05-23-2006, 05:32 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: San Antonio TEXAS
Posts: 12
Re: question on inner fender
Originally Posted by bassfisher
Thanks for the help and advice, got the fender in today. I did not take off the outer as was mentioned, not sure why? Did loosen core support on that side and with a little moving was able to get out an back in. Maybe it was how it was put there in the first place? Had to cut the wires because they did a lousy job, but can put them back and place in loom any way.Have to do a slight cut or grind to let fender to sit down farther is hitting upper a frame and to get bolts holes closer, but looks like that will all, hopefully.It's on now with a few bolts just not all the way. Thanks for all the help guys.
 good luck