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Old 08-25-2004, 12:16 AM   #51
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my number one pet peave of all time being that i work fast food is hispanics that dont speak english, dont get me wrong i am friends with many hispanics but i refuse to try and speak spanish.

as for working on my truck the worst thing is when i am under the truck and i tell my brother to go fetch some kind of tool and i tell him exactly where it is at and he comes back 10 minutes later, by now i could have had the problem fixed and he says i cant find it so i crawl out from under the truck and it is exactly where i said it was.
Krazy Texan
My Trucks are made with Wrenches not Chop Sticks
1967 GMC 3/4 ton "Johnny Cash"
1990 v1500 suburban
1967 Ford f100 Swb 4x4 "green bean"

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Old 08-25-2004, 01:02 AM   #52
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All of these apply to me and one more: Going to a parts house or hardware
store for a simple display item such as a drill bit, socket, tube of JB Weld,
gasket sealer, etc. All the racks will be overflowing except for that item.
You guessed it: that one will be empty.

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Old 08-25-2004, 01:09 AM   #53
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sometimes when i got to the chevy dealer for a part they say "our computer doesnt go back that far on years" well as ive been to lots of dealerships before and i know that all they have to do is pull out the books and look it up but some of them wont. its like they looking for any excuse to get out of a little work. the auto parts stores i agree are a joke. i got one of these every year kinda trucks with different body than frame and diff engine and every time its like you said they want to know what year and if air conditioning and all kinds cr*p just for valve cover gaskets for a 350. depending on what part i need i just tell them correct year and make for that part now. they prob think i own dozens of cars by now lol
1970 C/K20 3/4 Ton
1996 Collectors Edition Corvette
1977 Corvette Coupe
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Old 08-25-2004, 01:10 AM   #54
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One more thing I forgot: Don't get behind me in a checkout line. That cash
register is doomed. Most of the people around here know this and I very
seldom have anyone behind me.

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Old 08-25-2004, 01:36 AM   #55
Lovin' Life in Miss.!
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My worst GM dealership experiance was going down to Performance (HA!) Chevrolet with a GM illustrated parts breakdown and GM part #'s for a bunch of bolts. I wanted the bolts with the correct finish and correct length. The guy doesn't even punch a # and says "I probably won't have em.". I tell em to please check anyway. He then goes through the same year make model story everone else hates too. I asked him to just run the #'s. "Nope not in stock, what are you working on a wreck?" I nearly came over the counter! Told him that you don't call a mans truck a wreck even if it is one.
Went down to Daughtery Chevrolet. Parts guy says "Dunno, I can probably get you close though." Music!!!!!!!! I spent $80 odd bucks on hardware.
8 months later bought my wifes new Tahoe there. 6 weeks after that bought my crate motor there. On the way home, with my crate motor in tow, I showed the Performance Chevrolet parts manager the 30 large that I spent somewhere else!
Parts manager excuse? Short version: We get a lot of guys in here looking for information and not buying anything.
The truck... you hear that? No really, you did hear that?!!!
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Old 08-25-2004, 08:26 AM   #56
The oddest Todd around
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Originally Posted by EdB
One more thing I forgot: Don't get behind me in a checkout line. That cash
register is doomed. Most of the people around here know this and I very
seldom have anyone behind me.


Why is the register doomed? Are you paying with pennies?
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Old 08-25-2004, 10:43 AM   #57
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Mine has been and will always be dropping bolts, tools, etc. into the engine. If there is an opening I have dropped something into it. I have lost count how many times I've had to remove an intake, carb, or valve covers to retrieve something.
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Old 08-25-2004, 11:10 AM   #58
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My pet peeve is : Knowing that i have a dozen 1/2" wrenches. Needing a 1/2" wrench not being able to find one after looking for an hour. Finally using a pair of visegrips and then while looking for a towel to wipe my hands on fonding the %6$5$# wrench you needed in the first place!
In the immortal words of charley brown "ARRRGHHH!!!!!"
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Old 08-25-2004, 08:48 PM   #59
Got Light Emitting Diode?
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Originally Posted by Rabid
Mine has been and will always be dropping bolts, tools, etc. into the engine. If there is an opening I have dropped something into it. I have lost count how many times I've had to remove an intake, carb, or valve covers to retrieve something.
one of the many times i changed my exhaust doughnut i drop a nut right down the down pipe. it was only a straight six with a glass pack so i buttoned 'er up. i am sure it shot out somewhere.
1968 1/2 ton 2wd lwb 6 lug disc and bags up front. Next c notch and rear bags

