I swear to the great powers that be, yesterday I was reading here everybody whining about their tranny lines popping, you know 'cause they used fuel line instead of ATF proof hose. Well...... I was thinking, hmmm too bad, mine have lasted almost 5 years, no problem. Welllllll You guessed it! TODAY, I jumped in the ol' Hoss to run down to the lumber store for 10 more sheets of drywall for my old garage project and SPA-YOOOOIE!!!!

ATF all over the place! If I hadn't thought it was pretty damned funny I woulda been PO'd. Had to go and get a bunch of sawdust and clean up my street. Then I went to NAPA and got some Tranny Cooler Gates hose. Was that the stuff that failed on some of you guys? Well, it oughta last longer than the Fuel line!
Too funny guys. Less than 24 hours later!! You guys are JINXES!!!!!
Merry Christmas and/or Happy Chanukah to all y'all!! Hunter