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Old 05-12-2008, 01:29 AM   #26
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

I ordered 4 RE7's from SuicideDoors on April 28th (Monday) and they arrived at my door May 7th (Wednesday). To me that is pretty good, especially since they told me they would be backordered 2-3 weeks...
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Old 05-13-2008, 07:47 PM   #27
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Looks like most of you are using RE7's and I ordered RE6's and RE8's (as they are going on my 67 chevyii wagon).

I wonder if they are backordered on the 6 and or 8's and that is the hold up?

(even though SD said they were back ordered on ALL RE's, I have to assume he was wrong, since I have little respect (as i feel that was what was gievn to me on the multiple phone calls) for there "phone people")

Ps. Just because they said that they "completed your order", wait to get your items before you assume they are be shipped, as I was "told" the order was completed and when the boxes came, the slipped showed the back ordered items....)

Another rant...
Also, don't bother calling to ask about items back ordered, because the "phone helper" replied, "You'll know when you get it, because they won't be there...". Give me a F-Break, you can't tell me what is on backorder?!?! Maybe he thought he was funny, but I felt he was being lazy!!!

(Okay, stepped down from my soapbox and walking away from Suicide Doors!!!)
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Old 05-13-2008, 09:22 PM   #28
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Apparently slam had a big order from Australia and it took most of their stock but they seem to be up to speed know. we just received a big order from them last week.
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Old 05-13-2008, 09:30 PM   #29
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Argg!!! Grrr!! WTF!?? does'nt anyone ever answer the F@#*'n phone at that place?
I tried to look at other suppliers there in the U.S. like KP (no working number to canadians) and Streetbeats (no answer) and the bagshack (no phone # at all)
I need some re8's and 7's quick (with hardware..

does anyone know the local numbers of these guys? for some reason a few of the 1-800 style numbers don't work for us up here.
how in the hell am i gonna get suspension so i can start throwing it in this long weekend.!? i really wanted to use the slambag line-up.
my local reps here don't carry FA!


ok. thats the end of my super rant.
now i am ready for suggestions...
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Old 05-13-2008, 11:57 PM   #30
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

ebay has plenty of sellers with Slam Specialty bags ...
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:49 AM   #31
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Just looked didn't see any
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Old 05-14-2008, 12:56 AM   #32
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Originally Posted by grnddwn View Post
Just looked didn't see any
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Old 05-14-2008, 01:29 AM   #33
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

try they are in canada
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Old 05-14-2008, 07:08 AM   #34
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Originally Posted by smoknbarrels View Post
Argg!!! Grrr!! WTF!?? does'nt anyone ever answer the F@#*'n phone at that place?
I tried to look at other suppliers there in the U.S. like KP (no working number to canadians) and Streetbeats (no answer) and the bagshack (no phone # at all)
I need some re8's and 7's quick (with hardware..

does anyone know the local numbers of these guys? for some reason a few of the 1-800 style numbers don't work for us up here.
how in the hell am i gonna get suspension so i can start throwing it in this long weekend.!? i really wanted to use the slambag line-up.
my local reps here don't carry FA!


ok. thats the end of my super rant.
now i am ready for suggestions...
With Bag Shack just email him about it. He checks his email daily, but he's got a regular job so he doesn't have his number on the site because of that and he does it all in the evenings so just email him and he'll get back to you. Devon's his name...

Nevermind, Devon just said he talked to you today haha, you emailed him.

Said he has 3 re-6's in stock but gets an order in the 21 or 22 of this month. Said to place an order if you need them and it'll ensure you get them first.
Also said that now is the time to order slam's because of the shortage no one is ordering them on backorder due to recession and lack of materials. Said that's the word on the street between retailers.

Last edited by leftcoast66; 05-14-2008 at 07:15 AM.
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Old 05-14-2008, 07:58 AM   #35
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Yea, Devon got back to me.. but yea, its a bit of a wait till even he gets them.. there's a guy locally thats got a few, but they are $90 each.!! might look into it.
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Old 05-14-2008, 05:22 PM   #36
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

