Interior Paint Job?? What have U done?
With all the painting questions, I have my own question now. I pretty much have the cab gutted and working on replacing the driver rocker, gas tank hole, replace windshield and the molding and a few other minor holes etc (looks great otherwise). While it's apart, I want to paint the interior the same (or close) as the exterior, but I don't want to paint it all at the same time as the outside panels need some work (dents, taken off and cleaned, alignment, not rust) and would like to actually get it together and be able to drive the thing on occasion while working an outside a panel at a time as my friend has a ton of tools for bodywork.
Would I be able to rattle can the interior/ dash/windshield, back window/inside doors/door jabs and clear clear coat it decent and durable enough while it's apart or should I tow it and just have them spay the inside of the cab or... buy a compressor and paint gun and spray the inside myself before I put it back together?
I'm going for a clean weekend hotrod, if it was going to be show car I already know the answer.
Just wondering what others have done.
Last edited by whatnow123; 01-04-2007 at 01:56 PM.