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Old 09-11-2004, 10:03 PM   #1
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2nd Annual Ohio Meet!!!!!!!

A big thanks to Mike and Rhonda for havin' the guys out again. Good to see everyone and had a great time. Can't wait for next year!!!! Later Weasel
69 C-10, OWNED 38YRS... 350 over 30, 350 Turbo, 3:73 Posi P/S, P/B Black with red and black int. ''LOVE THESE OLD ''TRUCKS.......
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Old 09-12-2004, 01:40 AM   #2
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I just got's about 1:30 in the morning....had a great time. Attendance was down, and a few of us had to drive non-cool trucks, but the trucks that showed up were VERY nice.
Last year, there were a bunck of Longhorns, and short wheelbase trucks...this year, they were all LWB, with one SWB and 2 blaxzers thrown one burb for good measure.
Like always, I don't remember most of the names....heck, after falling asleep in my car with a can of POR15 that got poured into the trunk (I shouldn't launch the thing so hard ) I hardly remember MY name. POR is some nasty stuff...I woke up feelin drunk and falling all over my junk.
yup...good times.
Lets see....2 trips to the hardware store...80 miles, one way from here to there, 45 miles...never pulled over by the man...12 cans of bottle too, 2 scared passengers in the stinkin lincoln...(they said 85 is too fast on the 2 lane black top...with hills and turns ) One almost had the p!ss scared out of him...I won't say your name....but we all know who you are. I'm thinking about 17 ppl (including spouces) or so showed up.
I have about 50 pics or so i need to D/L into another y'all will have to wait untill I roll my dead @ss out of bed.

Mike and Rhonda... Mucho Grassy-ass (inside had to be there)...had a great time, looking forward to it next year.
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Old 09-12-2004, 12:47 PM   #3
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Hey Mike thanks for having the meet at your place again this year. Rhonda it was fun going shopping with you for the hobo ingredents. Andy your right about attendece being down from last year. But I think everyone had a good time. And Mike got his shop wired, and stuff moved over to it. Jeff what can I say but "Great wings man". To everyone that was there thanks for coming it was great to see old faces and new ones. Latter, the Wagon Master.
'91 suburban 350 TBI - R 700 4 new daily driver

'72 Cheyenne Super 49,000miles 350/350 frame up resto w/ matching numbers.
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Old 09-12-2004, 01:47 PM   #4
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afternoon group pic

Well here is a pic of the afternoon bunch... I do have some pics of some of the trucks but i don't have them uploaded yet will work on that next...
72 BB cheyenne -- Restoration getting started..

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Old 09-12-2004, 02:05 PM   #5
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more pics

This was a nice truck...sorry I didn't catch the guys name... hopefully he wont mind me posting these pics.
72 BB cheyenne -- Restoration getting started..

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Old 09-12-2004, 02:06 PM   #6
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72 BB cheyenne -- Restoration getting started..

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Old 09-12-2004, 02:07 PM   #7
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72 BB cheyenne -- Restoration getting started..

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Old 09-12-2004, 02:08 PM   #8
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longhorn jeff's

72 BB cheyenne -- Restoration getting started..

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Old 09-12-2004, 02:09 PM   #9
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72 BB cheyenne -- Restoration getting started..

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Old 09-12-2004, 03:55 PM   #10
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Here's my pics...I deleted some of them, some were crappy shots, some were redundent, and others just didn't come out right. (I got a close up of LonghornJeff's ear from when he walked in front of me as I tried taking a pic)
Up before dawn...loaded down ready to go, look at the squat I had on this sucker from all the crap I was tryin to sell. I sold some of it...I did OK.

Here is LonghornJeff...the (nice)truck he just bought had the cheap chrome valve covers...they are in my trunk now. Mike donated some bran-used stock units...after a good scrubbing, they actually matched the aged paint on his 327.

