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Old 09-27-2018, 09:28 PM   #1
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fake patina

Maybe I am being too particular, but in my opinion, fake patina is pretty much ridiculous. It's about as bad as someone throwing stepside fenders from a late model S10 on their 68 c10 frame.
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Old 09-27-2018, 11:14 PM   #2
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Re: fake patina

Originally Posted by plowro8 View Post
Maybe I am being too particular, but in my opinion, fake patina is pretty much ridiculous. It's about as bad as someone throwing stepside fenders from a late model S10 on their 68 c10 frame.
I hear you, Man. The only real way to do patina is to buy the truck 45 years ago, and never wax it.

Every 25 years I like to rebuild that 292, whether it needs it or not.
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Old 09-27-2018, 11:24 PM   #3
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Re: fake patina

I think it is OK if done well. What is usually left out of the fake ones is the rust area on the driver's door where the driver's arm rests when the window is rolled down. Any proper patina truck has that, but fake patina trucks always leave that out for some reason. And at least a small number of dents, scratches, and outright gouges are a part of the deal.
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Old 09-27-2018, 11:40 PM   #4
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Re: fake patina

Who cares?

Let a person build their truck whichever way they want. Don't like it? Then keep on walking and don't look at it. It's not rocket science. I'm so tired of the self righteous attitude of other so-called enthusiasts picking part or insulting what others have chose to do to their own personal property.

I get this crap all the time with my trucks. Ive given up explaining my choices, I usually just ask them where their truck/car is, which usually met with silence and I go on my way.

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Old 09-28-2018, 01:18 AM   #5
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Re: fake patina

I was watching on of them truck builds.The guy said tou know what patina is its RUST and old dry paint.LOL.I have a 1964 short bed fleet side big was a 3 on the tree 327 truck Nothing else.I have a 1968 longhorn 396/400 fully loaded.I Like kinda leaving a old truck with the factory paint job on it.But when its down on the the sheet metal You have to paint it

A clear coat last 6-9 months out side before it starts peeling.I like stage one poaint jobs any of you that like clear coats must have a ton of cash.

I don't mind buffing my blue or yellow or green or red paint jobs.Just what ever you do Get some massive coats on there.Me i care less for orange peel.My trucks are drivers they stay out side.

Been driving these trucks sense i was 14 when i was boosting my grand fathers 1965 3/4 ton truck witch is now mine I'm now 48 years old I grow up in these old trucks the mow hair of the the old seats how they smell Lacquer lead paint.Flat glass with a thine peace green sheet tint in the glass.

Thing you youngens barley see now days.My 1947 chevy fat fender will blow you away.That car is a dream to drive.

If your 30 years old you missed it the fell and the feeling of that time.In 1990 I was buying 1967-72 camaro's for 200.00 to 500.00 running with big blocks in them.

Fun times being a scraper and salvager Picked up a ton of stuff and worked for 2 old tow yards here in Calif.

Some of the stuff i got to see and buy would blow you away
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Old 09-28-2018, 01:27 AM   #6
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Re: fake patina

dmjlambert i got that one for you my 1965 has that same problem Rust on that door had to sand it a few times cus it was getting BAD.
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Old 09-28-2018, 01:34 AM   #7
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Re: fake patina

somewhere along the line, someone got the idea that simulating RUST was creating patina. Rust is rust, and if it's original, that's cool - but there's certainly no reason to make something look rusty when it isn't. makes no sense. when patina first became a "thing" - rust wasn't part of the equation - the look that was desired, if one went in for patina, was something along the lines of very well preserved, but faded, maybe even a little sun-baked, paint. But not rust. As for "faux"tina - my personal estimate is that about 5% of them look believable and/or well done. The rest probably would have been better off restored or left alone. I'll also add that the best looking fauxtina paint jobs I've seen were on the 47-55.1 series trucks. They never seemed quite right on later than that - for me anyway. FWIW, a very heavily fauxtina'ed truck from our ear went across the block at BJ tonight - a solid straight truck with tons of rust painted on it - and I think it would have sold for twice what it sold for (around 16-18K I think) if the same amount of effort had been put into an actual paint job rather than the faux.

