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Old 10-27-2004, 09:22 PM   #101
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my pet peeve is people who think their time is more precious than work our service advisors will say. can you hurry and finish this car/truck cause the customer needs it to do some stupid thing or another at 330. Oh yes we all have things to do but since im a working stiff and they broke their car i must hurry up. dammit i have a life to
a winter wonderland
2005 Chevrolet Avalanche LT
cold air intake, performance exhaust, Comp cams cam, jba shorty ceramic headers.
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Old 10-27-2004, 10:29 PM   #102
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Cell phones
Idiots tailgating me in heavy traffic. I mean what the heck. Riding my A$$ is going to make the guy in front of me go faster?
And just about every other post on here.
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Old 10-28-2004, 09:15 PM   #103
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guys who just make a post to add to their post totals...kinda like this one lol
a winter wonderland
2005 Chevrolet Avalanche LT
cold air intake, performance exhaust, Comp cams cam, jba shorty ceramic headers.
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Old 10-28-2004, 11:00 PM   #104
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people asking me stupid questions.... like
Why is your door green and white? well, the other door is messed up... oh well why dont you paint that door.... well thats not exactly cheap... i have another door im going to put on. why isnt it on then? i dont have any time. oh

and i hate it when people ask why i didnt just buy a new car/truck. i gently tell them i like my old truck no one can take that away from me.

and i hate simple jobs that turn into enormous projects... like changing oil... the filter wont come lose... you have to buy a special wrench because of headers, the bolt in oil pan is stripped, then you spill oil all over when putting new in....
70 longbed
496/th400/Ford 9"
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Old 10-28-2004, 11:26 PM   #105
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Sorry, but I have another one. The unwritten law that headers must block as LEAST 1 spark plug, but bonus points for 3 or 4. Gah
72 C10 longbed 350/th400

Let the world change you and you will change the world.
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Old 10-29-2004, 07:21 AM   #106
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Cobalt, try calling or going and seeing your city council-man-woman or county commissioner, or other elected person of that position, they have the ears of department heads (since they control their $$), it could help.

My peave...when some one or group of people have known they need something fixed or checked for weeks and wait until last thing of the day or week and then want you to drop everything and take care of it, like you don't have anything else to do but take care of them, don't mind doing the work but it always seems to be the same people.
69 C-10 Work is complete
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Old 10-29-2004, 10:02 AM   #107
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1 People who tailgate when you're already going 10 or more over the speed limit and there is no reason for them to be on your butt.
2 When another driver screws up and then flips you off for it.
3 People who lie to cover there screw up and it gets someone else in trouble.
4 People who can't wait in line like everybody else and insist on moving ahead of everyone and then try to cut over at the last second in traffic.
5 When the toilet paper is out and not one of the kids who last used it had enough sense to replace it with a full roll. Especially if you didn't notice it until after you already sat down.
6 When you go to the bathroom during the night and don't turn on the light cause you don't want to be blinded by it, and when you sit down someone left the seat up and you almost "fall in". lol
7 When someone steals your wifes Support Our Troops magnets off her van at a store.
8 When you need to change lanes and theres an idiot next to you "in the way" who is going just fast enough to keep up with you and cars behind you so you can't slow down either and you end up missing your exit.
9 When at a drive through and you give your order and end it with and thats all, and the idiot still askes if you want an apple pie or something.
10 People who think you and everybody else wants to hear there car stereo as they drive especially at traffic lights or in rush hour traffic and it vibrates your car/truck too.
11 When you get in the shower and forgot to grab your shampoo and soap first.
12 When you go to do something and when you get there you forgot what it was you went there to do.
13 When you go to reply to a thread and then forgot what you wanted to say or how to say it.

