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Old 01-08-2007, 07:15 PM   #51
72 CustomCamper
huh ???
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

Originally Posted by Longhorn Man View Post
God, please don't tell me this is a figment of my imagination.... I can normally tell reality from the voices. (J/K)
You're not totally loosing it Andy. I remember the story but not who it was...

90 Blazer Silverado 350w/ 700R4 and 32" Kelly's

"I am a bomb technician. If you see me running try to keep up!"
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Old 01-08-2007, 07:45 PM   #52
Longhorn Man
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

the answer is in responce #43... it's all good, I can finally sleep.
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Old 01-08-2007, 09:15 PM   #53
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

well I had a drunk driver hit me in my 1965 3/4 ton chevy i had the hitch welded to it and the tounge ball stuck out a foot and half be hit me in a 1992 honda civic going 60 bent my bumper about a half a foot the hitch receiver went throw his grill throw the condinser and the radiator punch a hole into the side of his block guy acley got the car to refire up backed up went arounf me i'm trying to get my truck started he gose flying around the corner and he loses his steering cus of the oil splattering all over the front time and center punches a brand new toyota van i finlly get my truck started and hear all kind's of stuff from under my hood i'm Pissed

i throw it in gear when i'm coming aroung the corner he gets his car fired up again i say sh/t wont that thing die so i'm following him and his hood flies up and hits his front window i think ok hes done he can't see but no gose throw a stop single on a yellow

so i'm right there i'm not looking in my rear view mirror to see any one come after me and i decide to get a little pay back so i tap his back bumper and he trys to pull away

by now his car is smoking and running like crap then the bad thing happens olmost ran down a kid on a bike so i backed off

then he turned down a housing street he olmost runs down to ki8ds playing ball in the street

i now say to my self i have to stop him no matter what and whaching
DAYS OF THUNDER THE NIGHT BEFORE gave me a idea i come on the side of him and i said to my self i'm going to put him into the curb

well it did not end that way his car was shot he was looking for a place to bail and when i got on the side of him his door came open BAZii i ripped that mother off lol and traped him in his car boy he was one drunk kid 18year old mexican

i had over 6 cars following me and the guy in the new vett told me that was the best car chase he's seen in long time then the cop showed up he got 5-9 years and deported

i had the good bumper and it still got bent but i bent it back and some what and reinfoced it

them little honda will will mess are trucks up i thought they where junk built cars but man at 60 mph anything can happen at least it did not bend the frame i was lucky

Last edited by stsalvage; 01-08-2007 at 09:21 PM.
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Old 01-08-2007, 10:29 PM   #54
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

The saga has ended! That's why we need more trucks with diamondplate and pipe bumpers. I have a big diamondplate step bumper on the back of the truck, next project is a 4" dia. heavy wall pipe bumper w/ a brush guard for the front.

1984 Chevrolet C30 welding truck 454/SM465
1977 GMC C15 pickup 350/TH350
1970 Chevrolet C20 pickup 350/TH400
1970 Chevrolet K20 Suburban 454/TH350
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Last edited by Robert1970C20rstbukt; 01-08-2007 at 10:31 PM.
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Old 01-08-2007, 11:55 PM   #55
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

About three years ago I was driving home from work in a pretty good rainstorm and came around a corner just in time to meet a Van coming at me in my lane. Well given the conditions there wasn't a chance I could stop and I end up hitting him right on the drivers side fender and scraping down the entire length of his van. Anyway we both stop and pull off the road a bit and I get out in time to see this guy literally fall out of the van, at first I'm thinking he's hurt but no he pops right back up and then it becomes clear......he's pi**ed drunk!!! Well of course I have no cell phone and we're not exactly in a populated area so no pay phone or other people around for that matter. I start taking his info but he won't give me his name but instead starts swearing at me because he's finally realised he was in an accident and his van is smashed up. I figured I'll get his plate number down so as I go to the back he jumps in and takes off!!

