Mine's a daily driver. About 20 round trip to work. I don't try to figure all the expenses saved/spent. I bought this truck cause it's what I want to drive. I chew Copenhagen(not kodiak) I drink Jack Daniels and Bud(not Early Times and Natural Light) and I drive a Classic GMC (not a Honda). Last year I probably spent over $1500 hunting for a deer. It wasn,t to put meat on the table! I can go to the grocery store and do that. I enjoy hunting.

Those are my choices. No one can tell you what's right for you. I spend most of my life working and taking care of obligations, so I spend my leisure time and money on my preferences. It will take alot more than $4 gas to make me park my truck.
Originally Posted by nu2-72
When I guess I see it this way. If I give up everything I enjoy because of price, I would give up everything. How much does hunting really cost per pound, or fishing, or old trucks?
I am going to do what I want. And when I die, I can say that I have no regrets. I did it my way. Maybe not as often as I would have liked but I will not give up.

Well said!