'92 GMC Sierra, Sportside, 2wd, 350, Black
'92 Chevy Silverado Extended Cab 4 x 4, Blue
USAFR = 2A674 = Aircraft Fuel Systems Maintenance
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Old 10-29-2004, 10:06 AM   #108
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mis-aligned steering wheels... simply drive me nuts
5/4 drop LWB wood bed - 15x8 front 235/60 - 15x10 rear 295/50
2003 FORD Escape
1998 Honda VTR1000
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Old 10-29-2004, 10:32 AM   #109
<<< R 67 PROJECT
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Cool Ditto

Originally Posted by Dean23
guys who just make a post to add to their post totals...kinda like this one lol
And these are usually the same ones that think thier $h1t dont stink and are now it alls even if they have no clue!
-92 2wd burb 225k dailey driver
-98 nissan quest the wifes
-67 C-10 stepside my toy
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Old 10-29-2004, 11:04 AM   #110
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I think my pet peeves are all of the above.... But one that was not mentioned is when you are underneath a car or truck and you know stuff is going to fall on your face so you were safty glasses and the crap still falls in your eyes. it's even worse when the job should only take 1/2 hour and it becomes 1hour cause you spend half the time waiting for your eye or eyes to stop watering. I also hate those people who say..... You should do this to your truck and you should do that to your truck it would look way better that way. I hate them. I like my truck the way i'm doing it.
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Old 10-29-2004, 11:43 AM   #111
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People that can't spell Camaro. I can't count the number of times lately I have seen it spelled Camero. You don't see alot of Nustangs, Nopars, Pords, Fodges, GNC's or Chewy's so why so many Camero's.
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Last edited by StingRay; 10-29-2004 at 11:15 PM.
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Old 10-29-2004, 11:54 AM   #112
just can't cover up my redneck
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He starts to type in 66 chevy c10. I roll my eyes and say, "you won't find it there." He frickin ignores me and keeps trying to look it up. The the brain donor tells me, "It can't be a 400, they only had the 283 and 327 in that year and model." "DOH!!!!"
Nothing says you have to tell them the truth........You could have told him it was a 327 and you would have gotten the right part in the first place.

CELL PHONES!! I don't own one, wouldn't have one, I think they are one of the worst inventions man ever invented. Why would you want to walk around with something attached to your ear? There are many times I want to be left alone and not talk to anyone--my life is my own--not someone else's that can interrupt me at their pleasure in restaurants, rest rooms, intimate moments, etc. And why do people think they have to yell into them as if they are using tin cans with a string? And in cars? INSANE!! wandering all over the road, ignoring other traffic, abrupt turns without signals--in other words, driving like they never would without that piece of crap tied to their ear--and no, headphones do NOT help! It's the attention factor, folks! regardless of the manner it's used! Common sense and cell phones do not mix and I wish the inventor to hell!
I'm just the opposite on this one. It is totally rediculous to call a "place" to see if a person is there.........When you can call the person directly. Cell phones do still give you the option of answering them (You don'thave to) plus, you can turn it off in those intimate moments........then the person should know that you are indisposed. I agree totally about people paying attention while driving and/or using them in the wrong place/time.

Mexicans who only speak Spanish and expect you to speak Spanish to them in the United States. Either learn to speak English or swim back !!!!
Not just Mexicans.............I don't care where they are from. Speak english or go home. I'm not asking for perfection, english is difficult.........but try dammit. If America is so great (and it is)........then why are you trying to make it like your country?........instead of leaving it the great way you found it?

4 People who can't wait in line like everybody else and insist on moving ahead of everyone and then try to cut over at the last second in traffic.
Yeah, 'cause what we are all waiting on are the @ssholes that are cutting in at the front of the line.

9 When at a drive through and you give your order and end it with and thats all, and the idiot still askes if you want an apple pie or something.
Yeah, they start with "Welcome to (whatever),would you like a (insert whatever here too) and you say......."NO, I would like..... and that's all" Then they come back with the pie thing. AAAAAAargh, I said NO!

I'm sure that there are more
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Old 10-29-2004, 12:27 PM   #113
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mine is those people who let their cats and dogs run around neighborhood without leash. theres no animal control here and they jump out from everywhere when i go outside. and they pee on your wheels and leave fur and footprints all over vehicles. id shoot them but im too nice of a guy to do it i figure its the owners faults. if i figure out who owns some of them im going to go have a talk with em. arghhhhh!
1970 C/K20 3/4 Ton
1996 Collectors Edition Corvette
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Old 10-29-2004, 12:50 PM   #114
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Re: Cell Phones - the wife and I saw a young woman last week the was driving alongside of us talking on her cell phone in one hand and smokin a joint with the other hand.

