Thanks "colohusker" !!!!!!!
I want to thank "colohusker" in advance for helping a fellow B. member out!! I just purchased a 67 truck in the Denver area and plan on having "crews" bring it back to the IL. The only problem is the truck has to be moved from its current location by the 10th , and "crews" cant get it for a couple weeks or so. . We asked if anyone could help "store" it 'til "crews" can pick it up.
We had several replys! "Colohusker" offered to go get it , even tho we didnt know exact distance from his house!! ( estimated 40 - 70 miles!).
This is someone Ive never even talked with til this morning!!!
Its a good feeling to know that people are still willing to help each other out in a pinch!!
(I better quit now, Im getting all teary - eyed) lol'
Anyway, I want to THANK Scott AGAIN for his help !!!!!!!!