But, each person is different, that's just me. Whatever floats one's boat - because it's your truck to fix up how you want. I wouldn't put Longhorn horns on my truck as a hood ornament either - but that used to be a "thing" too.. I'm sure glad that fad faded away...
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Old 09-28-2018, 02:26 AM   #8
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Re: fake patina

Originally Posted by YBNORML View Post
Who cares?

Let a person build their truck whichever way they want. Don't like it? Then keep on walking and don't look at it. It's not rocket science. I'm so tired of the self righteous attitude of other so-called enthusiasts picking part or insulting what others have chose to do to their own personal property.

I get this crap all the time with my trucks. Ive given up explaining my choices, I usually just ask them where their truck/car is, which usually met with silence and I go on my way.
The only problem about most of the guys that build these trucks.They go full boat with 200.00 in there pocket.

I've had to junk over 75 of these trucks do to wild idea's.

The one i never could understand is I went to this guys house he had 4 of these trucks.I call it a learning Curve.But later i told him why could of you could of token a Fab class before cutting on these trucks.He was learning how to Chop the top and did not have one ounce of welding experience or how to Fab up ****.

He Did this to 3 pristine cab's with No cancer cut them up.Ya i have a problem with you Kids cutting up Nice stuff learn on a God Dam S10.

I still like the guy I went over to this guys shop In Covina Ca.

This one will brake your heart.I was called cus my friend that knows i like these old trucks from 1964--72 thought i might like some of the parts plus the guy that own the shop got kick out for being 6 months no pay.

The owner met me and said You have to take it all.Then he said if you can get it out in 1 week he pay me 2000.00.

I said sure.He gave me the alarm code an the keys and a Legal letter head that said any continence in shop was mine to do with how ever.

I had my 1965 with my 16 foot big black trailer back in 1994 with 4 foot high sides I walked thew the office pitch Black had this cheap flash light.Alarm was already off.So i made my way to the back of the where house 2 big foot doors.I hit the switch then got daylight.I turned to the other door and open it to get more light in.

I turn around a 1972 K5 blazer starring at me,I said Cool. then a 1969 K5 in peaces but the front clip was on it The shocker i got was this guy had over 30 Big block engines In there square tube racks in plastic.I started looking then i got really mad.

He was trying to turn them in to rock crawlers the floors where all cut up the frames where all cut up.

The 1972 4x4 blazer was the one that was not cut on it had a 400 with a 205 transfer case with AC full power It was yellow and black.

The 7 others where from 1969-72.2 of them where 1/2 ton 2 wheel drives the 1969 red one had a 396 th400 AC.He cut the floor up so bad.Found a pile of parts in a wood box Looks like he just ripped the dashes out.

He had 2 1968 and a 1969 or 70 short bed fleet side these where in good shape.But the floors where all cut out looked like they had massive cancer.

He have a nice 1966 short bed fleet side in there He was doing that old Air ride system.To me he had no welding skills.Lots of bubbling in his welds.

The one i liked an so thankful he never cut in it was a 1968 Tow truck dove tail Wrecker.It had no motor or trans in it but looks like it had a big block in it with a th400.

Now something was strange when i looked at the motor and trans hooked together there was a big alum transfer case bolted to the 400 later i found out it was a American Gear vendor.I had to close down both doors Got on the phone to 2 guys that like these trucks i had to Fax pics to them.

They both said Tell me who this guy is We will drag him and run over him for cutting up such nice trucks.They came out a pick throw some of the stuff took all the Vin numbers and Id plates off the ones that where to far gone.They took the AC dashes that the fiber glass tops.

the rear sheet metal be took a saw saw to them so they where useless my guys payed me 8000.00 for all the motors Payed me 2500 for the 12 bolts Told me When they had junk I be there guy for the nest 10 years.One of the guys is part owner of American racing rims.

So i get all the defect rims he got all the 4X4 transfer cases and front ends so i had 6 guys helping me clean that shop. it was done in 5 days.

The 1968 chevy 2 ton wrecker was towed over to the guy that own the wheel shop.he looked at it for 3 months called me an offered me 4500.00.I had no place to put it.Then he found out it was a 396 with th400 with a gear vender offered me another 1200.00 for the motor and trans.