People who drive with the pet(s) in the lap or otherwise holding them so the dog can have its head out the window while the person is driving.
People who hold there little kids/babies while they are also trying to drive! That just spells dead child if they get into a accident IMO
People who drive with out putting there babies or young kids in car seats/ seat belts.
People who allow there dogs to run loose in the woods during deer season!
Had that happen last year.
Going hunting with a guy and when you call him on the walkie to let him know two deer are headed his way, and instead of sitting still he is walking around. And then gets p!$$ed at you for "shooting his deer" after he spooked them and they ran back towards you. Had that happen last year too.

When your finger breaks through the toilet paper and the roll is empty and you can't reach the new rolls!

People who don't control there kids in the store and let them run around on there own.

Working on nice weather days and it rains on your days off!

'92 GMC Sierra, Sportside, 2wd, 350, Black
'92 Chevy Silverado Extended Cab 4 x 4, Blue
USAFR = 2A674 = Aircraft Fuel Systems Maintenance
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Old 10-29-2004, 03:32 PM   #115
Thats the Hillbilly way
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Originally Posted by StingRay
People that can't spell Camaro. I can't count the number of times lately I hve seent it spelled Camero. You don't see alot of Nustangs, Nopars, Pords, Fodges, GNC's or Chewy's so why so many Camero's.
I think you answered your own question
Torrance Calif 90504
Member DUF Club
Member Old Farts Club
72 3/4ton Custom Camper BB402/400 trans Dynomax Cerama-coat headers , Hei distributor ,Edelbrock 1411 air,ps,pb,leafsprings ,98 chevy 60/40 seat,S10 shoulder belts
tilt,3.54 Dana 60 rear. 16" Eagle wheels with LT265/75 16 tires,Gaylord Lid,H4 headlights with 100W relay conversion.

" If I knew I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself "
Marriage changes passion...suddenly you're in bed with a relative. A GUY'S PRAYER....

Lord, I pray for a nympho with huge boobs who owns a liquor store and likes to fish and hunt and has a Harley .Amen ,
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Old 10-29-2004, 11:24 PM   #116
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Yah but that was intentional to make a point. I've seen a number of uses of Camero just this week both locally in the paper, the Auto trader and here on the board. I make typo's like everybody else but the Camero thing comes up way to often to be a simple typo. Myspellin's luuk funny dn't theyy
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
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Old 10-30-2004, 03:00 AM   #117
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I just want an explanation why whenever I unbolt something the bolt holes never align again?
Also why is it whenever I need a part, I can't find it, and after I do they are everywhere?
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Old 10-30-2004, 04:35 AM   #118
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Why is it when I finally get all the mechanical stuff under control,the friggin thing breaks

When I get everything the way I want it,and then a different part comes around that is way better than the current one,and I have to rethink the whole setup.

This is my worst one.Not having the money to do one project and having 4 to do.Man I have had this one a long time,and I still have to deal with it everyday
Rusty Member #13872
Instead of are a discomfort in the back of my should be able to say...... you are a pain in the *a$#*

49 Chevy
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Old 10-30-2004, 01:22 PM   #119
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People in oncoming traffic with badly adjusted headlights. I usually hit that little button on the left side of the floor to give them a hint, .

Tools, nuts 'n bolts, etc. that fall but don't hit the ground. Its like they fall into another dimension. You spend 15 minutes looking for it then forget what the hell you were doing!

This just happened the other day. Parked on a side street to do some renovation work at someone's house. At the end of the day you approach the truck from behind, get in and start driving. Then you hear a LOUD scraping noise coming from under the truck. You think you dropped a muffler or something. Jump out and look underneath and see someone's blue plastic recycle box wedged firmly under your exhaust. The owner of the house is home, why didn't he take the empty box back inside instead of leaving it right in front of my truck?

The crowning turd in the water pipe. Why do so called friends only call you up when they need something from you? Hey, just call and say HI sometime! Then you can still be my friend!
1970 GMC 1500 Custom
Original 350/TH350
Victoria, BC, Canada

You can wish in one hand and crap in the other.
See which one gets filled first.
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