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Old 09-01-2009, 05:23 AM   #76
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Originally Posted by samwise68 View Post
I like the hip break (I've never heard it called that before, but love the term!) but I think for this one, I'm going to go with the roof and pillar color break. It'll match my truck a bit, and add to the car's overall feel...I hope.

And that is a delicious color. I may have to consider it...which is saying alot, because I'm a cheapass! haha.

It's been a long weekend full of empty cans and bottles, and no work has been done on the car. Let's see if I can't get a little bit done, eh?

not sure if you've seen the classic industries nova. it has a hip break as well, red ontop silver on bottom.

also my bro's car if you need the paint code it's 96 dodge neon strawberry. its a nice color. covers pretty well. the farmall red looks close to chevy orange. not quite, but got a tinge of it in there...

i hope you were using some adequate lung/eye protection when you were blasting. i had a scare once when i didn't use a respirator and was inhaling all that crap. couldn't breath right for months. learned my lesson fast. even sanding and grinding now i use dust protection.

as for the POR-15, i've heard that eastwood's one is better, and there's another one on the market i saw on stacey david's gearz. ever consider a spray on bedliner setup?
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Old 09-01-2009, 09:13 AM   #77
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Hm...that hip break does look good with the fast back roof line and no pillar. I'm just not sure how it's look with the higher roof and pillar of the 2-door post, ya know?

And that picture of Farmall red doesn't do it justivce in my opinion,m then again I'm bias. Haha. The color is still up in the air, I may switch to something totally off the wal before all is said and done, like a yellow or a green. I have a hard time making up my mind...

And yes, I use eye and lung protection when blasting. I've experienced too many instances where I've breathed in nasty schtuff, and felt the effects afterwards. So, from now on, I've always used eye ear and lung protection when needed.

In this case, I just wanted to see if it'd knock some surface rust and flakey rust off the sheetmetal, so I blocked everythign off, put on my goggles and respirator, and gave it a shot. However, the tip is worn on the blaster, and the set screw to replace it is stripped out. So...needless to say, not much of a cleaning blast on it. I just ended up making a mess, and decided that sandblasting wasn't really needed at this point in time, since I had to do some major rust repairs anyway. :p

As for POR 15, I just remember alot of people using it, and liking it. I'll try anything to cover up welds and kill rust, etc, in an effort to prolong the life of this little bitty.

Well, time to finish my coffee and head 'er on out...

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

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Old 09-02-2009, 01:24 AM   #78
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

I tried some Rustolium "Rust Reformer" today. It comes in an aeresol can which is nice. Couldn't give you performance results other than application, which was good. I've read others like it. I used it to hit an enclosed area I could not reach otherwise.

I've had mixed results with POR-15. Seems to need something to bite to. Doesn't work well on clean metal.
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Old 09-02-2009, 09:25 AM   #79
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

"Doesn't work well on clean metal".

Sounds perfect for this job...haha.

No updates today folks. I ran out of welding wire last night, so I finished fabricating a few patches, and called 'er a night. I'll try to get some more done today after a trip to town.

It looks like I may have to have some photoshopping done with both the roof break and the hip could lead to some interesting paint conbinations...hmm...

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
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Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

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Old 09-02-2009, 02:31 PM   #80
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

don't forget to put in a few colors for the pinstripe
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Old 09-03-2009, 07:04 PM   #81
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Well guys, got one of the patches welded in for the most part. I dunno how much I'll get done in the next few days - got a wedding and following that, get to go cut some firewood. But, we'll see. Might just have to start burning midnight oil.

But, I ran across this car on inliners. I'm not too sure I like all aspects of the paint scheme, but it's kinda neat.

And...that's about it. I'll try update more in a bit...

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 09-03-2009, 10:43 PM   #82
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

if memory serves me right i believe that is the turbo 292 car that runs 12's? i've seen that car before in a magazine somewhere. don't forget to post pics of your patches

Last edited by Jvsapp; 09-03-2009 at 10:44 PM.
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Old 09-04-2009, 05:07 PM   #83
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

I'll get pics posted as soon as it's post worthy. haha.

And that particular car runs in the 10's, apparently, with a 283 cid 6-er. I have no idea how a 6 is made to 283, but thats ok.

Theres a '65 Elky with a turbo 292 that I know of - Tom Lowe is his name, from Iowa.

