Vent window division bar bead thingy question
I'm rebuilding my vent windows and I have a couple questions for the experts.
First, I'm removing the division bar felt, but the whole length is wrapped underneath the 2 little chrome bead caps that run along the edges. I have a pic attached for example. The edges of mine were off, and I can just plier them a little tighter and they go back on and stay on easily. But to really get all the felt liner out, it seems like I'd have to take the whole bead off, which would be a real pain to do the whole thing back on. Am I nuts? And it seems like it's stainless, and I plan to paint or maybe powdercoat the frames, so should I just take them off anyways and polish them up?
The second question is the rubber glass liner. I got my stuff from GMC Pauls, but they don't sell the little rubber liner for the vents. LMC has them, but I've read to many posts to trust their rubber. Is it just like a certain thickness and width of rubber strip I can get at a local craft store or something? I have a pic attached. Mine is pretty rough and I'd like to replace it. Same thing for the regular side window liner.
David Larsen
1970 Chevrolet C-10