I also found this truck quite nice...a sweet looking 67 4X4, with a healthy sounding 454 under the hood.
I only looked at it for a moment or two, as he was getting ready to leave. There was a nice alluminum rear bumper, a rear under bed winch, the aformentioned 454...dang nice ride.
Now if the owner would tell us his name/screen name again, I'm sure a few of us wouldn't feel so bad. (I suck at remembering names...I have to use my drivers license to remember mine sometimes)
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:04 PM   #11
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The driver of the blue 67 4x4 had this little tyke with him...and I promised to post this for here you go buddy!
And there is the shot of his rig from the rear...please excuse the poor image quality..the sun was in the wrong end of the sky for this shot.
The next two are of Huck's rig...I always have liked this one. Here is the corrvette steering wheel (yes, vette?) and notice the 5 speed shifter. That whole set up is super sweet. Then there is the shot of the truck...just like it looked a couple weeks ago when he stopped by here.
Then there is LonghornJeff's cool latest purchase. Pretty clean little 71 swb fleet side. 327 (non-original of course), TH350 with a mild shift kit, nice quiet rumble out the (brand new) dual exhaust, nice int...just a cool ride, even if it does had a funny looking 2 bbl on top of the intake. This is a very nice riding truck...I drove it around town a little bit, has anough pep to be fun, but not excesive though. Again, sweet ride.
Jeff...I still say you need to slap the 383 in that sucker and have some fun.
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:12 PM   #12
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Here is Jeff's little 327 with the replacement valve covers, I think he said this was a 69(?maybe?)car engine after he ran the numbers. There there is the int, again, bad pic, too many shados...however, it has new looking door panels, correct for a 71 with the wood grain, nice new dash pad, redone stock seat, very comefortable. Also notice, the steering wheel, which I think he said was a camaro wheel...maybe? The rear looks nice, the inside of the bed is pretty decent, and the top rails on the bed which we were both questioning at first, are great for keeping oily elbow prints from showing up on the paint.
Then there is the cheesewagon...still a cool burb. Mr Wagon provided Hobo stew, lots of chairs, and he had a hand full of books for sale, older automotive repait manuals and the like. I guess I shoulda looked through them.
Then the last shot is of Jamie's cool 4X4 blazer. Cowl induction hood, I think he said 33 inch tires (which do not rub) a tach dash...all make this a pretty cool ride.
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:18 PM   #13
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Here is the shot of his tach dash, kinda hidden by the tilt column and one of the few good looking Grant GT steering wheels.
Then a rear shot with all his swap meet scores, including a 68 tripple bucket seat set up. I wanted it, but it was like pulling teeth.
This later truck had a pretty nice rumble...I wish I could remember his name too, I feel pretty bad about that considering I hung out with him for a few hrs. Sorry dude, but I told you i would forget it. The truck sounded dang good, had a great looking engine with an air filter that was taller than anything I've seen under a flat hood. (the engine pic I took didn't come out very well) His friend told him to just pop the hood and then cover the rest of the truck with a tarp. I about pee'd myself laughing on that. The truck wasn't that bad...and I think Mike hooked him up with some sheet metal right after I left too.
Again, yet another one I can't remember his name...he and I were the only ones wearing board T-shirts....cummon guys, buy more shirts!
What can I say about his S-10.....It's yellow. I think he said he has a 68 that he is working on too.
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:24 PM   #14
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And here is Dean's rig. An odd color that most ppl hide when they redo there trucks, but it looks quite good IMO. This truck looked VERY nice, and pretty much spotless.
There werte bucket seats, Cheyenne package along with the upper trim, tach dash, a lift kit, and awsome turbine wheels.
last one is Pierce's K/5 blazer. A subtle shade of gray that I honestly thought was primer at first...but it isn't. This is another awsome K/5. The odd soft top was there, folded down, it was a CST with a custom int, and an odd option on the Blazers...A/C. Very nice rig.
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:34 PM   #15
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Then there are a couple more of us who were unable to drive cool Stin-n-link-n, and dwite's (I think that's it...I know who, just can't quite get the name right) Trail Blazer. He gets the long distance award, and he also brought along his wife. Probably couldn't have talked her into 500 miles in his Longhorn.
Then there is Mikes old camper, a 69 big block one ton. It's being reconstructed into something else.
Then there is the 'ole 72 GMC....250,000 miles and still going. He was in for new valve cover gaskets too.
A shot of the ladies taking the group pic...
And then another group shot. I think we only had one member leave before this...and that would be the blue 4X4 owner.
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Last edited by Longhorn Man; 09-12-2004 at 07:17 PM.
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:37 PM   #16
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Mike's new shop is coming along quite nice, you can see Jeff's truck was the first to drop oil and rust...also the first vehicle to ride up Mike's 2 post lift. (He wouldn't pick up the Lincoln. ) Noticed a few things here nad there, corrected a few minor things...just enjoyed the lift in general.
And of course, a shot of mike laying down on the job.
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Old 09-12-2004, 04:42 PM   #17
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The shadows started getting long, and some of the guests had to go. They had some good driving to do, here's a couple of them on the way out...
Pretty cool trailer there huck, you need to paint it blue and white to go with the truck.
Then there was the traditional cook year it'll be steaks.
Then the late night BS session. Gotta put on boots, becouse the BS gets pretty deep. Some good jokes, story swappin, and good advice was handed out in there....pretty nice talk.

