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Old 04-14-2010, 02:46 PM   #1
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Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

Hey guys...

my 53GMC has push button door handles. I would love to go with the turn down handles but I have no idea if that is something I could do...

my old push button handles are not working that great and are so old that they aren't unlatching some times....i dont wanna go with bear claw because that's too much for me...

while i was going to order new door handles either way i wanted to see if the turn down door handles would work in my 53......
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Old 04-14-2010, 04:07 PM   #2
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

Early AD turndown handles don't directly swap with the later fixed ones, since the fixed have a mounting bolt at either end and the turndowns have both mounting bolts at one end (hence the turndown). Not to say you can't make them work by modding the door mounting, but it's not a direct fit.

On the other note, I'm working at modding '88 Yj bearclaws for mine... dirt simple and narrow enough to fit between the window channel and door. 20 bux for the pair in "new" shape from an Oregon wreckers....

I've considered going to the fixed handles, toyed with the thought of PT cruiser handles or those off a Merc Villager (smooth recessed) and even the thought of door poppers with Yj would work.

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Old 04-14-2010, 05:01 PM   #3
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

Originally Posted by 53GMC View Post
Hey guys...

my 53GMC has push button door handles. I would love to go with the turn down handles but I have no idea if that is something I could do...

my old push button handles are not working that great and are so old that they aren't unlatching some times....i dont wanna go with bear claw because that's too much for me...

while i was going to order new door handles either way i wanted to see if the turn down door handles would work in my 53......
It won't work like Thadious said the rear pillar post are different and the door latch area also. But, if you really wanted to have turn down handles I can fix you up. I just cut my '51 cab off of the floorboard to swap it to my '52 cab (because I wanted the push button handles)You could cut the latch part out then put into yours and I also have the doors. I don't exactly know where Washington GA is but, I'm in Gainesville GA. I was gonna sell both doors (which are decent without any glass) for 200 bucks and I'll throw in the cab. Here"s a couple of pictures. It may be more than you want to tackle but, I thought I'd offer. Let me know, I might could meet you halfway.
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Old 04-14-2010, 07:16 PM   #4
Daniel U
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

I took the more expensive route. I bought the Bear Claw kit and bought the older style doors without the wind wing window(one piece glass) and turn down handles. There are cheaper ways to go for sure. If budget is a concern, go to a salvage yard and cut out the pieces you need from a suitable donor. As far as the handles, you'll need the guts from an older style door. There are definitely 2 different types of doors/latches for the AD trucks.
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Old 04-14-2010, 07:53 PM   #5
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

Thanks to all you guys...yall really come through for a guy when he needs it!

Thadious - thanks for your help...i actually considered going with the bear claws at one time but didnt want to get into that too much...but might consider that option for the YJ bear claws in the future.

1952SSR - we are about two hours apart...maybe a little under that but not too far at all....its always to see how good southern folk can be so happy to help one another out! that is the best deal i have heard of for two doors and a cab but sadly my budget wont allow it...however, you wouldnt happen to have a driver side rear fender from either of those trucks for sale would you...if you had a driver side rear fender in decent shape (its fine with a few dings dents and small holes) i would love to probably purchase it from you...let me know if you have one you might be interested in selling and maybe about how much she would run me...thank you again!

Daniel - i actually considered going with your idea of buying older model doors because i had originally wanted the single piece windows with no vent window..but thats just outside the budget range...thank you for your help!
1953 GMC/S 10 Swap

Last edited by 53GMC; 04-14-2010 at 08:02 PM.
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Old 04-14-2010, 10:36 PM   #6
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

I'm considering this option with my bush button handles now....
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Old 04-15-2010, 09:45 AM   #7
Dan Bowles
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

If you get turn down doors, get the striker plates off of the cab. You'll need them. I just put push button doors on my 47/8 cab this week with the pull down strikers! I couldn't close the doors with the push button strikers. Once I messed around, it was easy.

I don't know why you'd cut a cab up to just change doors, though...maybe I'm not seeing it. That '51 is great compared to the Michigan rot I see every day!! If I were closer, I'd make the trip to get what's left!!!
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Old 04-15-2010, 10:30 AM   #8
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

I don't know why you'd cut a cab up to just change doors, though...maybe I'm not seeing it. That '51 is great compared to the Michigan rot I see every day!! If I were closer, I'd make the trip to get what's left!!![/QUOTE]

Trust me I wrestled with doing this for months and did the math more than once. I would have had to sell the '51 cab for 750 bucks (which is a chunk)to turn around and buy the parts to fix the '52. Most all the panels I'd used on the '51 had not been really welded together so I chose to cut it up. The '52 is a better cab inside ('51 had rust all over) I only wasted one cab corner to make the change. I should have just fixed the '52 originally instead of buying the '51, I would have saved time and money. I didn't realize the differences like most people in doors/ pillars.
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Old 04-15-2010, 11:48 AM   #9
Dan Bowles
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Re: Turn down Door Handles work in a 53gmc?

I found out the pillar thing recently when I decided to put together a "PoP" truck to flip for a budget on the '49 Panel. I've got great '52-4 doors and I fought to put them on for 2 weeks. Lots of measurements and even cut the pockets from a scrap '54 cab B pillar. Ended up being OK with the '47/8 strikers.

What I don't understand is the changes people are talking about to put '51- doors on a 52+ truck. I had a mix match on one of those cabs and all it took was bolting the 51 strikers onto the 52 cab. Maybe I was missing something.

I completely understand the $$$ in patch panels. That's why I bought a cab from Texas for my son's '54. I can weld fair but am not up to doing the sheet metal yet.
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