Then theres Leo Santucci's turbo 292 with a hybrid head, that was in a 40's chevy coupe, but now it's in a studebaker hawk, if memory serves me correct.

All neat cars, especially considering how fast they're going with "just a straight six."

Let's see if I can get anywhere near that...haha...

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
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Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 09-04-2009, 11:07 PM   #84
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

ahh i thought it was 10's but i wasn't sure. the engine is probably a stroked 250 or a destroked 292. i've heard that if you can find a 292 from a farm equipment(not sure if it's tractor or truck etc) the crankshafts are perfectly balanced. my friend was telling me that he used to race them and had a old one that he kicked on the ground once and it rolled away. his race 292 put out soo much torque he had to drill and tap/stud inbetween the flywheel bolts because he would shear them.
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Old 09-05-2009, 09:58 AM   #85
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

I've heard some horror stories about 292's as well, if thats what you wanna call them. haha.

I have 3 292's around here that I know of, along with 3 smaller 6's...and no V8's! Which is probably why I'm throwing a 6er in the car. Probably a 292, the more I think about it.

What all has your friend done to this race 292? Tell me more...because there's something about a nasty straight six that I personally love.

I'll try to get some more done today on the car, but we'll see. I'll definitely keep you all posted.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 09-05-2009, 04:21 PM   #86
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

well it's been a few years since i ran into that friend. he's one of those old school racers. his 6 was in a rail and it did 10's. it was a 292 with one of those farm equipment cranks. some head work, cam, i believe he had an offenhauser intake on it, but cliffords makes a nice 4 barrel intake for them too. as for internals i'm not too sure. it was one of those bench racing times when i was considering what to put back in my nova. he was bragging how his 6's were the unbeatable's of the time.

i've heard that on a 230/250 you can put a 194 head on it and up the compression. but i've never tried it.
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Old 09-06-2009, 05:38 PM   #87
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Ahhh. One of those. Haha. I love conversations like that.

And yes, 194's usually had a small cc head, somewhere around 64, I beleive, whereas 230/250/292 had around a 72 or 76 cc head.

The more I think about it, the more a 292 sounds better. Instant size gain. 4.125 inch stroke. With LPG pistons and shaved head I should be at around 10:1 compression, otherwise I can try to use 366 BBC pistons, with the connecting rod drilled out for the larger wrist pin, and the top of the piston shaved off, but thats up in the air.

Then a set of lumps, which aren't all that expensive, but getting bigger valves put in will run me quite some money. Jumping from 1.72 to 1.94 intake valves, will help the beast breath whichever size it is, along with lightening my wallet.

Since I already have an Offenahuser 3x1 intake, and a set of headers that I'll cut down for ground clearance, since they were for a truck, that just leaves a cam, which is around $160, along with machine work.

As far as installing the 292, the passenger side motor mount is different than the 194/230/250, so I'd have to run an electric fuel pump, along with extending the motor mount forward. Then there comes the hood clearance issues when an air cleaner is involved, so I'd just fabricate a drop down style air cleaner, or use a snorkel.

And aside from that, I don't think theres anything else as far as modifications to install the motor.

And as far as progress goes, none made today on the car. We poured a slab for an addition to the garage, so we can box off one stall plus this addition for a heated shop in the winter. I can't tell you how much it sucks to hang onto wrenches when it's 15 below...because it always seems something breaks just as the temperature drops.

So, lost a weekend of productivity, but gained alot in the long run in my opinion.

I'll try to get some more done soon, I promise...

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

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Old 09-09-2009, 03:36 PM   #88
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Looks good. Looking forward to the engine build
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Old 09-09-2009, 06:53 PM   #89
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.


Thanks man. I'm hoping to get going on the engine this winter, when I have less things to spend money on, and time to get it assembled before spring/summer rolls around.

Hopefully by then, I have the car rolling around with the suspension installed, the front stub bolted on, floors fabricated and some of the rust fixed...

It's a big hope. haha.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
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Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 09-12-2009, 05:54 PM   #90
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

No real updates at all guys. School has been kicking my behind around the block as of late - it's been rough trying to transition from the tech in my hometown to a university through online classes.

But, things are smoothing out, and I think I got it. So hey, hopefully some progress coming soon.