But what a shame.Yes i have a problem when i have to go clean up after inexperience people that get choice car's and trucks and gets to cutting up on them.

Seen over 1000 car's an trucks get scraped DURING THE HIGH PRICE METAL WARS OF 1996-98.

Things that i can't fathom seeing walk in to a scrap yard been doing it for 28-9 years.Never seen the likes of seeing VW 21 window buses walk in an get crushed 1962--74 noa's crushed all for 599.00 a ton

You know i called every one i knew that was a collector come with a car trailer and 800 to 1500.00 to get some choice car's and trucks.Only 32 people showed up over the course of all them years

So I hate the people of today that want a old car or truck.I'm glade there out of the reach of you no money buyers.

Seen a lot in Calif that have tons of cancer no options going for 3500.00 At one time you could not give that truck away for 200.00 not there asking 3500.00.

New one for all you builders out there.Your truck just went up a extra 5000.00 with all this trade stuff the guys that have there trucks done i'm glade for you.But the ones starting out.

Buy one that is Done or close to it for 6000 to 9000.its a sound investment
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Old 09-28-2018, 07:17 AM   #9
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Re: fake patina

I've seen fake patina vehicles bring BIG dollars on the internet, so if thats the fad at the time that people are willing to buy them, then good for those that build them. I can see why some would want a worn, rusty looking truck that actually is solid with no holes, some like country, some like rock and roll. thats life, Joe
Thanks, Joe..
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Old 09-28-2018, 09:02 AM   #10
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Re: fake patina

Originally Posted by stsalvage View Post

A clear coat last 6-9 months out side before it starts peeling.I like stage one poaint jobs any of you that like clear coats must have a ton of cash
If your 2 stage paint peels after 6 to 9months you need a new painter. My 04 Suzuki xl7 was in an accident 5 years ago. Had to put a new hood and fenders . I did all the work from prep to paint . Car is outside and is a winter driver. Paint shines like the day I painted it. 2 stage should not cost more than single stage. Base coat is sprayed to cover then clear. Clear is much cheaper than color . Single stage Eurothane with catalyst and reducer adds up quickly specially if your doing a red .

But back on post . I don't like when someone tries to recreate patina on a car/truck. It very rarely comes out correct. My truck has a few dents a little rust here and there but it's from years of use. I call it character not patina. Patina is on a piece of antique furniture.
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Old 09-28-2018, 10:17 AM   #11
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Re: fake patina

This is becoming a weird thread.

That said, I like a truck that has earned some character and has a history to it. There are stories in the dents and occasional surface rust spots. You've gotta fix that cancer, though.

Faux-tina, I don't hate the three or four that I've seen that fooled me from a distance into thinking they were real. However, the ones that pay no attention to actual wear patterns, and just throw a rusty look on random patches and raised surfaces are garbage.
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Old 09-28-2018, 01:21 PM   #12
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Re: fake patina

To each their own.

But real patina tells a story. Faux-tina doesn't say anything.

Just my $0.02.
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Old 09-28-2018, 02:33 PM   #13
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Re: fake patina

There are different levels of fake patina.
Jerome Borris is the best.
If it means saving a vehicle and not spending $10k-$40k for a show quality paint job I’m all for it.
No need to put someone down, because he or she wants that style paint on their car or truck.
Here’s an example of a Jerome Borris paint job,...
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Old 09-28-2018, 02:42 PM   #14
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Re: fake patina

I'll give the guy credit if he gets paid to make them look like that but I'd have to park it behind the barn ...

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Old 09-28-2018, 02:56 PM   #15
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Re: fake patina

I wonder what the guy charged for the patina paint on the 56 Ford. Looks like a good job in the pictures.

Personally I don't care what someone wants to do to their vehicles ... Its theirs, not mine.
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Old 09-28-2018, 04:10 PM   #16
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Re: fake patina

heck, even my dad had fake patina on our old truck.. drove it on salted roads, through livestock manure, up and down gravel roads, left it parked in the snow a lot of times, and never washed it for 50 years... just to get a patina finish, geez

I started out with nothing - and I still have most of it
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Old 09-28-2018, 04:20 PM   #17
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Re: fake patina

I've seen some absolutely "terrible" fauxtina jobs. I consider those trucks to be along the same lines as ones that have a nice paint job, but look like the ocean. They had good intent, but missed the mark.

