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Old 11-26-2016, 02:02 AM   #1
Fred D
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Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

OK here goes
my wife's family owns a couple hundred acre ranch that has this 57 GMC truck on it. Truck is been on the ranch for the past 25+ years.

For about the last eight years it has not been running.
Needs tires-Carb-steering components and brakes at the bare minimum. And also add A/C
My daughter is about to turn 15 and she said she would like to have his truck as Her daily driver… Wouldn't we all.
I asked the family if they would be willing to sell it and I was told absolutely not since it belong to one of the patriarchs of the family my daughter's great great grandfather who bought it new.
Since it has not been running or driven in the last 7-8 years i thought I'd take a different approach
I ask if they would be willing let me do the repairs at my expense (parts and labor) and get it running and safely driving and then my daughter Would use it while in high school, then my son would use it while he was in high school then I would give it back to the ranch.
The "owners" agreed that it was ok.
Now I am questioning my idea.

I'm not opposed to dumping some money into it, but I'm questioning how much I'm willing to spend on the cool factor then to give it back.
Also, I will still need to by them both a car for college.

I have briefly looked at kits to make the front end more modern with coil springs and disc brakes. Found them for $3500-4K That is way more than I'm willing to invest to not be able to keep. I know it can probably be rebuilt back to factory specs, but when your putting your kids in it, you want them to have something that can stop quick.

Speaking of safety, want to move gas tank from inside the cab also

Looking for suggestions on fixing the truck to make it safe and adding A/C, or opinions on whether to try to move forward or abandon the idea and go a different route
Thanks in advance for your input
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Old 11-26-2016, 02:13 AM   #2
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

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Old 11-26-2016, 02:15 AM   #3
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

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Old 11-26-2016, 12:29 PM   #4
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Sweet Truck - I love the GMC's - To make this thing safe and reliable is probably going to cost a lot more than 4K. If you're looking at upgrading the suspension, engine, trans and rearend - You might as well buy you're own truck to build. I'd personally get too attached to it and never want to give it back... haha!

Check out no limit engineering for front suspension or Flatout engineering - both make great suspension setups for these trucks. The most common is a 2nd gen camaro clip, but its certainly not a super easy task and requires more skill.

good luck!
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Old 11-26-2016, 12:38 PM   #5
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Unless you can buy it outright, I wouldn't put a cent into it. Also, the "owners" may protest that you have "wrecked" the truck by doing major upgrades such as a suspension or engine swap that can not be put back to stock afterwards.
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Old 11-26-2016, 01:43 PM   #6
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

i agree with 59chev, if you want a truck buy one
though from the pics it does look pretty sweet

as for ever being safe for high schoolers? no way!
metal dash, no airbags, fixed column, no crumple zones, collapsible A and B pillars, etc...
yes we all survived growing up in these vehicles but you're safer with a $1500 2000 focus
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Old 11-26-2016, 02:04 PM   #7
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

I see a nice truck and a huge family fight in the future. There are many good trucks here in Houston if you can be patient. craigslist has some now and you would own it in the end.
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Old 11-26-2016, 02:09 PM   #8
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

I am with the idea of admiring the truck and leaving it at that. get something safe for the kids to drive. they would appreciate a larger cab area anyway because everybody has friends that gotta go as a group. it would be banged up in no time at school anyway and the family would be mad at you if you changed the truck so it was safe and fun to drive but not able to be put back to stock again. besides, its a lot of cash to put out on a truck that isn't yours and has no chance of ever being yours.
just curious, if you are out there some day soon, could you snap me a pic of what the front sheet metal looks like just behind the bumper? I either lost some parts or they were missing when I got my truck. mine has sheet metal filler panel attached to the bumper but i can't find anything that ties the lower parts of the front fenders together across the front. it is exactly the same truck as that one.
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Old 11-26-2016, 05:06 PM   #9
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

I love my family, but would not put a dime into a truck I do not own, but other members do. You will spend the money, get it running and break your daughters heart when another relative better connected to the titled owner get to drive it. I have been thru two contentious financial situations with my wife's family which resulted in not speaking to her cousins for the last 20 years or step sister for the last 5. All involved assets promised to my wife but never clearly documented, or that were documented but we had to sue to get. Nothing screws up families more than stuff like this. You will also get the pleasure of the titled owner second guessing every decision you make and constantly looking over your shoulder. And unless your name is on the title you will not probably not be able to insure it unless you "lease" it from the titled owner.
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Old 11-26-2016, 06:58 PM   #10
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