I'll be sure to let you all know, don't worry.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 09-13-2009, 11:14 PM   #91
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Here's some more 250 support, 1st place at the All Truck Nats this weekend!
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Old 09-14-2009, 11:18 AM   #92
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.


Man, that's some serious roasting! Very Nice!!
1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
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Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 10-13-2009, 11:11 AM   #93
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Well, it's been almost a month since I last updated. I suppose I should keep up with this eh?

Basically, I've gotten a little done on the car. I have the crossmember about done, just have to chip some slag and throw another bead over everything. It's a little bit off. I think I'm about 1/16th off center for the whole works. But, honestly, I don't think it's going to make much of a difference. These cars flex...ALOT. Hopefully not as much now that I have a subframe in it and such, but, yeah.

And thats about it. Ran into a few snags as far as personal life. School work, writing, and then family health issues popped up in the past 2 weeks. My mom just had emergency open heart surgery to remove a benign tumor that was in her heart. Apparently it was moving in and out of the valve, and blocking the blood flow. So, yeah. This thing was about 5.5 inches long...When the surgeon said it was the size of his fist, he wasn't kidding.

But, she's recovering well. Going to be a couple of months off of work, and limited movement and range of motion. So, now comes into play the fact that I'm going to school online and stay home. I can take care of the home and farm, along with my mum. So, my school work shouldn't suffer, neither will the livestock. I just may have to burn some midnight oil to work on the car. That's all.

So all, that's where it stands at the moment. I'll definitely get some pics as more gets done, and I'll keep you all posted.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 10-13-2009, 12:21 PM   #94
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

family comes first sam. all my projects have been on hold too. family matters. hoping once i come back from vacation i can go full bore on what i need to get done.
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Old 10-13-2009, 06:08 PM   #95
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Glad your mom is recovering. Take care of them first, rides 2nd.

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Old 10-14-2009, 01:00 PM   #96
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Thanks for the support guys, I appreciate it, as does my family.

Within the next couple of days, I'll have some pics of possibly the suspension in place. Hopefully...haha.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
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Old 10-22-2009, 08:31 PM   #97
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

what kinda welder do you use for all your general body work?
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Old 10-23-2009, 11:33 AM   #98
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

I use a Lincoln 110V fluxcore. Haha. It's by far not the best out there for it. But, I'm not a professional by any means. As long as I take my time prepping the weld area and the patch, and spend a little more time grinding and finishing, I'm very satisfied with the outcome.

Check out my truck build thread for some mediocre results. It was a learning process for sure. Hoping the car turns out better.

It sure beats the old 220V arc welder I used before for welding body panels...hahah.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
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Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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Old 10-23-2009, 09:07 PM   #99
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

so any updates the the II?
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Old 10-28-2009, 03:25 PM   #100
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Re: '67 Chevy II Build - Betty.

Well, finally got some u-bolts and trailing arm bolts, and I got it mocked up for the most part.

I'll try to get pics tonight, but I ran into a few issues with it.

1.) I have to lower the trailing arm crossmember. The trailing arms hit the stock floor pan (or at least what's left of it) with the crossmember level with the subframe connectors. So, that means I'll have to drop the crossmember to below the connectors. I'll also have to tunnel the trailing arm travel zone - if you will.

2.) My u-bolts were simply ordered from the parts store, and they're realllly long. But, this means I'll be able to use lowering blocks if I want to drop the back end down an inch or three. It also means I'll have to use like...two washers to get the axle bolted tight to the trailing arms, since the threads are a bit short. But, nothing I'd too worried about.

3.) If any of you are on Inliners, you know about the 292 Dyno Day. If not, a member in Iowa is dynoing different combos on a 292 (heads, valves, lumps, cams, intake and exhaust). Projected outcome is around 300 hp, if not more, depending on which combos. So, I'll be basing my engine combo on the outcome of this testing. Allowing me to have a 300+ hp 6er. I'm really excited about it.

And thats about it. Aside from getting the suspension together, I haven't done much. School and life get in the way, haha.

Hopefully I'll have pics tonight, and maybe I'll even get the transmission mocked up to use the driveshaft as an indicator of where the rear end should be. So, there's a bit of an update.

I'll keep you all posted.

1969 GMC C1500. long fleet.
307. 3 on the tree. 3.07 gears.
Oliver green. Bent and bruised. Daily Driver.

Screw patina... it's a beater...Beaters are cool.
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