Spent 2 Nights Installing My Alarm System..
I have a CODE ALARM 2500.
This thing does everything except feed the chickens.. It locks and unlocks the doors,turns on the interior light, will set itself if you forget,it has an override if you are working on it and don't want it to set (valet switch) the locks unlock when you turn the key off and it has a "two stage" sensor (you bump the car easily and the alarm won't go off it will just beep to let you know you're too close, hit it again and it blasts away. It hooks into your headlights or parking lights so they flash when the alarm is blasting away. it has a switch on it to open the trunk, (not much use to us Huh?) The two tabs on the far right are for the starter wire to run through, if you aren't supposed to be there it won't allow the engine to start. (of course there is always a way around everything)
Tomorrow night I should have it done, interfacing with the door locks is a nightmare.
Last edited by RON WOODGEARD; 08-23-2002 at 01:22 AM.