I would not bother. I just spent around $1600.00 for a Vintage Air kit around the same for Flat Out kit to weld in for Vette front and rear suspension another 1500.00 for the Vette front and rear. More money for the motor and trans.,driveshaft. Then rebuild everything because being doner parts they will be worn out. Steering column updated another 5-8 hundred. Still need interior and paint and the tools and time to do it. You can get the picture where this is heading.
You could buy a truck at Berrett Jackson or Mecum cheaper than you could build it.
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Old 11-26-2016, 07:07 PM   #11
Russell Ashley
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

That is a beautiful and desirable truck, and it would break my heart to leave it sitting, but that's what I recommend that you do. It's been sitting for seven or eight years and when it's been sitting another seven or eight years or more and enough of the old folks that were close to the original owner die off they might ask you if you still want "that old truck". You may or may not still want it but in the mean time buy your kids something newer and safer. Will be better for family relationships.
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Old 11-26-2016, 08:22 PM   #12
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

1 the gas tank is safest in the cab where nothing can get to it. All it needs is a rubber gasket under the sending unit instead of the cork original which has been soaked for decades. The smell will go away.

2 no reason whatever to spend anywhere near that much putting disc brakes on it.

3 Get the title in your name before spending a dime of your own money on it. failing that, have a written agreement by a professional (read: lawyer contract) before doing any work.

3 if ignoring 2, be prepared that someone with pull in the family will take the truck in the future, leaving you with no truck and the money gone. Whose name is on the title? That's the owner.

Last edited by tmoble; 11-26-2016 at 08:27 PM.
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Old 11-26-2016, 08:24 PM   #13
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

that's a big window deluxe cab, is it a Cameo? what does the bed look like?
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Old 11-27-2016, 11:07 AM   #14
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Spend $500, get it running.
Let your daughter drive it a little.
You might find that she isn't really interested in it when all of her other friends are driving Hondas and daddy's Silverado.
Buy used tires to get it rolling, and rebuild the original brakes for about $300.
If it holds water, let those patriarchs drive it too. They might just let you have it for about $2500.
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Old 11-27-2016, 11:15 AM   #15
Fred D
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Wanted to add some more details

There is an agreement already drafted up that the title will be switched to my name immediately.
The truck is to stay mine till June 2023 when my son graduates high school. This way nobody can try some of the things suggested.

Not planning an engine or transmission swap. Would like to give it more creature comforts such as A/C for this Texas heat.
I like the idea of a small cab, less people, less distractions.

I know a lot of people in this area, and a truck like this would make my children very visible. My phone would be blowing up if they were doing something they shouldn't. (This is good in my book)

I also have 8 international Scouts in various stages of disrepair. My thought would be to put both kids in one of those.
My son-11 is still intrested .....daughter not so much.
But if this GMC truck doesn't work out, I may just try and find a 2006-2012 Dodge Charger. That way she is good to take it away to college after high school.

With out the details on what is needed. What would estimate on rebuilding steering and brakes be.
I ask this because I'm guessing on parts availability be good.

Oh by the way. Me and my kids get to go use the 200 acre ranch pretty much when ever we want. Nobody lives on the property, but there are 2 furnished houses for family.
I don't mind donating some funds to the truck to give back to the ranch.
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Old 11-27-2016, 12:49 PM   #16
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

$300 for brakes, $500 for steering if you do R&R yourself
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Old 11-27-2016, 01:49 PM   #17
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

-keep straight axle and install discs or install IFS? big difference in "give it back how you got it" others would say you butchered the truck and where is your respect. good to talk it over with the pepe's and make sure everybody is onboard before cutting up the front end.

-what about seat belts?

-what about a dual brake system. maybe add power brakes at the same time.

-what about power steering? be a bit of work to do power steering and still keep the old straight axle.

-what about rear axle gear ratio? install newer diff with better ratio? these old trucks were not made for highway travelling by todays standards. another subject to talk about with the pepe's

-if doing a IFS system and keeping the inline 6 you may need to think about the oil pan interference and also some engine and trans mounts.

-is the body as solid as it looks? door hinge pillars, cowl vents, door hinges, floor boards, cab mounts, eyebrow over windshield, cab rain gutter? these are all common rust areas or places where mice like to make nests and then that spots gets rusty. make sure to get under and test all those spots.looks like you could use some window rubbers so maybe wanna check the door seals and other rubber parts.

-alternator upgrade in the works?

