Traded for a 50 model today!
I traded a set of stock 01 chevy wheels for a 50 model pickup. It's just a body with no frame, but I'll probably build my own frame. It'll probably be a few weeks before I can go pick it up, as I have to make room for it in my storage building. This will be a future project. It'll be a few years before I can start it, as I have a current 84 swb that I'm working on. I do have a few questions though. I was told that the body came off of a 1 ton or 1 1/2. Are there any differences in a 1/2 ton body and this body? I'm going to need patch panels for the floor board, rockers, and cab corners. Are these parts made? If so, where would be the best place to purchase them? If these parts are still made, should I be worried about how much longer these parts are going to be available? I'm just worried that with fewer and fewer of these trucks around, that reproduction companys will quite producing the parts, due to lack of sales.
Trey Oney
Last edited by bagged01extcab; 10-29-2005 at 09:26 PM.