them back and got a full refund. The whole process took 3 months of monkeying around.
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Old 10-16-2012, 10:01 AM   #7
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

You do realize that most wheels are made in China now aren't you?

You've heard the term "slow boat from China"? That's where your wheels are. Next time I would order from a Tire store, you'll get better results.

Welcome to the "service based economy".
......its not what your askin', its what your gettin'....

.......every time I screw up, I learn something. Needless to say, I'm learning all the time............
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Old 10-16-2012, 04:18 PM   #8
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

There are a lot of wheels made in China, but Centerline isn't one of them.
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Old 10-19-2012, 02:10 PM   #9
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

Turbbuick, whats the status on this? Are you sure the reps name is LOUIE and not LUIS?

Just wondering because I want to order a set of their CRS1s and I have been talking to a rep that runs their Facebook page named LUIS. I'd hate to have a problem with my order.
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Old 12-18-2012, 09:21 PM   #10
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

I HAD to read your post about Centerline wheels, I called about the "specials" on thier website, but the $289.00 each wheels quickly turned into a nearly $1400.00 set, not that big of a deal, but it still felt like a "bait and switch". The wheels took about 7 weeks to arrive, no problem, the truck is under construction, backspace was correct as was the bolt pattern. I mounted tires and put them on during a early sheet metal trial fit and took a couple pictures. The style that I purchased look like polished American Racing Salt Flat wheels. Looking at the pictures I thought they looked a little "shiny" for my truck, so I decided to paint the wheels to look similar to salt flats. By now I have had the wheels for 7-8 months, the order was placed 9-10 months ago, and upon masking the wheels I discover that they didn't complete the machining on two of the wheels, they looked almost identical when polished, but not the same. I took a bunch of pictures to show the differences and Louie agreed that they weren't correct and sent shipping labels for return. It took another 6-8 weeks to get them back, perfect match........ except they came back with different center caps. I called and was told that the style of caps on my wheels is on backorder, so they replaced them with a different style.I aked WHERE ARE THE ONES THAT WERE ON THE F****** WHEELS WHEN I SENT THEM BACK TO YOU? In about a month, after numerous calls, I got a pair of the correct centers. In Centerlines defense, they stood behind their product, the wheels look good, fit perfectly and only took 11 months to get right!
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Old 12-18-2012, 09:56 PM   #11
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Re: Anybody else had a bad experience with Centerline Wheels?

Those are sharp wheels......these stories are sad....from a leading edge company from 1970, to now they cant afford to keep wheels on the shelf. It's to bad that the economy has put them into the stage they are in...Centerline will always be my favorite brand wheel...


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