Now a well done fauxtina truck, one that's not easy to spot right off, that takes craftsmanship and skill to pull off, I totally dig. Especially when they get the right "primer" colors underneath.
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Old 09-28-2018, 06:47 PM   #18
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Re: fake patina

Originally Posted by lolife99 View Post
There are different levels of fake patina.
Jerome Borris is the best.
If it means saving a vehicle and not spending $10k-$40k for a show quality paint job I’m all for it.
No need to put someone down, because he or she wants that style paint on their car or truck.
Here’s an example of a Jerome Borris paint job,...
Wow. Now THAT definitely falls in that 5% I mentioned! If I'd have a hard time telling whether it's real or fake at 10 ft, I'd say it's done very well. Poorly done ones stick out like a sore thumb.

I blame that Sunday morning Trucks! show for this craze Ha.
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Old 09-29-2018, 09:38 AM   #19
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Re: fake patina

Originally Posted by YBNORML View Post
Who cares?

Let a person build their truck whichever way they want...
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ THIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

It's that simple. Do I like it? No. If I paint something it's to put it back to looking like new or better. And people should look up the definition of patina. All those who never used the word before some of us began getting trucks in excellent mechanical condition w/o worrying with the body should know rust is rust and patina is patina. It's really just anything that shows signs of it's age and use, like an antique table with worn edges, a scratch/gouge or two, maybe some water marks, etc. If it has rot it is beyond patina.

I came up with doing older cars. The typical thing most people did was make them look nice first...paint, wheels, interior, maybe do the engine if it needed it. Myself and some others always went through the mechanics first, while driving them, not blown apart in a garage while driving the 'nice' car. If I got all that done and wanted to go all the way I'd think about doing the cosmetics. If I had a penny for every time someone asked "When ya gonna paint it?" I'd have a car museum. My reply would be either "Not sure I will" or "When it's done". Watch the movie "2-lane Blacktop". I'm the '55 kinda guy. There's an old saying I love, "Runs good, needs paint". A buddy of mine cut an album years ago by that name:

I know I'm crossing over vehicles in primer and such,. But my point in this is when you fake patina you are faking more than the paint. Patina on a vehicle isn't about what you do to a vehicle, it's about what you didn't do... at least not yet.
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Old 09-29-2018, 10:50 AM   #20
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Re: fake patina

I've seen cars and trucks with "patina". But what always stands out is the body is absolutely straight no dents or even a wave in the panels. Guys try to make rub through by spraying primer here and it doesn't work .
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Old 09-29-2018, 11:44 AM   #21
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Re: fake patina

Originally Posted by YBNORML View Post
Who cares?

Let a person build their truck whichever way they want. Don't like it? Then keep on walking and don't look at it. It's not rocket science. I'm so tired of the self righteous attitude of other so-called enthusiasts picking part or insulting what others have chose to do to their own personal property.

I get this crap all the time with my trucks. Ive given up explaining my choices, I usually just ask them where their truck/car is, which usually met with silence and I go on my way.
I was giving my opinion, it looks stupid. You dont have to explain any choice to me, or anyone.
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Old 09-29-2018, 05:57 PM   #22
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Re: fake patina

has anyone started a patina thread? where we can show em off
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Old 09-29-2018, 06:37 PM   #23
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Re: fake patina

My wife was in the hospital this Week so I went to do groceries yesterday. Pushing the cart outside I spotted a guy pulling out in a square body 4x4 short box in beat up good “patina “. I yelled over his header exhaust Nice Patina ! He gave me the thumbs up with a smile from ear to ear.....
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Old 09-29-2018, 06:44 PM   #24
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Re: fake patina

It's not "patina" it's rust .

The funny part is watching guy's bolt thousands of dollars worth of suspension to a rusty frame .then drop a junk yard LS in and think it's worth $25,000.00

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Old 09-29-2018, 07:14 PM   #25
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Re: fake patina

So let's see your truck op ?

Nice troll thread .

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