The cops went for a visit after I got home and called them only to find the Van in the driveway but nobody home, they caught up with him three days later where he claimed he had to leave town for buisiness and was going to file a report when he got back. Oh and of course he was now perfectly sober. Needless to say he blamed me entirely and thanks to the cops being suspicious it was settled as 50/50 instead of 100% on me. Somehow though the insurance company made me shell out $3700 for repairs to his vehicle and nothing happened with mine, never was given an explanation for that just 'pay it or you can't renew your insurance'.
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Old 01-09-2007, 08:30 PM   #56
Looks good at 20-ft .....
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

Try living in a retiree area.

Talk about a need for defensive driving. And walking, if you're in a parking lot like the WalMart or grocery, where the blue-hairs frequent, you'd better WATCH OUT !!!!!!! You can get flat run-over.

I could tell some stories, but the best is the local cop-joke used often as the cause of many local accidents, being:

"blinded by candle-light" ......... as in:

Too many candles on the cake --- (driver blinded by candle-light) ..........

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Old 01-09-2007, 08:46 PM   #57
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

The saga has ended! That's why we need more trucks with diamondplate and pipe bumpers.
I had a guy rear-end me on the freeway so hard it sheered a couple of the bumper bolts.Totaled the guy's mini van. Bumper,hood,AC condenser,radiator etc. I got out ,looked at my bumper (minor bend,and hanging a bit low),told him to forget about it and took off in low,pulling his "bumper" completely off into the street.I waved a "sorry" and was on my way.
'69 GMC C2500 Custom Camper, 8 1/2' bed, New GM 350, NP 435 Close Ratio 4spd. Trans., 3.73 Dana-60 open.Camper and Trailer wiring, PS, PB, AC, tach , three gas tanks, stereo speakers, 2nd owner, Work-Truck supreme.
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Old 01-09-2007, 11:17 PM   #58
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

Originally Posted by Liz View Post
What a dream that would be some dope smokin old man being chased down by pizza yeilding psychos lecturing on how to blow up a caddy motor

I am sorry Andy, Liz Got ya Bud!!!! I am rollin. I know you want that Dope smoken old man for what he did to your first love.

1970 GMC Sierra Grande 402/TH400
(Longhorn)14 years and counting rebuild!
1975 (Build) Chevrolet SWB 4X4 350 SB Lifted 6 inches
1970 Ford F250 Ranger 390 BB
2010 Ford Super Duty F250 XLT W/4 inch lift kit and Pro Comp Tires
Hub Cap Freak!
I need another truck like I need another hole in the head!

Last edited by longhorn70gmc; 01-09-2007 at 11:17 PM.
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Old 01-09-2007, 11:32 PM   #59
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

Man this is a pretty good old thread. Thanks for reviving it.
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Old 01-10-2007, 09:25 AM   #60
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

68shortstep,,when i was 17 i rearended some of those old blue hairs going past the court house and taking the right that goes to gassville..the light didnt used to change to often and was always green for that way..wouldnt you know it,,some old people seen the light was red going straigth stopped dead in the way..funny thing was,,me and some frinds were at the light by the courthouse talking about that happening just a few seconds before that happened..oh well..luckily no damage to either of us...darned old people..and i could tell some stories from out here in these people cant drive, and if there is a wreck will go from doing faster than the speed limit,,to darn near stopped just to rubber neck...
honestly honey,,i have no idea how that truck got here.
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Old 01-10-2007, 10:00 AM   #61
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Re: what ever hapened to that member who....

Back in my days as a truck driver I was stopped at a red light and kind of forgot about where I was. The light turned green and I started out, then heard a bang, stopped and not seeing anything I tried again, bang. So I get out and this little old lady is in a car in front of me that I couldnt see over the hood of the truck. She got out and said how sorry she was that she must have been in reverse or something and hoped she didnt hurt my truck. No damage I could see to her car so I said nothing hurt have a good day and we all went on. Poor old thing thought she was doing it.
The start of a new toy
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