smaller brake booster?
On my 80 I am installing the hydraulic clutch cylinder on the firewall. It's out of a 91 firebird. So it doesn't sit flat against the firewall. So I made a bracket to bolt it to the firewall where I wanted it. Well the only good spot I could come up with, the fitting for the hose is about 1/4" from hitting the side of the booster. I won't be able to put the hose on. So I was wondering since I also have the booster from the firebird, and it's only I think an 8" which is like half the size as the original. I took both of them apart and can swap the mounting brackets and push rod. So my question is with the smaller booster, will the brake pedal be harder to push to get the same force as the larger unit. I see smaller aftermarket boosters that are all different sizes like a 7" for a vette.