$90 might seem high when you look on th internet and see $74.95 at US shops. Unfortunately we live in Canada stuff does not come across the border easily. Other members on the board can attest to that. We stock these bags and sell them considerably cheaper than anyone else in western Canada even Firestones around here can cost you $130. Ask some of our other Canadian members about brokerage costs, shipping and duty charges on stuff they got cheaper in the US. Anyway I not trying to be an ass but I go out of way to keep our prices down, and we sell alot of these bags. Sorry I'm a little aggravated.
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Old 05-14-2008, 06:21 PM   #37
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Originally Posted by grnddwn View Post
$90 might seem high when you look on th internet and see $74.95 at US shops. Unfortunately we live in Canada stuff does not come across the border easily. Other members on the board can attest to that. We stock these bags and sell them considerably cheaper than anyone else in western Canada even Firestones around here can cost you $130. Ask some of our other Canadian members about brokerage costs, shipping and duty charges on stuff they got cheaper in the US. Anyway I not trying to be an ass but I go out of way to keep our prices down, and we sell alot of these bags. Sorry I'm a little aggravated.
we I am a firm believer that is all false, and living proof. I think it all comes down to price gouging. retailers here take advantage of canadian consumers left, right, and center. I now buy 80% of my major purchases across the border. I have bought a new car and two snowmobiles across the border and have saved a total of $17,000.00!! on those alone! that is no chump change.
I have also tried to buy all my restoration parts locally... but to no avail. tell me how is it that I can go to ece directly, or to other shops in the states like summit, buy a few grand worth of parts at a time(even big ones like sheet metal, crankshafts, and bumpers) get them shipped here and still pay 15-20% less. and the local retail guys keep talking about this imaginary "duty" charge.. I have yet to pay duty (unless shipped by ups).
so far i have spent about $28,000 on my truck and u.s. business has gotten approx. $18,000 of it. consumers are going to go where the best deal is. thats it.
I'm not saying you can't ask for $90 a bag, I'm not saying you can't get it.
I'm just saying if I buy 4 in the u.s. it's not going to cost $60 to ship them to me.
but in saying all that, I still don't mind paying a little extra for parts here "if" (big if) the retailer provides a little customer support. I have come across the odd occasion where local restoration/parts reps have told me to told me to "ask the manufaturer" even after I've spent thousands with them.
when that happens, i get pissed off and go to the u.s., even if it saves me $10.

sorry about the thread jack for a second there.
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Old 05-14-2008, 06:37 PM   #38
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Here maybe this thread will help

I'm not trying to use this as an excuse just an example. The truth is is that these are not big ticket items with lots of built in mark up like a car or truck. As we all know the Canadian market is small but we try to keep bags in stock so that our customers have easy access to them and we try to keep the prices down. Don't question my integrity you don't know me.
Anyway my point to getting involved with this thread was not to sell parts but to let people know that Slam Specialties was low on stock because of a large international order and that they seem to be shipping now we even got ours in Canada. Try to be patient with your supplier from what I heard everyone was short of bags for a little while.

Last edited by grnddwn; 05-14-2008 at 06:47 PM.
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Old 05-16-2008, 06:23 AM   #39
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

im really having a hard time believeing youve never paid duty on anything unless you have some wicked tunnel running under the border. if you want i can photo copy the bill from my MSD box that was sent for repairs it cost me $60 alone just for brokerage fees. As a side note ive ran into nothing but great people in canada helping me on my airride. the guy above me can attest to the great customer service ive recieved^^^
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Old 05-16-2008, 06:58 AM   #40
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

there is no such thing as duty.. it's just a scam that freight companies use to weasel more cash out of you!
the only thing you have to pay is GST, which you have to pay even if you buy it locally.

that is what NAFTA was built for!

to test this theory, simply get your items shipped via different carriers
such as: Regualr Mail, UPS, FedEx, or even drive across the border with it.
the cheapest way is to use Regular mail or drive it across, they charge NO "brokerage fees" or "duties".
the worst is UPS.

I spoke to head office of UPS (because I have a personal hate on for UPS) (and they charge the most fees) and I asked the executive of cross border shipments why am I being charged brokerage fees??? this is b.s.! they simply stated that they are a bonded carrier and can apply brokerage fees to the value of the merchanise comming across the border, they also stated that they are a private company that requires the use of a broker on ALL cross border shipments (eventhough you don't need one). so you are stuck when using them.

regular mail or driving it accross has ZERO fees! that is because these are government run, and it would be unethical for the government to impose false charges since they are the ones that set up NAFTA in the first place.

I have shipped across everything from snowsuits to car parts, even whole cars. and have only ever paid more then gst when using UPS or DHL.

so if people tell you otherwise, they are wrong, there is lots of proof out there documenting that. or they just use carriers like UPS (crooks) all the time.

and as a side note, yea grnddwn was a big help for me in finding a local rep.

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Old 05-16-2008, 04:45 PM   #41
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

Lets not high-jack this thread. We can start a new one in the international section. Call CCRA to learn more about NAFTA.
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Old 05-17-2008, 07:58 AM   #42
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

By the way recieved my order from suicidedoors today and guess what still backordered..................With no idea of when i will get them ...................starting to agree with the first post...
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Old 05-17-2008, 04:00 PM   #43
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

ive ordered from suicide doors before but they didnt send me them.. they were sent from slam specialties in las vegas.. the guy told me they get orders and then send that order to slam, anyone else hear about this?
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Old 05-18-2008, 06:16 AM   #44
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

I think slam is only 30 min from where i live fresno ca. if soo i shouldve just gone there for alil more.
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Old 05-18-2008, 06:51 AM   #45
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

yeah not vegas, sorry but they were sent from whereever they are made
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Old 05-18-2008, 07:27 AM   #46
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Re: Help! Slam bags on 3 week backorder at SuicideDoors

I hear you ..I hope they do it fast im trying to make a show in june .
1975 C-10 STEPSIDE (ALMOST DONE AGAIN)90 percent done wheres that other 10 haha .1994 GMC Z71 .
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