bent oil pan -- problem??
I tried to replace my engine mounts on my '89 suburban, but could not get the engine to line up for one of them... so I had to reluctantly take it to a shop to replace that one (I put the old one back on...). Well, the got the new on one, but when I was changing the oil yesterday, I noticed the bent the crap out of my oil pan!!!
I saw them doing the work and they had the truck on the lift and used a really tall "jack stand" type thing that's adjustable to push up the engine... You can see the mark where it indented the oil pan. I imagine that because I had a problem aligning the engine, they pushed too hard on it with that support.
The pan seems to be pushed in about 1/2"??? It's hard to describe, but it's pushed-in in an irregular pattern. Is that a problem. The manual says not to support the engine by the pan because it can push into the oil pan.
**Also, do I have any recourse with the shop?? How do I "prove" they did this?? Is there anything I can do??