'02 Chevy Silverado LT ext cab short bed 2WD 5/7 drop on 22's(the family car)

1993 Cherokee work ride/weekend wheeler
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Old 08-25-2004, 09:20 PM   #60
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I hate it when people ask me "Why don't you just buy a new truck?"
57 suburban(sitting in the driveway), 2 69 C20 longbeds (sitting in the field ) and a 2003 8.1 Suburban
Endeavor to persevere.
"All of a sudden, I'm the old timer!" Some old timer on American Pickers.
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Old 08-25-2004, 10:32 PM   #61
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I got a 400 in my 66 and I go in to get a timing chain. As someone has already mentioned there was not a truck with a 400 back then. They couldn't just get me a timing chain for a SBC, noooooooo . . . . I had to go through the year, make, model, etc crap. So I say, "try a 75 Caprice or some such, that will get you there" (who the heck knows what it came out of, I bought a bare block). I want a cloyes double roller, but his idiot computer tells him that it's not for an emmision controlled vehicle (high performance chain) like a timing chain is going to make a vehicle spew hydrocarbons into the atmosphere. I tell him it not in an emmision controlled vehicle. He says, "yes it is." and laughs condescendantly. I say, "No it's not, it's in a 66 pickup." He starts to type in 66 chevy c10. I roll my eyes and say, "you won't find it there." He frickin ignores me and keeps trying to look it up. The the brain donor tells me, "It can't be a 400, they only had the 283 and 327 in that year and model." "DOH!!!!"

Oh yeah, I had given him the part number first.

In the garage, my pet peeve is that little piece of whatever that gets under the wheel of the creeper and keeps it from rolling. When you finally move it, you can't see anything.

EdB (the other one)
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Old 08-25-2004, 10:36 PM   #62
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One that has got to me lately is when some one is lookin' for a part,car,truck or whatever. And I look in the paper,find it here or at a store etc. Call and tell em' where or what and they never go look or check. A guy at work wanted a project set him with a member for his price and never followed up. Best friend who has a Z-24 that he drag races always said '' Weasel if you find one cheap I want to build another'' Found one at work for $ 200 he never went to look. So guess what most of the time when someone says '' I want this or that'' I kinda just ''Weasel'' on out the door..... LOL!!!
69 C-10, OWNED 38YRS... 350 over 30, 350 Turbo, 3:73 Posi P/S, P/B Black with red and black int. ''LOVE THESE OLD ''TRUCKS.......
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Old 08-25-2004, 10:55 PM   #63
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How about some "Hobby farmboy who wants (want's to tell people how to spell)because he knows he is safe.Some people get to anal about verbs,adjectives and noun's.... I mean nouns. Just get over it.I didn't mean to end a sentence in a prepositional phrase.
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Old 08-25-2004, 11:59 PM   #64
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bolts that are stripped , or have rounded heads on them, or that you can't get loose. very annoying!
67 Chevy SWB - goal of a 1,000 hp weekend cruiser
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Old 08-26-2004, 12:05 AM   #65
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Then there's the drivers who, when attempting to enter a 70mph freeway, drive all the way down the on-ramp at 40-45mph, then hit the brakes when they can't seem to figure out how to merge (duh!).

Corollary peeve: the dumbass who designed on-ramps so short you can't get up to 70mph & merge without having a built big-block.
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Old 08-26-2004, 12:06 AM   #66
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ED455 - to fix the stuff under the wheels of the creeper, take an empty plastic butter dish, flip it upside down, cut a hole in the top and put it around the wheel. Make it so its about a 1/8' off the floor. it will push anything outta the way when you roll near it. follow me? not exact directions, but you get the idea right?
67 Chevy SWB - goal of a 1,000 hp weekend cruiser
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Old 08-26-2004, 12:18 AM   #67
Don't say "Oops!", Doctor
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Originally Posted by Oborny71
ED455 - to fix the stuff under the wheels of the creeper, take an empty plastic butter dish, flip it upside down, cut a hole in the top and put it around the wheel. Make it so its about a 1/8' off the floor. it will push anything outta the way when you roll near it. follow me? not exact directions, but you get the idea right?
That's a pretty sweet idea, man. I'm gonna have to try that one.
1968 CST LWB: R.I.P.
1967 Chevelle: TPI 454 beast
1967 C10 SWB: Claimed when Bumpster didn't put it on his list
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Old 08-26-2004, 01:19 AM   #68
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My pet peeve is is that some people exspect others to type queens english.Where you at Hobby67stepsidepunk?
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Old 08-27-2004, 03:35 AM   #69
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Or the ones who, when you're driving 75mph down an empty rural freeway in the right-hand lane, pass you on the left going, oh, 1/8 of a MPH faster than you, then when they get maybe 2 car-lengths ahead of you, they get in front of you & match speed with you.