And that's the end, some slept in there trucks there at mikes, some went to hotels...and others (includiong myself) hauled home late at night.

Again, thank you mike and rhonda for throwing the shin dig again, it was awsome, the weather was perfect, everything was great, and looking forward to next year.

Lets see the rest of the pics guys!
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Old 09-12-2004, 05:03 PM   #18
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Thumbs up

Mike, just wanted to say thanx to you and Rhonda for putting up with us again. Had a good time meeting old friends and new while I was there. Had to leave early, wasn't driving. Grandkids had a soccer game, and my son and I had to cut it short. Next time, I'm driving myself and staying as late as I want. Missed the group shot.(would've had to use a wide angle lens) Jaime, yes I still want the shifter boot. Sorry I missed you and the Huck. Hope ya'll did good at the swap meet? Again Mike, THANX! Enjoyed it again.


GMC= Got More Class!
1970 GMC LWB, Fleetside, 350/4spd, Flowmaster "40's", 2002 GMC 16" Rallies, cowl hood,and added a bunch of options that weren't there when I started.
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Old 09-12-2004, 06:13 PM   #19
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Hey everyone. As always i had a great time with my buddies. Nothing like hanging out shootin' the bull. Thanks so much to all who helped me move heavy stuff from the old shop to the new one. I realize you didnt come here to work, but its so much easier moving that stuff with more people.
I have yet to have a bad meeting with members. Dont think i ever will.
In a world so filled with turmoil it is nice to know we can get together and enjoy doing mostly nothing. Just swappin' stories, parts, and hangin' out.
Thanks so much, Mike
2008 Chevy HHR 1/2 panel.
1949 Chevy Panel truck(just sittin, waiting)

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Old 09-12-2004, 06:57 PM   #20
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I just got home. Had a good trip back, Nice weather and good company. I guess I will see you next year. Here is another post of mikes new lift with Jeff's truck on it. And Jeff get the award for the longest drive in a vintage truck.
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72 longhorn c30 502BB/th400/fact air/4.11rear/ custom camper
72 bug(the better half's) under reconstruction
2009 HHR aqua blue
71 GMC k20 350/sm465
2009 Chevy hd3500 6.6 Victory Red crew cab dually
Dave & Jeanne
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:03 PM   #21
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Im in Ohio!

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71 SWB 307
71 EL CAMINO 383
72 GMC JIMMY 350
87 BLAZER 350 WIW?

Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women have the "right" to fistfight with 210lb. rapists.

The reason animal rights activists are more passionate about fur than leather is because it's safer to harrass rich women than bikers...
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:12 PM   #22
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Dude...I like that shot.
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:12 PM   #23
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A good place to eat...

The underside of DEAN'S TRUCK!
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71 SWB 307
71 EL CAMINO 383
72 GMC JIMMY 350
87 BLAZER 350 WIW?

Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women have the "right" to fistfight with 210lb. rapists.

The reason animal rights activists are more passionate about fur than leather is because it's safer to harrass rich women than bikers...
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:24 PM   #24
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"JJ" .........JJ & DAD...JJ's foot and DAD's dash...Sorry Dad I forgot your name too
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71 SWB 307
71 EL CAMINO 383
72 GMC JIMMY 350
87 BLAZER 350 WIW?

Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women have the "right" to fistfight with 210lb. rapists.

The reason animal rights activists are more passionate about fur than leather is because it's safer to harrass rich women than bikers...
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Old 09-12-2004, 08:33 PM   #25
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71 SWB 307
71 EL CAMINO 383
72 GMC JIMMY 350
87 BLAZER 350 WIW?

Gun control, the theory that 110lb. women have the "right" to fistfight with 210lb. rapists.

The reason animal rights activists are more passionate about fur than leather is because it's safer to harrass rich women than bikers...
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