more agile, lighter chevy
I was originally thinking 96-98 silverado 1500. My friend thinks I should get an s-10 because they are much more durable.
I think this is a good idea!! Smaller truck, better for a first time 4x4er (especially for trails), better mileage becasue its lighter, easier to park when in the city. The whole truck is small, but he said he fit 3 dirtbikes in a bed, so that should be enough for a bunch of mountain bikes.
I would get an extended cab with a v8. I don't know much about these and want to look into them as I think I would be better off with this.
-for mods:
I think 33's with a american racing mojave teflons would be nice. I like rancho lifts, how are they on an s-10 and which size would i need for 33's.