Or the ones who, when you're again driving 75mph down the right-hand lane of an empty freeway, will slowly drive up behind you until they're 20 feet behind you, & then tailgate you for miles & miles. I have found the cure for this is to move into the left lane (not varying speed), at which time they WILL pass you & slowly disappear into the distance.
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:14 AM   #70
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Originally Posted by jimfulco
Or the ones who, when you're driving 75mph down an empty rural freeway in the right-hand lane, pass you on the left going, oh, 1/8 of a MPH faster than you, then when they get maybe 2 car-lengths ahead of you, they get in front of you & match speed with you.

Or the ones who, when you're again driving 75mph down the right-hand lane of an empty freeway, will slowly drive up behind you until they're 20 feet behind you, & then tailgate you for miles & miles. I have found the cure for this is to move into the left lane (not varying speed), at which time they WILL pass you & slowly disappear into the distance.
Nah, I stab the brakes real good just for a second. Just enough for the front end of my vehicle to dive slightly while my brake lights come on, but not enough to really slow much. the idea is NOT to cause an acident but to make them go, "Oh Crap!" and jump on their brakes. Then as you continue on, they know that they were ticking you off and they stay away from you. Usually it gets me the, "You're number one" sign (strangely, tailgaters always use the wrong finger for "number 1"), but they get the heck off my butt.

If that doesn't work, I slow down till they get irritated and go around me, then I resume my previous speed.

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Old 08-27-2004, 08:23 AM   #71
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Hmmm... stripped screws......and driving around in the rain and finding you have no brakes when you need them most. Here it floods a lot!
1948 Chevy Aerosedan GONE! I think.
1984 Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham Coupe

1967 CST C10 Long Bed with a 283
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:25 AM   #72
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Ed, I used to do that one, too. Tailgaters make me furious! But after thinking it over and considering the family of four that might be near that jerk, I have since quit doing that...
We made Oklahoma a little after 3, Randy & his brother Bob & my old GMC...
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:39 AM   #73
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Pet Peave!!!!

How many times have you gotten everything ready to go, gotten under your ride and then....NOW you have to take a $H!T???????????? I hate that!!!!!
1968 C10 Short Stepper
350/350 A/C P/S P/B Front disc
3/5 static/ 12bolt rear 3:73
1979 Pontiac Trans Am
10th Anniversary/455/4spd
2011 H-D Street Glide - CAMMED n lowered
Dad always said,"Son, if you can't be good at it."
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Old 08-27-2004, 08:40 AM   #74
Cause the Chicks DIG IT!!
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Stripped bolts yep those suck. busted bolts in blocks suck even more. And yes the guy who passes you doing 1/8 mph faster then decides he wants to drive right in front of you really pisses me off!!!!!
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Old 08-27-2004, 10:28 AM   #75
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CELL PHONES!! I don't own one, wouldn't have one, I think they are one of the worst inventions man ever invented. Why would you want to walk around with something attached to your ear? There are many times I want to be left alone and not talk to anyone--my life is my own--not someone else's that can interrupt me at their pleasure in restaurants, rest rooms, intimate moments, etc. And why do people think they have to yell into them as if they are using tin cans with a string? And in cars? INSANE!! wandering all over the road, ignoring other traffic, abrupt turns without signals--in other words, driving like they never would without that piece of crap tied to their ear--and no, headphones do NOT help! It's the attention factor, folks! regardless of the manner it's used! Common sense and cell phones do not mix and I wish the inventor to hell!

Stepsides look like real trucks!

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