-vacuum or electric wipers? is there an upgrade in mind for that?

best is to do a complete work up to see how much this truck will cost to update everything to make it safe and easy to drive, then make sure the plane is gone over with the family so everybody is onboard with any changes. figure out the costs and add a bit more for the "can of worms" effect.
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Old 11-27-2016, 05:09 PM   #18
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Thanks again for the input

More details
They know I have the tools and mechanical skills to do what's necessary.
My fab skills are limited because I am a novice welder

The wipers are vac and non working
Still has Gen not Alt.
Seat belts are already on the list
No rust in any of those areas
Figured to replace most/all of the rubber weatherstripping

The freeway driving has me thinking. Was thinking none, but the more I think about it, probably 30%
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Old 11-27-2016, 05:42 PM   #19
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Seems to me this is literally throwing money away. Its going to cost a lot of cash to get the truck in the kind of shape you're talking about and come 2023 its just going be gone. If either of your kids want a classic truck to drive it just seems like it'd make more sense to buy one and go from there. I'm confused as to how this seems like a good deal at all for you.
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Old 11-28-2016, 11:28 AM   #20
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Originally Posted by TheCougarine View Post
Seems to me this is literally throwing money away. Its going to cost a lot of cash to get the truck in the kind of shape you're talking about and come 2023 its just going be gone. If either of your kids want a classic truck to drive it just seems like it'd make more sense to buy one and go from there. I'm confused as to how this seems like a good deal at all for you.
Understand your perspective

Pluses for me the way I see it
1. I get a base vehicle at no charge
2. When done donating it back to the ranch would know we are giving back to a family entity that will one day belong to my wife and kids
3. Know I am starting with a solid platform and it's all there. Not somebody else's work in progress

I don't mind investing 3-4K for use for 6 years.
But don't want to go 10k when it's all said and done
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Old 11-28-2016, 02:55 PM   #21
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

I'm all for you being the custodian for the truck , Put the money in it for maintaining it keep the truck in good repair for the family, plan on all new brake lines, gear oil, bushings,grease, belts , bearings, wire repair, battery ,weather stripping, maybe replacing gas tank ,tires ect. to keep it original. For the Family. Maybe $1500

Get some decent POS cars for the kids to get their learning curves in , something you can go to the junk yard and get a fender or door for when the time comes.

Let them drive the truck with you by their side to the store ,or to get lunch, or just around on the ranch.

Then if y'all decide , get another classic truck for them/you, to modernize / customize ,for a Father daughter/son project.
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Old 11-28-2016, 03:09 PM   #22
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

I have an idea......

Why not fix the truck with ranch money,and donate your time?

That way,it would be a ranch asset,and you the custodian?
No transfer of title,and the ranch would be the insured, with "employees" of the ranch named in the policy
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Old 11-28-2016, 03:54 PM   #23
BC Toy chest
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Originally Posted by OrrieG View Post
I love my family, but would not put a dime into a truck I do not own, but other members do. You will spend the money, get it running and break your daughters heart when another relative better connected to the titled owner get to drive it. I have been thru two contentious financial situations with my wife's family which resulted in not speaking to her cousins for the last 20 years or step sister for the last 5. All involved assets promised to my wife but never clearly documented, or that were documented but we had to sue to get. Nothing screws up families more than stuff like this. You will also get the pleasure of the titled owner second guessing every decision you make and constantly looking over your shoulder. And unless your name is on the title you will not probably not be able to insure it unless you "lease" it from the titled owner.
I agree 100% with OrrieG. RUNAWAY!! The first red flag is that this is your daughters gr8, gr8 grand daddy's ride and they aint willing to get up off of it and just let it sit and do nothing. Why what's the point? The truck is better off with you. If they won't sell it to you go buy her an old truck and turn it into a family project or buy one done that needs minor work. Sinking your hard earn $$$ into something that ultimately won't be yours/hers is a family feud just waiting to happen.
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Old 11-28-2016, 05:31 PM   #24
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Originally Posted by 1958Warrior View Post
Get some decent POS cars for the kids to get their learning curves in , something you can go to the junk yard and get a fender or door for when the time comes.
Did that with my daughter. She wanted a Mustang, when she turned 16 we got a 67 coupe with good body but needed tlc and detailing. She got a learners permit, then license. I bought a $50 Mercury wagon and told her she could drive for a year while we restored the Mustang. She got all the crashes, etc out of the way and the hours and money she put into the Mustang made her respect and cherish it. Also gave her good mechanical skills that have helped her all her life. Watched her better off friends destroy the "nice" expensive cars their daddies bought them.
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Old 11-28-2016, 07:48 PM   #25
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Re: Newbie looking for opinions 57 GMC (sorry a bit long)

Minimum $2000 or more to get it to the point you feel safe having your daughter drive it. We have a '57 GMC big window, and it's a great truck with lots of visibility for the wife as she's only 5' tall. But it's her baby and she's very attached to it. Your daughter might get attached to it as well, and in the end you'll have to buy one just for her that you don't give back lol Personally I'd invest in one you'll own forever, not a rental one. I just hate throwing money away at vehicles I don't plan on keeping forever, and working on a family members vehicles is always asking for problems.
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